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A collection of end-to-end tests for the VIVO application; written in Ruby, running under RSpec, supported by Selenium/WebDriver, driving a headless Chrome browser, with VIVO deployed in an instance of JettyRunner.

How the tests operate

This is what happens:

  • You set environment variables, specifying:

    • The location of the VIVO application being tested.
    • An output directory for the tests.
  • You tell the test framework to run a group of tests.

  • The test framework clears the output directory.

  • For each test, the framework

    • Assembles a clean execution context for VIVO
    • Starts the VIVO application
    • Issues commands to the Chrome browser, interacting with VIVO
    • Verifies the results in the browser.
    • Stops the VIVO application.
  • The framework captures diagnostic information for each test that fails, including:

    • A screen shot of the browser page at the time of the failure.
    • A copy of the HTML in the browser at the time of the failure.
    • Copies of the log files at the time of the failure (TO DO)
  • The framework exits with a code of 0 if all tests were successful, or 1 if any tests failed.


Your system must include these components, in order to run the tests.


Your system must include a Ruby language environment. This project was developed using Ruby 2.5.

Installing Ruby.


Your Ruby environment must include the RSpec gem. This project was developed using RSpec 3.8.

You should be able to install RSpec by typing gem install rspec.


Your Ruby environment must include the Selenium/WebDriver gem. This project was developed using Selenium/WebDriver 3.141.

You should be able to install Selenium/WebDriver by typing gem install selenium-webdriver.


Your system must include the Chrome browser. This project was developed using Google Chrome Version 72 (64-bit).

Installing the Chrome browser.


Your system must include ChromeDriver, the interface between WebDriver and the Chrome browser.

This project was developed using ChromeDriver 2.46.

On an Ubuntu system, you can install ChromeDriver using this command: sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver

Documentation for ChromeDriver.

Installing ChromeDriver on MacOS


These instructions are based on the standard VIVO installation instructions. They are simpler, because the test harness makes many of the steps unnecessary.

Download the repositories

  • Create an empty directory to use for the installation.

  • In that directory, download the VIVO and Vitro repositories. To test the master branch, use these commands:

     $ git clone
     $ git clone

    To test release 1.10, use these commands instead:

     $ git clone Vitro -b rel-1.10-maint
     $ git clone VIVO -b rel-1.10-maint

Create a settings file

Make a copy of the installer/example-settings.xml file in your VIVO workspace, (just created by the git clone command) and edit the settings. For the test framework, these settings should be:

  • app-name -- Must be set to vivo
  • vivo-dir -- Not important. The test framework will create its own home directory.
  • tomcat-dir -- Not important. the test framework will not use Tomcat.

Even though they aren't used, you should set vivo-dir and tomcat-dir to reasonable directory paths. They will not be used by the mvn package command (see below), but what if you type mvn install through force of habit?

Run a partial installation

From within your VIVO workspace, issue the maven "package" command:

mvn package -s [your settings file]

For example:

mvn package -s ../install_settings.xml

Running the tests

The direct way

  • Go to the rubytests folder of this project workspace.
  • Set environment variables that specify the location of the VIVO workspace (created by git clone), and the location of your output directory.
    • You must create the output directory, and it will be emptied at the beginning of each run.
    • Relative paths in the environment variables, if used, will be relative to your current working directory when you run the tests.
  • Issue the rspec command.
    • rspec will run all of the tests.
    • rspec spec/curated_tests/ will run only the tests in that folder.
    • rspec spec/converted/CreatePeople/Create_People_spec.rb will run only that test.

In the rubytests directory, issue commands like this:

export VIVOTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=[your output directory]
export VIVOTEST_VIVO_PROJECT=[your VIVO distribution workspace]
rspec spec/curated_tests

For example:

export VIVOTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=/Users/jeb228/Development/VIVO/AcceptanceTests/output/
export VIVOTEST_VIVO_PROJECT=/Users/jeb228/Development/VIVO/Projects/VIVO/
rspec spec/curated_tests

The indirect way

  • Create a settings file for the tests.
    • In the settings file, specify the VIVO workspace and the output directory.
    • Relative paths in the settings file will be relative to the file itself.
  • Go to the rubytests folder of this project workspace.
  • Point to the settings file while issueing the rspec command

You could create a file ~/example_settings something like this:

# Settings for a typical run
VIVOTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=[your output directory]
VIVOTEST_VIVO_PROJECT=[your VIVO distribution workspace]

For example:

# Settings for a typical run

Note again that the paths in the settings file can be relative paths, in which case they are relative to the settings file itself.

Then you could use these commands:

export VIVOTEST_SETTINGS=~/example_settings 
rspec spec/curated_tests

Or this command:

VIVOTEST_SETTINGS=~/example_settings rspec spec/curated_tests

Either of these would have the same effect as the direct way.

The structure of this project

This project consists of these top-level folders:

  • conversion -- The original VIVO Selenium tests, and some programs used to convert them to the new framework.
    • Some of the original tests have been modified by hand, to make the conversion easier.
  • docs -- More notes about how this project was developed, and how it works.
  • rubytests -- The new test framework and the new tests. Within this, we have
    • spec/artisanal_tests -- Some simple tests that were created as "proof of concept", and perhaps as illustrations of best practices. Not useful otherwise.
    • spec/converted -- Tests that were converted from the original form. For one reason or another, these do not pass. As they are fixed, they should be moved to spec\curated_tests.
    • spec/curated_tests -- Tests that were converted from the original form and then modified as needed. These should all pass.
  • transience -- Some experiments at creating "stub" versions of the Solr index and the triple stores.
    • These are intended to be plug-compatible with the components used by VIVO, but to store their data only in memory. Hence, "transient".
    • If these were successful, we would expect that the tests would run much more quickly. So far, however, these experiments have not brought success.

More information

Project docs

Unfinished project docs

Still more information


This project was initially developed by the staff of the Cornell University Libraries.