Releases: washingtonstateuniversity/
1.8.0 RC1
This release adds several more MS SQL Server connector external content data sources and views, while also deprecating all of these methods in favor of moving them to a plugin in the future.
Notable changes
- 🐛
requires writing to global$post
to work. ⚠️ phpcs linter issues.
- ⬆️ squizlabs/php_codesniffer => 3.5.4
- ⬆️ @babel/core => 7.8.4
- ⬆️ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import => 7.8.3
- ⬆️ @babel/polyfill => 7.8.3
- ⬆️ @babel/preset-env => 7.8.4
- ⬆️ @wordpress/babel-preset-default => 4.9.0
- ⬆️ @wordpress/eslint-plugin => 3.3.0
- ⬆️ autoprefixer => 9.7.4
- ⬆️ eslint => 6.8.0
- ⬆️ eslint-loader => 3.0.3
- ⬆️ mkdirp => 1.0.3
- ⬆️ node-sass => 4.13.1
- ⬆️ postcss-cli => 7.1.0
- ⬆️ rimraf => 3.0.1
- ⬆️ stylelint => 13.0.0
- ⬆️ svgo => 1.3.2
- ⬆️ webpack => 4.41.5
- ⬆️ webpack-cli => 3.3.10
- Additional Gravity Forms custom form modifications.
- Template tags and shortcodes to handle fetching and displaying more external content for salary and job classification data.
- Queries for additional MSSQL database tables.
- SASS-base stylesheets. Converting to CSS-only stylesheets using post-css plugins to handle processing.
- Javascript search-filter tool and related template tags. This is moving to a block in a separate plugin.
- 🗑️ SQL Server connector class (
), template tags, and shortcodes. These are moving to a separate plugin.
A small update to the theme development environment and some attendant fixes of new PHP linting issues.
Notable changes
⚠️ PHP lint issues with "phpcs:ignore" syntax and a misused WP global variable in a custom loop.
- ⬆️ @babel/core 7.5.5 -> 7.6.0
- ⬆️ @babel/polyfill 7.4.4 -> 7.6.0
- ⬆️ @babel/preset-env 7.5.5 -> 7.6.0
- ⬆️ @wordpress/babel-preset-default 4.4.0 -> 4.6.0
- ⬆️ @wordpress/eslint-plugin 2.4.0 -> 3.1.0
- ⬆️ babel-eslint 10.0.2 -> 10.0.3
- ⬆️ eslint 6.1.0 -> 6.4.0
- ⬆️ eslint-loader 2.2.1 -> 3.0.0
- ⬆️ rimraf 2.6.3 -> 3.0.0
- ⬆️ stylelint 10.1.0 -> 11.0.0
- ⬆️ webpack 4.39.1 -> 4.40.2
- ⬆️ webpack-cli 3.3.6 -> 3.3.9
- ⬆️ webpack-merge 4.2.1 -> 4.2.2
- ⬆️ wp-coding-standards/wpcs 1.2.1 -> 2.1.1
Upgrade NPM dependencies
Upgrades the target version of several NPM dependencies.
Alpha list styles
Add a custom "alpha" ordered list style type for the core/list block and increment the minimum required WordPress version and tested-up-to version.
Notable changes
⚠️ PHP lint warnings.
- Custom "alpha" style option for the core/list block (along with matching CSS rules).
- ⬆️ Upgrade npm and composer dependencies.
- Increment WP minimum version and tested-up-to version.
- Filter the post date display on single posts using a custom template tag.
Update template selectors
This release includes modifications to the single post template to better accommodate custom post types that don't have their own styling. It also upgrades several NPM dependencies and replaces an outdated package.
Notable Changes
- Template function that displays lists of taxonomy terms for each taxonomy registered to a particular post type on single pages.
- 🎨 Modify post and page CSS selectors to better catch pages and single posts of any post type.
- Webpack requires specifying Core JS version when 'useBuiltIns' is set.
- Use cp instead of the cpx npm dependency to copy files.
- ⬆️ Upgrade npm dependencies.
- ➖ Remove cpx npm dependency.
Upgrade NPM dependencies
Upgraded the following NPM dependencies:
- @babel/core
- @babel/polyfill
- @babel/preset-env
- node-sass
- stylelint
- svgo
- webpack
- webpack-cli
- url-search-params-polyfill
Add GitHub issue templates
This release includes GitHub issue and pull request templates to help standardize those interactions.
Update menus, home, and prep for WP 5.2
This release introduces several quality of life updates and style adjustments to prepare for moving away from the BU Navigation plugin and to better support WP block alignment variants and cover block changes coming in 5.2.
Notable changes include adding a menu location to separate the main nav menu from the site reference footer menu, isolating home page style variations to allow for non-cropped versions, updating the cover block styles to prepare for markup changes and enhancements in WP 5.2 (and to make text more automatically legible in pre-5.2 versions), and general style updates and fixes.
Notable changes
- 🎨 Fix prominent blocks not being width-restricted when floated.
- Set default Spine bleed setting to false.
- Add menu location to prevent duplicating primary and site reference nav menus.
- 🎨 Tune up table styles.
- 🎨 Update cover block styles to align with switch to allowing variable inner block content in WP 5.2.
- Normalize line height for headings and larger text sizes.
- Set global line height to relative value of 1.6.
- Isolate cropped-Spine homepage variant styles.
- Set the site reference nav menu in the footer to use the new
menu location and adjust the depth to 1 to prevent wrapping.
- ✨ Additional intermediate image size for "small" images (max width of 350px).
- A default attachment template to handle redirecting all attachment page requests to the attachment parent post if it exists and the attachment URL itself if it doesn't.
- Cover block styles for pre-WP 5.2 markup.
Fix editor style loading
This release fixes an issue where, in some environments, the theme editor styles did not load. Fixed by switching to using a local path to the editor css in WP add_editor_style
function. Also simplifies calling the function by moving it alongside the related add_theme_support
Notable Changes
- Fix #100 Use local path for
to load styles more reliably.
Add custom blocks and update build process
This release does two primary things:
- Updates the Webpack configuration to make it work more smoothly with the WP block editor by adding a separate entry point for blocks (allowing us to use the WordPress Babel preset instead of the default one).
- Introduces three custom layout blocks -- notifications, callouts, and sidebar -- and updates front-end and editor styles to align with these blocks.
This release also deprecates the styles for the non-block-syntax notification and callout (module) components.
Notable Changes
- Fix z-index and text color for new cover blocks allowed content.
- Child blocks should not inherit center alignment from parent blocks.
- A "sidebar" block in the block editor to display content in a weighted two-column layout with options for the "sidebar" to sit to the left or the right.
- A custom "callout" block in the block editor to display a heading & content-style element.
- A custom "notification" block in the block editor to display a text & button-style notification element.
- Update notification and callout styles for new block syntax.
- Move block registration methods to the theme setup class.
- Add separate webpack environment config for WP blocks.
- Old-style module (callout) styles.
- Old-style banner notification styles.