diff --git a/B2STools/B2SRandom.cmd b/B2STools/B2SRandom.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d1e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/B2STools/B2SRandom.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+@echo off
+REM ___ ___ ___
+REM | _ )_ ) __|
+REM | _ \/ /\__ \
+REM |___/___|___/ Random
+REM This script can be used to randomize different backglasses before starting Visual Pinball
+REM To activate it, add the following line in the Popper Launch script
+REM CALL C:\vPinball\B2SServer\B2STools\B2SRandom.cmd "[GAMEFULLNAME]"
+REM If you start a table "table.vpx" in the folder "D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\" it will try to find
+REM D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-#.directb2s where # is a random number.
+REM If it is found, the file D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-#.directb2s is copied over D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.directb2s
+REM Extract path + name without extension
+set b2sfullname=%~dpn1
+REM Uncomment following line to log how this script was called.
+REM echo %0 %* >> %0.log
+REM Count the amount of b2sfullname-?.directb2s alt directb2s files there is.
+for /F %%i in ('dir /A:-D /B "%b2sfullname%-?.directb2s" 2^>nul ^| find /c /v ""') do set COUNT=%%i
+REM Step out if there is no alt directb2s files available
+if %COUNT% == 0 goto :EOF
+REM Generate random number between 1 and the %COUNT%
+set /a num=%random% %%%COUNT% + 1
+if not exist "%b2sfullname%-%num%.directb2s" goto :EOF
+copy /Y "%b2sfullname%-%num%.directb2s" "%b2sfullname%.directb2s"
diff --git a/B2STools/B2STools.txt b/B2STools/B2STools.txt
index 23ad2b0..e045c09 100644
--- a/B2STools/B2STools.txt
+++ b/B2STools/B2STools.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
| _ \/ /\__ \ | |/ _ \/ _ \ (_-<
|___/___|___/ |_|\___/\___/_/__/
+- directb2sReelSoundsONOFF.cmd
Older pinball machines used reels to display scores on the screen. B2S Server has built-in sounds for the reel movements. Some table authors do not like these sounds and want to control them from the table instead.
@@ -11,4 +12,16 @@ What it technically does is add some "Sound1-6" attributes to the Score tags in
-This will tell the B2S Server to keep quiet for these reels.
\ No newline at end of file
+This will tell the B2S Server to keep quiet for these reels.
+- B2SRandom.cmd
+B2SRandom can be used to randomize different backglasses before starting Visual Pinball
+To activate it, add the following line in the Popper Launch script
+CALL C:\vPinball\B2SServer\B2STools\B2SRandom.cmd "[GAMEFULLNAME]"
+If you start a table "table.vpx" in the folder "D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\" it will try to find
+D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-#.directb2s where # is a random number.
+If it is found, the file D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-#.directb2s is copied over D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.directb2s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Changelog.txt b/Changelog.txt
index 91c56ce..ff44a33 100644
--- a/Changelog.txt
+++ b/Changelog.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
+- Add B2STools/B2SRandom.cmd to randomize many Backglasses when activated in Pinup Popper or similar
+- Backglasses using overlapping partly transparent pictures get it's events merged. This is now deactivated by default.
+ Can be activated in the direct2BS file (there is NO GUI):
+- Add support for PWM modified tables, the light turn on values > 64, if it is a PWM activated table:
+ There is a new setting for VPinMame.SolMask(2) to set the output mode:
+ 0 = default
+ 1 = modulated (PWM) solenoid (exist for some years already)
+ 2 = new PWM mode (all solenoids but also lamps, and value if physic meaning, not smoothed out binary state)
+ For this new mode, we now hardcode a value 64, if the lamp intensity exceed this value, it is binary 1
+- b2s_screenresidentifier: Add Comments hidded behind the taskbar #77
- There was an issue with certain rollover lights all turning on at the same time.
Thanks to jejevpuniverse, Hauntfreaks and Cliffy we solved solved this problem.
- Small problem with B2SWindowPunch fixed (B2SInit.bat had problems)