Related to monitoring.
This basically adds endpoints:
to a spring application.
Normally just taking the dependency should suffice. It can be configured with spring properties (monitoring.*
, see MonitoringProperties
), which the most important one may be
All have defaults, or can be set via system properties (such as for example the username/password for the monitoring endpoint)
Used in spring openshift applications of VPRO and POMS
In versions prior to 5.7, there were also the following changes in web.xml:
And a manage-servlet.xml
like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<bean class="nl.vpro.monitoring.endpoints.MonitoringEndpoints"/>
It can be much simpler now, because newer servlet versions support 'web-fragment' files, which can be used to add servlets and filters without the need for a web.xml.
<!-- other fragments -->
All above stuff is arranged in vpro-shared-monitoring.jar itself.
Not that this does require the jar to be included in 'jarsToScan' of tomcat. The is ok in version >= 10.26
This will set up spring to serve out the /manage/*
endpoints. Since 5.7 it will also try to serve out /.well-known/security.txt
(which will be filled with the file /well-known/security.txt).