Invariant failure in mongod
during query planning.
cd mongo
git checkout 6966674b8ea1367f71ca47e68db8ad424aefd949
python2 buildscripts/ \
-j$(nproc) \
--disable-warnings-as-errors \
mongo mongod mongos
git checkout visemet/mongodb-rr-experiment
git am ../bf-9864/patches/0001-Remove-enableMajorityReadConcern-option-from-mongod.patch
git checkout 6966674b8ea1367f71ca47e68db8ad424aefd949 -- jstests/sharding/recovering_slaveok.js
git commit -m 'Use version of test from failing commit.'
rm -rf ~/.local/share/rr/*
python2 buildscripts/ \
-j$(( $(nproc) / 3 )) \
--repeatTests=1000 \
--continueOnFailure \
--log=file \
--reportFile=report.json \
--rr=chaos \
--suite=sharding_auth \
The 1000 runs were interrupted due to the machine's 200GB disk becoming full after running for approximately 40 hours.
0 / 687 when using
$ du -hs ~/.local/share/rr 126G /home/ubuntu/.local/share/rr
Didn't attempt with
Didn't attempt with