The idea behind this repository is to use Vargrant, Oracle VirtualBox and Ansible to provision a simple Linux server, build a web service based on nginx and serve out a simple web page.
NOTE: The code will run on Linux or MacOS machines. But will not work on Windows machines as there is no native 'sshd' support on Windows.
Download and install the correct versions of following software : 1a. VirtualBox
1b. Vagrant
Download this git repository to your computer and unzip it
cd to the directory where the unziped file are
Run "vagrant up"
Following message indicates the Web server has been built and in service
TASK [start the container] *****************************************************
NOTE: See "screen-capture-of-the-run.txt" for full output of the command
Open a browser and enter : http://localhost:8080/
Following message must appear on the browser window:
Hello World !!!
Interactive login to the docker
ssh -l vagrant -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key
Cleanup :
Press Ctrl/C on the terminal window where "vagrant up" was run
Tidy up Vagrant enviornment
$ vagrant global-status // look for the id of the virtual box.
$ vagrant destroy d21c245 // destroy the virtualbox
default: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'default' VM? [y/N] y
==> default: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> default: Destroying VM and associated drives...
Local computer ip =
Guest OS ip =
This is specified in Vagrantfile
defined "private_network", ip: ""
Port 80 in the docker is mapped to port 8080 on local computer
Confirm "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
debian/jessie64 is used as the guest host
Checking of the Debian version is omitted for simplicity
For MacOS users: I encountered the following bugs and used a workaround. Your mileage may vary.
docker_image, docker_container and docker modules fails with: "Failed to import docker-py - No module named requests.exceptions. Try
pip install docker-py
"}See: ansible/ansible-modules-core#4246 time spent on researching this
So, I am using the ansible 'command' module as an alternative.