1 | 1 | "ID","Status","Comment","Assertion"
2 | 2 | "arch-td-metadata","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","In W3C WoT, the description metadata for a Thing instance MUST be available as a WoT Thing Description (TD) [[?WOT-THING-DESCRIPTION]]."
3 |
| -"arch-td-consumers-process","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Consumers MUST be able to parse and process the TD representation format, which is based on JSON [[!RFC8259]]." |
4 | 3 | "arch-other-thing-representations","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","There MAY be other representations of a Thing such as an HTML-based user interface, simply an image of the physical entity, or even non-Web representations in closed systems."
5 | 4 | "arch-td-mandatory","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","To be considered a Thing, however, at least one TD representation MUST be available."
6 | 5 | "arch-td-linking","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","WoT Thing Descriptions MAY link to other Things and other resources on the Web to form a Web of Things."
7 | 6 | "arch-id-correlation","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","An identifier in the WoT Thing Description MUST allow for the correlation of multiple TDs representing the same original Thing or ultimately unique physical entity."
8 |
| -"arch-thing-bundling","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Things MAY be bundled together with a Consumer to enable Thing-to-Thing interaction." |
9 |
| -"arch-consumer-configuration","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","The configuration of the Consumer behavior MAY be exposed through the Thing." |
10 | 7 | "arch-affordances","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","In addition to navigation affordances (i.e., Web links), Things MAY offer three other types of Interaction Affordances defined by this specification: Properties, Actions, and Events."
11 |
| -"arch-property-readable","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","The state exposed by a Property MUST be retrievable (readable)." |
12 |
| -"arch-property-writable","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Optionally, the state exposed by a Property MAY be updated (writeable)." |
13 |
| -"arch-property-observable","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Things MAY choose to make Properties observable by pushing the new state after a change (cf. Observing Resources [[?RFC7641]])." |
14 | 8 | "arch-property-dataschema","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","If the data is not fully specified by the Protocol Binding used (e.g., through a media type), Properties MAY contain one data schema for the exposed state."
15 | 9 | "arch-action-functions","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","An Action MAY manipulate state that is not directly exposed (cf. Properties), manipulate multiple Properties at a time, or manipulate Properties based on internal logic (e.g., toggle)."
16 | 10 | "arch-action-process","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Invoking an Action MAY also trigger a process on the Thing that manipulates state (including physical state through actuators) over time."
22 | 16 | "arch-form-iris","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Form contexts and submission targets MUST both be Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) [[!RFC3987]]."
23 | 17 | "arch-form-iris2","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Form context and submission target MAY point to the same resource or different resources, where the submission target resource implements the operation for the context."
24 | 18 | "arch-op-wellknown","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Well-known operation types MUST follow the ABNF LOALPHA *( LOALPHA / DIGIT / ""."" / ""-"" )."
25 |
| -"arch-op-wellknown-compare","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Well-known operation types MUST be compared using a case-insensitive comparison." |
26 |
| -"arch-op-extension","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","The set of predefined operation types MAY be augmented by Extension operation types chosen by applications." |
27 | 19 | "arch-op-extension-uri","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Extension operation types MUST be URIs [[!RFC3986]] that uniquely identify the type."
28 | 20 | "arch-op-extension-comparison","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Extension operation types MUST be compared as strings using a case-insensitive comparison."
29 | 21 | "arch-op-extension-lowercase","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Nevertheless, all-lowercase URIs SHOULD be used for extension operation types."
32 | 24 | "arch-op-form-fields-protocol","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Form fields MAY depend on the protocol used for the submission target as specified in the URI scheme."
33 | 25 | "arch-hypermedia","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Interaction Affordances MUST include one or more Protocol Bindings."
34 | 26 | "arch-hypermedia-protocol-binding","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Protocol Bindings MUST be serialized as hypermedia controls to be self-descriptive on how to activate the Interaction Affordance."
35 |
| -"arch-hypermedia-origin","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","The hypermedia controls MUST originate from the authority managing the Thing that is providing the corresponding Interaction Affordance." |
36 | 27 | "arch-hypermedia-caching","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","The hypermedia controls MAY be cached outside the Thing and used for offline processing if caching metadata is available to determine the freshness."
37 |
| -"arch-uri-scheme","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Eligible protocols for W3C WoT MUST have an associated URI scheme [[!RFC3986]] that is registered with IANA (see [[?IANA-URI-SCHEMES]])." |
38 |
| -"arch-methods","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Eligible protocols for W3C WoT MUST be based on a standard set of methods that are known a priori." |
39 | 28 | "arch-media-type","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","All data (a.k.a. content) exchanged when activating Interaction Affordances MUST be identified by a media type [[!RFC2046]] in the Protocol Binding."
40 | 29 | "arch-media-type-extra","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Protocol Bindings MAY have additional information that specifies representation formats in more detail than the media type alone."
41 | 30 | "arch-schema","null","not testable with Assertion Tester","Thus, the corresponding Interaction Affordances SHOULD declare a data schema to provide more detailed syntactic metadata for the data exchanged."
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