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Logos Web apps

No due date 0% complete

Develop Web applications for Logos, using the Logos technology stack:

  • Qaku (Q&A over Waku): harden Waku to MVP level, so it can be used for IFT Town Halls, and Logos physical events
  • Logos Operators Forum: Build a web forum PoC over Waku to serve as a basis for a decentralized Logos forum (…

Develop Web applications for Logos, using the Logos technology stack:

  • Qaku (Q&A over Waku): harden Waku to MVP level, so it can be used for IFT Town Halls, and Logos physical events
  • Logos Operators Forum: Build a web forum PoC over Waku to serve as a basis for a decentralized Logos forum (opchan).

As well as leveraging Qaku to explore Codex x Waku integration.

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