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Star Wars Episode I: Racer AP Client

Now this is podracing!

This is a randomizer client for Star Wars Episode I: Racer for the PC. It uses Archipelago (a cross-game randomizer) to shuffle pod parts, race rewards, characters, and the track order.

More information on randomization using the apworld can be found on the apworld repository.

What do I need in order to play this?

You will need the following to play this randomizer:

How do I use this?

  1. Place the Ultimate ASI Loader dll file (dinput or dsound) into your game's main directory
  2. Place the entire scripts folder from the client release into the main directory as well
    • Note: Place the folder into the main directory, not its contents. ASI Loader is looking for a folder named "scripts"!
  3. Run the game and a window should pop up asking if you want to connect to Archipelago. Enter the server address and port (e.g.:, your slot name, and a password if applicable.
  4. Click Log In. If all goes well you should see "Connected to AP" and a seed number in the upper right hand corner of the game

Note for Steam Deck/Proton/Wine users:

You will need to run the Windows copy of the game with a DLL override in order for the mod to load. You can add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput=n,b" %command% to the launch options in the game properties in Steam to do this. If using dsound, put that instead.

Anything else I should know?

  • You need to create a new profile for each new seed you play
  • You need to close the game and restart it for each new seed you play
  • Playing multiple slots on the same seed is not currently recommended, but if you wish to do it you will have to carefully manage swapping slots to avoid receiving incorrect items from AP. When you're ready to switch, you should back out to the profile selection screen, pick a previous non-AP profile, and close the game. Then reopen it, connect with your other slot name and create a new separate profile for that
  • The game contains no text client. To use commands such as hints it's recommended you use the text client included with AP
  • Pod parts appear as their original models in the shop. Other items are represented by the following models:
    • Jabba - items for other non-racer worlds
    • Ithorian - circuit pass / course unlocks
    • Dewback - money
    • Racers - themselves
    • Watto - purchased

Known Bugs

  • Progressive Item stat displays may be the incorrect level
  • Pod parts for other players currently have stat displays that can be ignored
  • On receiving an item during a race the mini map display may move to the upper left for the duration of the text notification
  • When using Invitational Circuit Pass the course may not increment after each race like in other cups. The course should still unlock but you may have to manually select it

General tips for running this old game on modern hardware

Windowed mode - You can use dgVoodoo2. You should move the 4 dlls out of MS\x86 into your game directory and then place dgVoodoo.conf and dgVoodooCpl.exe into that same directory. Run dgVoodooCpl.exe and change the Appearance setting to windowed. You may also want to go to the DirectX tab and uncheck dgVoodoo Watermark.