+ `id` member
+ The [=manifest's=] id
member is a string that
+ represents the id for the application. It is used by user
+ agents and third party entities to uniquely identify the application
+ globally.
+ To process the `id` member, given [=object=]
+ |json:JSON|, [=ordered map=] |manifest:ordered map|, and [=URL=]
+ |document URL:URL|:
+ - If the type of |json|["id"] is not [=string=], return.
+ - If |json|["start_url"] is the empty string, return.
+ - Let |id:URL| be the result of [=URL Parser|parsing=]
+ |json|["id"], using the origin of document URL as the base URL.
+ - If |id| is failure, return.
+ - If |id| is not same origin as document
+ URL, return.
+ - Otherwise, set |manifest|["id"] to |start URL|.