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chore: release 1.0.0 rc.5.2.2 (#377)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.5 (#242)

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.4 (#241)

* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* docs: fix wrong link

* docs: updated API documentation

* docs: added useStore doc

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.4

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>

* chore: removed console.log

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.5

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>

* fix(theme): update customer password regex (#250)

Co-authored-by: bartosz.herba [email protected] <[email protected]>

* refactor: fix wishlist pagination and other minor bugs (#251)

* refactor(theme): fixed wishlist icons

* refactor(api-client): fixed wishlist and reset password api

* refactor(composables): improved cart error handling

* refactor(composables): improved facet prices filter

* refactor(composables): added wishlist pagination

closes #219

* refactor(theme): added wishlist pagination

closes #219

* refactor(composables): fixed useWishlistFactory load function

* refactor(theme): fixed MyAccount.vue page

* refactor(theme): improved wishlist theme

* refactor(theme): fixed related and upsell products

* refactor(api-client): removed allow_remote_shopping_assistance

* refactor(composables): removed allow_remote_shopping_assistance

* chore(eslint): updated dependencies

- updated `eslint-plugin-promise` to `5.2.0`
- updated `eslint-config-airbnb-typescript` to `16.1.0`
- updated `eslint-plugin-unicorn` to `39.0.0`

* chore(eslint-jest): updated dependencies

- updated `eslint-plugin-jest` to `25.3.0`

* chore(eslint-jest): updated dependencies

- updated `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` to `5.5.0`
- updated `@typescript-eslint/parser` to `5.5.0`

* chore(eslint-vue): updated dependencies

- updated `eslint-plugin-vue` to `8.1.1`

* chore(api-client): updated dependencies

- updated `@apollo/client` to `3.5.5`
- updated `@vue-storefront/core` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@rollup/plugin-graphql` to `1.1.0`
- updated `typescript` to `4.5.2`

* chore(composables): updated dependencies

- updated `vue` to `2.6.14`
- updated `@vue-storefront/core` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@types/js-cookie` to `3.0.1`
- updated `@vue/test-utils` to `1.3.0`
- updated `jsdom` to `18.1.1`

* chore(theme): updated dependencies

- updated `@nuxtjs/composition-api` to `0.31.0`
- updated `@vue-storefront/core` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@vue-storefront/middleware` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@vue-storefront/nuxt` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme` to `2.5.1`
- updated `@storefront-ui/vue` to `0.11.3`
- updated `@vue/test-utils` to `1.3.0`
- updated `babel-jest` to `27.4.2`
- updated `cypress` to `9.1.0`
- updated `jest` to `27.4.3`
- updated `lint-staged` to `12.1.2`
- updated `typescript` to `4.5.2`

* chore: updated dependencies

- updated `@commitlint/cli` to `15.0.0`
- updated `@commitlint/config-conventional` to `15.0.0`
- updated `@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes` to `15.0.0`
- updated `@graphql-codegen/cli` to `2.3.0`
- updated `@graphql-codegen/typescript` to `2.4.1`
- updated `@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations` to `2.2.1`
- updated `@types/jest` to `27.0.3`
- updated `@types/node` to `16.11.11`
- updated `@typescript-eslint/parser` to `5.5.0`
- updated `@vue/eslint-config-typescript` to `9.1.0`
- updated `eslint` to `8.3.0`
- updated `jest` to `27.4.3`
- updated `lint-staged` to `12.1.2`
- updated `rollup` to `2.60.2`
- updated `rollup-plugin-typescript2` to `0.31.1`

* refactor(theme): applied lint rules

* feat: added magento configuration + multi store (#252)

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.4 (#241)

* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* docs: fix wrong link

* docs: updated API documentation

* docs: added useStore doc

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.4

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>

* chore: release 1.0.0 rc.4.5 (#244)

* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.5 (#242)

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.4 (#241)

* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @kevingorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0*…
  • Loading branch information
12 people authored Dec 27, 2021
1 parent 945f6f1 commit a5e1489
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 17 changed files with 28 additions and 798 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ on:
- main
- develop
- release/*

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/docs-deployment.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ on:
- main
- develop
- release/*

Expand Down
768 changes: 0 additions & 768 deletions .yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.1.cjs

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/api-client/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@vue-storefront/magento-api",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.1",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.2",
"sideEffects": false,
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/composables/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@vue-storefront/magento",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.1",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.2",
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"@vue-storefront/core": "~2.5.3",
"@vue-storefront/magento-api": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.1",
"@vue-storefront/magento-api": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.2",
"@vue/composition-api": "^1.4.1",
"cookie-universal": "^2.1.5",
"vue": "^2.6.14",
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions packages/composables/src/composables/useCart/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseCartFactoryParams<Cart, CartItem, Product> = {


const { data } = await context.$magento.api.createEmptyCart(params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.createEmptyCart();
Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseCartFactoryParams<Cart, CartItem, Product> = {
const getCartData = async (id: string) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento Storefront]: useCart.load.getCartData ID->', id);

const { data, errors } = await context.$magento.api.cart(id, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data, errors } = await context.$magento.api.cart(id);
Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

if (!data?.cart && errors?.length) {
Expand All @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseCartFactoryParams<Cart, CartItem, Product> = {
// Try to load cart for existing customer, clean customer token if not possible
if (customerToken) {
try {
const { data, errors } = await context.$magento.api.customerCart(params?.customQuery || {});
const { data, errors } = await context.$magento.api.customerCart();
Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data, errors });

if (!data?.customerCart && errors?.length) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/composables/src/composables/useCategory/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseCategoryFactoryParams<Category, CategoryListQueryVariabl
categorySearch: async (context: Context, params) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento]: List available categories', { params });

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.categoryList(params, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.categoryList(params);

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import { UseCountryFactoryParams, useCountrySearchFactory } from '../../factorie
import { UseCountrySearch } from '../../types/composables';

const factoryParams: UseCountryFactoryParams<Countries, Country> = {
load: async (context: Context, params): Promise<Countries[]> => {
load: async (context: Context, _params): Promise<Countries[]> => {
Logger.debug('[Magento]: Load available countries on store');

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.countries(params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.countries();

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseCountryFactoryParams<Countries, Country> = {
search: async (context: Context, params): Promise<Country> => {
Logger.debug('[Magento]: Search country information based on', { params });

const { data } = await context.$, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$;

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/composables/src/composables/useFacet/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ const factoryParams = {

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.products(productSearchParams, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.products(productSearchParams);

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseGetShippingMethodsFactory<ShippingMethod> = {
const isGuest = params.cartId;

if (isGuest) {
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.getAvailableShippingMethods({ cartId: params.cartId }, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.getAvailableShippingMethods({ cartId: params.cartId });

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseGetShippingMethodsFactory<ShippingMethod> = {
return hasAddresses ? data.cart.shipping_addresses[0].available_shipping_methods : [];

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.getAvailableCustomerShippingMethods(params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.getAvailableCustomerShippingMethods();

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ const factoryParams: UsePaymentProviderParams<any, PaymentMethodInput> = {
const { data } = await context
.setPaymentMethodOnCart(paymentMethodParams, params?.customQuery || {});

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/composables/src/composables/useShipping/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseShippingParams<any, any> = {
const { data } = await context
.setShippingAddressesOnCart(shippingAddressInput, params?.customQuery || {});

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ const factoryParams: UseShippingProviderParams<any, ShippingMethodInput> = {
cart: useCart(),
load: async (context: Context, params) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento] loadShippingProvider', { params });
load: async (context: Context, { customQuery }) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento] loadShippingProvider', { customQuery });

if (!context.cart.cart?.value?.shipping_addresses[0]?.selected_shipping_method) {
await context.cart.load({ customQuery: params?.customQuery || {} });
await context.cart.load({ customQuery });

return context
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseShippingProviderParams<any, ShippingMethodInput> = {

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.setShippingMethodsOnCart(shippingMethodParams, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.setShippingMethodsOnCart(shippingMethodParams);

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseUrlResolverFactoryParams<Route> = {
Logger.debug('[Magento] Find information based on URL', { params });
const clearUrl = params.url.replace(/\/[cp|]\//gi, '');

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.urlResolver(clearUrl, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.urlResolver(clearUrl);

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions packages/composables/src/composables/useUserBilling/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { CustomerAddress } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
import useUser from '../useUser';
import { transformUserCreateAddressInput, transformUserUpdateAddressInput } from '../../helpers/userAddressManipulator';

const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, any> = {
const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, CustomerAddress> = {
provide() {
return {
user: useUser(),
Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, any> = {
addAddress: async (context: Context, params?) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento]: add billing address', { params });

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.createCustomerAddress(transformUserCreateAddressInput(params), params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.createCustomerAddress(transformUserCreateAddressInput(params));

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, any> = {
deleteAddress: async (context: Context, params?) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento] delete billing address', { params });

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.deleteCustomerAddress(, params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.deleteCustomerAddress(;

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, any> = {
updateAddress: async (context: Context, params?) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento] update billing address', { params });

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.updateCustomerAddress(transformUserUpdateAddressInput(params), params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.updateCustomerAddress(transformUserUpdateAddressInput(params));

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const factoryParams: UseUserBillingFactoryParams<any, any> = {
setDefaultAddress: async (context: Context, params?) => {
Logger.debug('[Magento] setDefaultAddress');

const { data } = await context.$magento.api.updateCustomerAddress(transformUserUpdateAddressInput(params), params?.customQuery || {});
const { data } = await context.$magento.api.updateCustomerAddress(transformUserUpdateAddressInput(params));

Logger.debug('[Result]:', { data });

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/theme/composables/useMagentoConfiguration.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type UseMagentoConfiguration = () => {
selectedStore: ComputedRef<string | undefined>;
loadConfiguration: (params: { updateCookies: boolean; updateLocale: boolean; }) => Promise<void>;
// @ts-ignore
export const useMagentoConfiguration: UseMagentoConfiguration = () => {
const { app } = useContext();
const {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/theme/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@vue-storefront/magento-theme",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.1",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.2",
"private": true,
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"@nuxtjs/style-resources": "^1.2.1",
"@storefront-ui/vue": "^0.11.5",
"@vue-storefront/core": "~2.5.3",
"@vue-storefront/magento": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.1",
"@vue-storefront/magento": "1.0.0-rc.5.2.2",
"@vue-storefront/middleware": "~2.5.3",
"@vue-storefront/nuxt": "~2.5.3",
"@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme": "~2.5.3",
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