scroll on action panel
integrated software center: application app --> one click uninstall --> click run
search on type: dash/hud like location bar
- application
- file search
- recent history
- most used
- inside current directory
hide next/prev if not available
hide up if in /home/leo or /root
try async.sortBy for FileSorter.js
try async.some for filtering
second section for hidden files under non-hidden files
fix reflow issues when resizing
- location bar --> abs pos + overflow
- files flickering --> abs pos + overflow
- make content (scroll pane) span entire width --> avoid js resizing and put sidebar as overlay on top with content padding left
- location bar / button container --> table cell display for dynamic resizing
watch file system changes
fix race condition for addbookmarks/opendir --> addbookmarks callback --> markbookmark
double check select implementation --> live select file items on selection overlay move --> to know better what your are selecting --> fix scrollable selection
add directory/history memory --> view --> scrollbar position --> last selected item (for better keyboard navigation)
fix row/tile view --> nde-file add row view --> add UI view button to toggle between row/tile view --> find efficiant way for switching view ( css class instead of looping through fileElement and setting attribute - might require shadow: selector from top level)
fix slow loading of big directories (e.g. /home/leo/p)
faster mimeType implemenation --> cache --> extension based mimeType detection (node mime module)
add selection actions --> delete multiple files
release selection action (click on empty space)
add copy/paste support
open with support
dir menu (paste / open in terminal)
grouped view ( regular / hidden group )
undo/redo ceate/delete files/folder
uninstall apps via application view --> pacman -Qo $(which /usr/bin/firefox) // query package name via executable / desktop file name is usually the same as the name of the executable. Also check TryExec for executable path --> pacman -Qo /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop // query package via .desktop file
execute .desktop files: --> 1) http://askubuntu.com/questions/5172/running-a-desktop-file-in-the-terminal --> ISSUES! --> check comments --> find solution via .destkop spec / gtk implementation --> 2) http://askubuntu.com/questions/471282/is-it-possible-to-execute-a-desktop-file-from-a-quicklist --> gtk-launch
implement File types
- File
- DesktopFile
- Directory
- SymLink
remove bookmark type --> only on front-end: nde-bookmark (instead of backend bookmark file) --> add different renderer
better mime lookup: find single process solution for mimedb command --> see 'file.js' 'getMimeType' function --> glib mime-server solution: --> https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/gio-GContentType.html#g-content-type-get-mime-type --> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1629172/how-do-you-get-the-icon-mime-type-and-application-associated-with-a-file-in-th/2170880#2170880 --> possible directly combineable with icon-server to lower used resources ...but might block more... maybe better in separate server process. Also e.g. for sorting we might not need an icon but only the mimetype.
desktop file open error handling
make action sidebar scrollable
back-button on left side of files window
read NoDisplay to determin if App is hidden or not.
distribute files on entire width --> on resize calculate available columns. If extra space --> adjust margins --> looks nicer if no big space on right edge at action bar
implement recent:// spec
implement trash:// spec
drap/drop files support
fuse mount archives
fuse mount torrents?
mime-type determination: file --mime-type FILE_NAME file -i FILE_NAME
mimetype related implementations in: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/shared-mime-info-spec/ --> under 'Current implementors'
check gvfs and gio methods --> https://developer.gnome.org/gnome-vfs/2.24/gnome-vfs-2.0-gnome-vfs-mime-database.html
fix keyboard navigation --> [x] for circular current selection --> [ ] scroll into view
fix styles
- hover + current
- selected + current
- hover + selected + current --> hover: brighteness filter --> normal: grey --> current: blue --> selected: red --> current + selected: purple (mix red+blue)
fix bookmark implementation --> issue with makeCurrent
fix makeCurrent --> single point of entry
fix breakcrumbs --> way to access home/root and applications:// from location input --> buggy/conflicting key bindings --> cleaner attribute based api --> set user-home path --> set home icon --> set root icon --> green protocol badge
add nde command input --> with terminal icon as protocol