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NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors profiling analysis.

NaveGo is an open-source framework for processing INS/GPS sensors that is freely available online. It is developed under MATLAB/GNU Octave due to this programming language has become a de facto standard for simulation and mathematical computing. NaveGo has been verified by processing real-world data from a real trajectory and contrasting results with a commercial, closed-source software package. Difference between both solutions have shown to be negligible.

NaveGo is supported at the moment by three academic research groups: GridTics at the National University of Technology (Argentina), ITIC at the National University of Cuyo (Argentina), and DIATI at the Politecnico di Torino (Italy).


Main features of NaveGo are:

  • Processing of an inertial navigation system (INS).

  • Processing of a loosely-coupled integrated navigation system (INS/GPS).

  • Implementation of the Allan variance procedure to characterize inertial sensors' typical errors.

  • Simulation of inertial sensors and GPS (in a very early stage).

How to cite this work

Rodrigo Gonzalez, Carlos Catania, and Paolo Dabove (2016). NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors profiling analysis. URL:


We are looking for contributors for NaveGo! Since integrated navigation is a topic used in several fields (Geomatics, Geology, Mobile Mapping, Autonomous Driving, even Veterinary) we hope other communities than the navigation community compromise and contribute with this open-source project.

You can contribute in many ways:

  • Writing code.
  • Writing a manual.
  • Reporting bugs.
  • Suggesting new features.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact Dr. Rodrigo Gonzalez at rodralez [at] frm [dot] utn [dot] edu [dot] ar.


The underlying mathematical model of NaveGo is based on two articles which are recommended for reading:

  • R. Gonzalez, J.I. Giribet, and H.D. Patiño. NaveGo: a simulation framework for low-cost integrated navigation systems, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, vol. 17, issue 2, pp. 110-120, 2015. Link.

  • R. Gonzalez, J.I. Giribet, and H.D. Patiño. An approach to benchmarking of loosely coupled low-cost navigation systems. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 272-287, 2015. Link.


We would like to thank to many people that have contribute to make NaveGo a better tool:

  • Dr. Juan Ignacio Giribet (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina) for this continuous support on theory aspects of INS/GPS systems.

  • Dr. Charles K. Toth (The Ohio State University, USA), Dr. Allison Kealy, and M.Sc. Azmir Hasnur-Rabiain (both from The University of Melbourne, Australia) for generously sharing IMU and GPS datasets, and in particular, for Azmir's unselfish help.

  • Prof. Zhu, Dr. Yang, and Mr. Bo Sun, all from the Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, for contributing with IMU static measurements to test Allan variance routines.

  • Dr. Paolo Dabove and Dr. Marco Piras (both from DIATI, Politecnico di Torino, Italy) for helping to debug NaveGo and suggesting new features.


Allan variance example

Just execute the file navego_allan_example.m. It process 2-hours of static measurements from an Sensonor STIM300 IMU.

INS/GPS example

The file navego_example.m tries to demonstrate the use of NaveGo. It compares the performances of two simulated IMUs, ADIS16405 IMU and ADIS16488 IMU, both integrated with a simulated GPS.

Next, a description of this file.

Reset section

close all

fprintf('\nStarting simulation ... \n')

Code execution parameters

% Comment any of the following parameters in order to NOT execute a particular portion of code

GPS_DATA  = 'ON';   % Simulate GPS data
IMU1_DATA = 'ON';   % Simulate ADIS16405 IMU data
IMU2_DATA = 'ON';   % Simulate ADIS16488 IMU data

IMU1_INS  = 'ON';   % Execute INS/GPS integration for ADIS16405 IMU
IMU2_INS  = 'ON';   % Execute INS/GPS integration for ADIS16488 IMU

PLOT      = 'ON';   % Plot results.

% If a particular parameter is commented above, it is set by default to 'OFF'.

if (~exist('GPS_DATA','var')),  GPS_DATA  = 'OFF'; end
if (~exist('IMU1_DATA','var')), IMU1_DATA = 'OFF'; end
if (~exist('IMU2_DATA','var')), IMU2_DATA = 'OFF'; end
if (~exist('IMU1_INS','var')),  IMU1_INS = 'OFF'; end
if (~exist('IMU2_INS','var')),  IMU2_INS = 'OFF'; end
if (~exist('PLOT','var')),      PLOT = 'OFF'; end

Conversion constants

G = 9.81;           % Gravity constant, m/s^2
G2MSS = G;          % g to m/s^2
MSS2G = (1/G);      % m/s^2 to g

D2R = (pi/180);     % degrees to radians
R2D = (180/pi);     % radians to degrees

KT2MS = 0.514444;   % knot to m/s
MS2KMH = 3.6;       % m/s to km/h

Load reference data

fprintf('Loading reference dataset from a trajectory generator... \n')

load ref.mat

% ref.mat contains the reference data structure from which inertial 
% sensors and GPS wil be simulated. It must contain the following fields:

%         t: Nx1 time vector (seconds).
%       lat: Nx1 latitude (radians).
%       lon: Nx1 longitude (radians).
%         h: Nx1 altitude (m).
%       vel: Nx3 NED velocities (m/s).
%      roll: Nx1 roll angles (radians).
%     pitch: Nx1 pitch angles (radians).
%       yaw: Nx1 yaw angle vector (radians).
%        kn: 1x1 number of elements of time vector.
%     DCMnb: Nx9 Direct Cosine Matrix nav-to-body. Each row contains 
%            the elements of one matrix ordered by columns as 
%            [a11 a21 a31 a12 a22 a32 a13 a23 a33].
%      freq: sampling frequency (Hz).

ADIS16405 IMU error profile

% IMU data structure:
%         t: Ix1 time vector (seconds).
%        fb: Ix3 accelerations vector in body frame XYZ (m/s^2).
%        wb: Ix3 turn rates vector in body frame XYZ (radians/s).
%       arw: 1x3 angle random walks (rad/s/root-Hz).
%       vrw: 1x3 angle velocity walks (m/s^2/root-Hz).
%      gstd: 1x3 gyros standard deviations (radians/s).
%      astd: 1x3 accrs standard deviations (m/s^2).
%    gb_fix: 1x3 gyros static biases or turn-on biases (radians/s).
%    ab_fix: 1x3 accrs static biases or turn-on biases (m/s^2).
%  gb_drift: 1x3 gyros dynamic biases or bias instabilities (radians/s).
%  ab_drift: 1x3 accrs dynamic biases or bias instabilities (m/s^2).
%   gb_corr: 1x3 gyros correlation times (seconds).
%   ab_corr: 1x3 accrs correlation times (seconds).
%     gpsd : 1x3 gyros dynamic biases PSD (rad/s/root-Hz).
%     apsd : 1x3 accrs dynamic biases PSD (m/s^2/root-Hz);
%      freq: 1x1 sampling frequency (Hz).
% ini_align: 1x3 initial attitude at t(1).
% ini_align_err: 1x3 initial attitude errors at t(1).

% ref dataset will be used to simulate IMU sensors.

ADIS16405.arw      = 2   .* ones(1,3);     % Angle random walks [X Y Z] (deg/root-hour)
ADIS16405.vrw      = 0.2 .* ones(1,3);     % Velocity random walks [X Y Z] (m/s/root-hour)
ADIS16405.gb_fix   = 3   .* ones(1,3);     % Gyro static biases [X Y Z] (deg/s)
ADIS16405.ab_fix   = 50  .* ones(1,3);     % Acc static biases [X Y Z] (mg)
ADIS16405.gb_drift = 0.007 .* ones(1,3);   % Gyro dynamic biases [X Y Z] (deg/s)
ADIS16405.ab_drift = 0.2 .* ones(1,3);     % Acc dynamic biases [X Y Z] (mg)
ADIS16405.gb_corr  = 100 .* ones(1,3);     % Gyro correlation times [X Y Z] (seconds)
ADIS16405.ab_corr  = 100 .* ones(1,3);     % Acc correlation times [X Y Z] (seconds)
ADIS16405.freq     = ref.freq;             % IMU operation frequency [X Y Z] (Hz)
% ADIS16405.m_psd     = 0.066 .* ones(1,3);  % Magnetometer noise density [X Y Z] (mgauss/root-Hz)

ADIS16405.t = ref.t;                             % IMU time vector
dt = mean(diff(ADIS16405.t));                    % IMU mean period

imu1 = imu_err_profile(ADIS16405, dt);      % Transform IMU manufacturer error units to SI units.

imu1.ini_align_err = [1 1 5] .* D2R;                     % Initial attitude align errors for matrix P in Kalman filter, [roll pitch yaw] (radians)  
imu1.ini_align = [ref.roll(1) ref.pitch(1) ref.yaw(1)];  % Initial attitude align at t(1) (radians).

ADIS16488 IMU error profile

% ref dataset will be used to simulate IMU sensors.

ADIS16488.arw      = 0.3  .* ones(1,3);     % Angle random walks [X Y Z] (deg/root-hour)
ADIS16488.vrw      = 0.029.* ones(1,3);     % Velocity random walks [X Y Z] (m/s/root-hour)
ADIS16488.gb_fix   = 0.2  .* ones(1,3);     % Gyro static biases [X Y Z] (deg/s)
ADIS16488.ab_fix   = 16   .* ones(1,3);     % Acc static biases [X Y Z] (mg)
ADIS16488.gb_drift = 6.5/3600  .* ones(1,3);% Gyro dynamic biases [X Y Z] (deg/s)
ADIS16488.ab_drift = 0.1  .* ones(1,3);     % Acc dynamic biases [X Y Z] (mg)
ADIS16488.gb_corr  = 100  .* ones(1,3);     % Gyro correlation times [X Y Z] (seconds)
ADIS16488.ab_corr  = 100  .* ones(1,3);     % Acc correlation times [X Y Z] (seconds)
ADIS16488.freq     = ref.freq;              % IMU operation frequency [X Y Z] (Hz)
% ADIS16488.m_psd = 0.054 .* ones(1,3);       % Magnetometer noise density [X Y Z] (mgauss/root-Hz)

ADIS16488.t = ref.t;                             % IMU time vector
dt = mean(diff(ADIS16488.t));                    % IMU mean period

imu2 = imu_err_profile(ADIS16488, dt);      % Transform IMU manufacturer error units to SI units.

imu2.ini_align_err = [1 1 5] .* D2R;                     % Initial attitude align errors for matrix P in Kalman filter, [roll pitch yaw] (radians)  
imu2.ini_align = [ref.roll(1) ref.pitch(1) ref.yaw(1)];  % Initial attitude align at t(1) (radians)..

Garmin 5-18 Hz GPS error profile

% GPS data structure:
%         t: Mx1 time vector (seconds).
%       lat: Mx1 latitude (radians).
%       lon: Mx1 longitude (radians).
%         h: Mx1 altitude (m).
%       vel: Mx3 NED velocities (m/s).
%       std: 1x3 position standard deviations (rad, rad, m).
%      stdm: 1x3 position standard deviations (m, m, m).
%      stdv: 1x3 velocity standard deviations (m/s).
%      larm: 3x1 lever arm (x-right, y-fwd, z-down) (m).
%      freq: 1x1 sampling frequency (Hz).

gps.stdm = [5, 5, 10];                 % GPS positions standard deviations [lat lon h] (meters)
gps.stdv = 0.1 * KT2MS .* ones(1,3);   % GPS velocities standard deviations [Vn Ve Vd] (meters/s)
gps.larm = zeros(3,1);                 % GPS lever arm [X Y Z] (meters)
gps.freq = 5;                          % GPS operation frequency (Hz)

Simulate GPS

rng('shuffle')                  % Reset pseudo-random seed

if strcmp(GPS_DATA, 'ON')       % If simulation of GPS data is required ...
    fprintf('NaveGo: simulating GPS data... \n')
    gps = gps_err_profile(, ref.h(1), gps); % Transform GPS manufacturer error units to SI units.
    [gps] = gps_gen(ref, gps);  % Generate GPS dataset from reference dataset.

    save gps.mat gps
    fprintf('NaveGo: loading GPS data... \n') 
    load gps.mat

Simulate IMU1

rng('shuffle')                  % Reset pseudo-random seed

if strcmp(IMU1_DATA, 'ON')      % If simulation of IMU1 data is required ...
    fprintf('NaveGo: generating IMU1 ACCR data... \n')
    fb = acc_gen (ref, imu1); % Generate acc in the body frame
    imu1.fb = fb;
    fprintf('NaveGo: generating IMU1 GYRO data... \n')
    wb = gyro_gen (ref, imu1);% Generate gyro in the body frame
    imu1.wb = wb;
    save imu1.mat imu1
    clear wb fb;
    fprintf('NaveGo: loading IMU1 data... \n')
    load imu1.mat

Simulate IMU2

rng('shuffle')					% Reset pseudo-random seed

if strcmp(IMU2_DATA, 'ON')      % If simulation of IMU2 data is required ...
    fprintf('NaveGo: generating IMU2 ACCR data... \n')
    fb = acc_gen (ref, imu2); % Generate acc in the body frame
    imu2.fb = fb;
    fprintf('NaveGo: generating IMU2 GYRO data... \n')
    wb = gyro_gen (ref, imu2);% Generate gyro in the body frame
    imu2.wb = wb;
    save imu2.mat imu2
    clear wb fb;
    fprintf('NaveGo: loading IMU2 data... \n')
    load imu2.mat

INS/GPS integration using IMU1

if strcmp(IMU1_INS, 'ON')
    fprintf('NaveGo: INS/GPS integration for IMU1... \n')
    % Sincronize GPS data with IMU data.
    % Guarantee that gps.t(1) < imu1.t(1) < gps.t(2)
    if (imu1.t(1) < gps.t(1)),
        igx  = find(imu1.t > gps.t(1), 1, 'first' );
        imu1.t  = imu1.t  (igx:end, :);
        imu1.fb = imu1.fb (igx:end, :);
        imu1.wb = imu1.wb (igx:end, :);        
    % Guarantee that imu1.t(end-1) < gps.t(end) < imu1.t(end)
    if (imu1.t(end) <= gps.t(end)),
        fgx  = find(gps.t < imu1.t(end), 1, 'last' );
        gps.t   = gps.t  (1:fgx, :); =, :);
        gps.lon = gps.lon(1:fgx, :);
        gps.h   = gps.h  (1:fgx, :);
        gps.vel = gps.vel(1:fgx, :);
    % Execute INS/GPS integration
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [imu1_e] = ins_gps(imu1, gps, 'quaternion', 'double');
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    save imu1_e.mat imu1_e
    fprintf('NaveGo: loading INS/GPS integration for IMU1... \n')
    load imu1_e.mat

INS/GPS integration using IMU2

if strcmp(IMU2_INS, 'ON')
    fprintf('\nNaveGo: INS/GPS integration for IMU2... \n')
    % Sincronize GPS data and IMU data.
    % Guarantee that gps.t(1) < imu2.t(1) < gps.t(2)
    if (imu2.t(1) < gps.t(1)),
        igx  = find(imu2.t > gps.t(1), 1, 'first' );
        imu2.t  = imu2.t  (igx:end, :);
        imu2.fb = imu2.fb (igx:end, :);
        imu2.wb = imu2.wb (igx:end, :);        
    % Guarantee that imu2.t(end-1) < gps.t(end) < imu2.t(end)
    if (imu2.t(end) <= gps.t(end)),
        fgx  = find(gps.t < imu2.t(end), 1, 'last' );
        gps.t   = gps.t  (1:fgx, :); =, :);
        gps.lon = gps.lon(1:fgx, :);
        gps.h   = gps.h  (1:fgx, :);
        gps.vel = gps.vel(1:fgx, :);
    % Execute INS/GPS integration
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [imu2_e] = ins_gps(imu2, gps, 'quaternion', 'double');
    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    save imu2_e.mat imu2_e
    fprintf('NaveGo: loading INS/GPS integration for IMU2... \n')
    load imu2_e.mat

Interpolate reference dataset

ref_1 = navego_interpolation (imu1_e, ref);
ref_2 = navego_interpolation (imu2_e, ref);
ref_g = navego_interpolation (gps, ref);

Print navigation time

to = (ref.t(end) - ref.t(1));

fprintf('\nNaveGo: navigation time of %4.2f minutes or %4.2f seconds. \n', (to/60), to)

Print RMSE from IMU1

print_rmse (imu1_e, gps, ref_1, ref_g, 'INS/GPS IMU1');

Print RMSE from IMU2

print_rmse (imu2_e, gps, ref_2, ref_g, 'INS/GPS IMU2');
