v0.14.0 - 2020-09-12
- Add ability to declare alias target inside definition
- Add #respond_to_missing? to DSL to check if a given method is supported
- Add current state attribute to StateMachine#inspect
v0.13.0 - 2020-05-13
- Add sync as a dependency
- Add metadata to gemspec
- Change StateMachine#final_state to #terminal_states by Brad Gessler(@bradgessler)
- Change to remove artefacts like tests & tasks from gemspec
- Fix Ruby 2.7 keyword arguments warnings
- Fix MessageQueue deadlock by Pavel Rosický(@ahorek)
v0.12.1 - 2019-07-12
- Change to relax dev dependencies versions
- Fix FiniteMachine.new to stop coercing object target that responds to to_hash into options
v0.12.0 - 2018-11-11
- Add concurrent-ruby as dependency
- Add FiniteMachine#new for declaring state machines
- Add Observer#cancel_event for cancelling event transitions in callbacks, instead of using callback return value
- Add Const for declaring unique machine constants
- Add :auto_methods configuration option for disabling automatic conversion of event names into methods
- Change gemspec to require Ruby >= 2.0
- Change FiniteMachine#define to create machine class instances
- Change EventsChain to EventsMap and use Concurrent::Map for holding event transitions
- Change Hooks to use Concurrent::Map for storing callbacks
- Change MessageQueue to use mutex to synchronize access
- Change StateParser to remove internal state and use class methods instead
- Change Observer to create callbacks queue on demand
- Change :any key to be a unique constant ANY_EVENT and ANY_STATE
- Change #event_names to #events for retrieving all events
- Remove thread synchronization from AsyncCall, TransitinEvent, HookEvent, DSL, Hooks, TransitionBuilder, ChoiceMerger objects
- Remove #async call from StateMachine
- Remove #target, #alias_target, #callbacks, #events and #handlers calls from DSL
- Fix StateParser to raise error without nil
- Fix to rollback to current state when an error occurs
v0.11.3 - 2016-03-04
- Add performance tests & memory usage benchmarks
- Change EventQueue to MessageQueue for handling generic asynchronous messages
- Split async behaviour to use CallbackQueue for observed callbacks and EventQueue for async event triggers.
- Change AsyncProxy and Observer to lazy load message queue
- Fix memory leak - issue #42 with help from @craiglittle
v0.11.2 - 2015-12-30
- Add infering of state or event name based off hook type
- Remove ThreadContext for global queue synchronization
- Change EventQueue to use Threadable module to sync access
- Fix bug with two state machines locking up on callback events due to race condition with help from @domokos
v0.11.1 - 2015-12-17
- Fix cancelling callbacks for halted transition by craiglittle
v0.11.0 - 2015-10-11
- Add UndefinedTransition to mark self transition(e.i. no transition found)
- Add StateDefinition for state query methods
- Add #trigger and #trigger! to StateMachine to allow manual firing of events and split between dangerous and non-dangerous versions of api.
- Change ThreadContext to require per thread setup
- Change Transition to stop relying on global transitions
- Change EventChain to manage all internal transitions
- Change Subscribers to remove unnecessary parameter dependency
- Change StateMachine public interface to clarify available methods
- Change HookEvent to accept event name and from state
- Remove Event class as duplicate of Transition
- Remove unnecessary checks for StateMachine#can?
- Fix bug in Transition with current transition matching
- Fix bug in Observer with cancelling inside event callback
v0.10.2 - 2015-07-05
- Change StateParser #parse method
- Change EventBuilder to EventDefinition and invert dependencies
- Change Event#call to #trigger
- Change Transition#call to #execute
- Fix to run 'on_after' callbacks even when event cancalled by @craiglittle
- Fix to cancel transition when no matching choice is found by @craiglittle
v0.10.1 - 2015-05-24
- Add ability to inherit state machine definitions
- Add Env class for holiding machine envionment references
- Change DSL to delegate calls to machine instance
- Change ChoiceMerger to use machine directly
v0.10.0 - 2014-11-16
- Add #alias_target to allow renaming of target object by @reggieb
- Add :log_transitions option for easy transition debugging
- Change TransitionEvent, AsyncCall to be immutable
- Increase test coverage to 99%
- Fix issue with async calls passing wrong arguments to conditionals
v0.9.2 - 2014-09-27
- Removes use of class variable to share Sync by @reggieb
- Fix observer to differentiate between any state and any event
- [#23] Fix transition to correctly set :from and :to parameters for :any state
- [#25] Fix passing parameters to choice events with same named events
- Fix choice pseudostate to work with :any state
v0.9.1 - 2014-08-10
- Add TransitionBuilder to internally build transitions from states
- Add #current? to Transition to determine if matches from state
- Add #select_choice_transition to EventsChain to determine matching choice transition
- Fix #choice to allow for multiple from states
- Fix #choice to work with same named events
v0.9.0 2014-08-03
- Add Definition class to allow to define standalone state machine
- Add #build method to HookEvent
- Change initial helper to simply state name with options
- Change HookEvent to be immutable and extend comparison
- Change Event to be immutable and extend comparison
- Change finished? to terminated? and allow for multiple terminal states
- Change to require explicit context to call target methods
- Upgrade RSpec dependency and refactor specs
v0.8.1 - 2014-07-05
- Add EventsChain to handle internal events logic
- Add EventBuilder to handle events construction
v0.8.0 - 2014-06-22
- Add silent option for state machine events to allow turning on/off selectively callbacks
- Ensure that can? & cannot? take into account conditionl logic applied to transitions
- Add restore! method to allow to set the state directly without callbacks
- Add ability to do dynamic conditional branching using the choice DSL or grouped events with different outgoing transitions [solves #13 and #6 issue]
v0.7.1 - 2014-06-08
- Change to relax callback name checks to allow for duplicate state and event names
- Change so that transition to initial state triggers callbacks
v0.7.0 - 2014-05-26
- Add Event to hold the logic for event specification
- Add string inspection to hooks
- Add check for callback name conflicts
- Change Event to EventHook for callback events
- Change to allow for self-transition - fixes issue #9
- Change to detect attempt to overwrite already defined method - fixes issue #10
- Change to separate state and event callbacks. Introduced on_enter, on_before, once_on_enter, once_on_before new event callbacks.
- Change generic callbacks to default to any state for on_enter, on_transition, on_exit and any event for on_before and on_after
- Change to ensure proper callback lifecycle
- Fix issue #8 to preserve conditionals between event specifications
- Fix #respond_to on state machine to include observer
- Fix observer missing methods resolution
v0.6.1 - 2014-05-10
- Fix stdlib requirement
v0.6.0 - 2014-05-10
- Add StateParser to allow for grouping transition under same event name
- Add abilility to correctly extract :to state for Transition instance
- Change Transition to store a map of transition for a given event
- Fix bug #6 with incorrect TransitionEvent payload information
v0.5.0 - 2014-04-28
- Add generic Listener interface
- Add ability to fire callbacks asynchronously
- Add initial state storage
- Change to allow for machine to be constructed as plain object
- Allow for :initial, :terminal and :target to be machine parameters
- Change EventQueue to allow for subscription
- Increase test coverage to 98%
- Change to allow access to target inside machine dsl
v0.4.0 - 2014-04-13
- Add logger
- Add ability to cancel transitions inside callbacks
- Add ability to force transitions
- Change initial state to stop firing event notification
- Increase test coverage to 97%
- Fix initial to accept any state object
- Fix proc conditions to accept aditional arguments
v0.3.0 - 2014-03-30
- Add ability to specify callbacks on machine instance
- Add once_on type of callback
- Add off method for removing callbacks
- Add async method to state_machine for asynchronous events firing
- Add state helpers fsm.green? to allow easily check current state
- Change attr_threadsafe to accept default values
- Move development dependencies to Gemfile
- Increase test coverage to 95%
- Fix bug with event methods dynamic redefinition
- Fix observer respond_to
- Fix Callable to correctly forward arguments
v0.2.0 - 2014-03-01
- Add generic state and event listeners
- Add target to allow integration with external objects, and allow easy method lookup through callback context
- Add ability to specify custom handlers for error conditions
- Add methods synchronization for thread safety
- Add ability to define custom initial event
- Add hooks class for callbacks registration
- Change to ensure correct transition object state
- Extend threadable accessors
- Fix bug - callback event object returns correct from state
- Initial release