Video output is adapted for a 5" TFT-LCD module 800x480 Type SH500Q01Z (Ilitek ILI6122)
Sipeed sells a 5 inch LCD for the Tang Nano 20k. This LCD has a resultion of 800x480 pixels and attaches directly to the Tang Nano 20k without using the HDMI connector. This is supported by all cores. The Tang 20k, 60k and 138k Pro additionally comes with a built-in I2S DAC and audio amplifier which comes in handy in this setup to add sound output.
TN20k, TP20k and TN9k: No Dualshock, no D9 retro Joystick, no external RS232 support
Pinmap TN20k Interfaces LCD Output M0S Dock, LCD, Speaker
TN9k lack Audio support therefore external Filter and Amplifier needed.
low pass filter for Audio Amplifier
Tang Nano 5V connected to Audio Amplifier supply. Filter Vout connected to input of Amplifier module e.g. Mini PAM8403