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356 lines (276 loc) · 23.6 KB

File metadata and controls

356 lines (276 loc) · 23.6 KB

Helm plugin for Azure template processing

Plugin for Helm to inject Azure information (subscriptions, resources, msgraph) and Azure KeyVault secrets. Also works as standalone executable outside of Helm.

license DockerHub Artifact Hub


requires sed and curl for installation

# Installation of latest version
helm plugin install

# Installation of specific version
helm plugin install --version=0.53.0

# Update to latest version
helm plugin update azure-tpl

# Deinstallation
helm plugin uninstall azure-tpl


Helm (downloader mode)

you can use helm in "downloader" mode to process files eg:


DO NOT use azure-tpl functions in values.yaml files as these files are read again by helm without azure-tpl processing! Use different file names and paths.

helm upgrade foobar123 -f azuretpl://config/values.yaml .

for additional values files for azure-tpl you can use environment variabels:

AZURETPL_VALUES=./path/to/azuretpl.yaml helm upgrade foobar123 -f azuretpl://config/values.yaml .

File processing

helm azure-tpl uses AzureCLI authentication to talk to Azure

Process one file and overwrite it:

helm azure-tpl apply template.tpl

Process one file and saves generated content as another file:

helm azure-tpl apply template.tpl:template.yaml

Processes all .tpl files and saves them as .yaml files

helm azure-tpl apply --target.fileext=.yaml *.tpl

General usage:

  helm-azure-tpl [OPTIONS] [command] [files...]

Application Options:
      --log.devel                        development mode [$LOG_DEVEL]
      --log.json                         Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
      --dry-run                          dry run, do not write any files [$AZURETPL_DRY_RUN]
      --debug                            debug run, print generated content to stdout (WARNING: can expose secrets!) [$HELMHELM_DEBUG_DEBUG]
      --stdout                           Print parsed content to stdout instead of file (logs will be written to stderr) [$AZURETPL_STDOUT]
      --template.basepath=               sets custom base path (if empty, base path is set by base directory for each file. will be
                                         appended to all root paths inside templates) [$AZURETPL_TEMPLATE_BASEPATH]
      --target.prefix=                   adds this value as prefix to filename on save (not used if targetfile is specified in argument)
      --target.suffix=                   adds this value as suffix to filename on save (not used if targetfile is specified in argument)
      --target.fileext=                  replaces file extension (or adds if empty) with this value (eg. '.yaml') [$AZURETPL_TARGET_FILEEXT]
      --keyvault.expiry.warningduration= warn before soon expiring Azure KeyVault entries (default: 168h)
      --keyvault.expiry.ignore           ignore expiry date of Azure KeyVault entries and don't fail' [$AZURETPL_KEYVAULT_EXPIRY_IGNORE]
      --values=                          path to yaml files for .Values [$AZURETPL_VALUES]
      --set-json=                        set JSON values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
      --set=                             set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
      --set-string=                      set STRING values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas:
      --set-file=                        set values from respective files specified via the command line (can specify multiple or separate
                                         values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                             Show this help message

  command:                               specifies what to do (help, version, lint, apply)
  files:                                 list of files to process (will overwrite files, different target file can be specified as

Build-in objects

Object Description
.Values Additional data can be passed via --values=values.yaml files which is available under .Values (like Helm)

Template functions

Azure template functions


Functions can also be used starting with azure prefix instead of az

Function Parameters Description
azAccountInfo Output of az account show
azManagementGroup groupID (string) Fetches Azure managementGroup
azManagementGroupSubscriptionList groupID (string) Fetches list of all subscriptions (recursive) inside an Azure managementGroup
azSubscription subscriptionID (string, optional) Fetches Azure subscription (current selected one if subscriptionID is empty)
azSubscriptionList Fetches list of all visible azure subscriptions
azResource resourceID (string), apiVersion (string) Fetches Azure resource information (json representation, interface object)
azResourceList scope (string), filter (string, optional) Fetches list of Azure resources and filters it by using $filter, scope can be subscription ID or resourceGroup ID (array, json representation, interface object)
azPublicIpAddress resourceID (string) Fetches ip address from Azure Public IP
azPublicIpPrefixAddressPrefix resourceID (string) Fetches ip address prefix from Azure Public IP prefix
azVirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes resourceID (string) Fetches address prefix (string array) from Azure VirtualNetwork
azVirtualNetworkSubnetAddressPrefixes resourceID (string), subnetName (string) Fetches address prefix (string array) from Azure VirtualNetwork subnet

Azure KeyVault functions

Function Parameters Description
azKeyVaultSecret vaultUrl (string), secretName (string), version (string, optional) Fetches secret object from Azure KeyVault
azKeyVaultSecretVersions vaultUrl (string), secretName (string), count (integer) Fetches the list of count secret versions (as array, excluding disabled secrets) from Azure KeyVault
azKeyVaultSecretList vaultUrl (string), secretNamePattern (string, regexp) Fetche the list of secret objects (without secret value) from Azure KeyVault and filters list by regular expression secretNamePattern

response format:

  "attributes": {
    "created": 1620236104,
    "enabled": true,
    "exp": 1724593377,
    "nbf": 1661362977,
    "recoverableDays": 0,
    "recoveryLevel": "Purgeable",
    "updated": 1661449616
  "contentType": "...",
  "id": "",
  "managed": false,
  "name": "xxx",
  "tags": {},
  "value": "...",
  "version": "xxxxxxxxxx"

Azure ManagedCluster functions

Function Parameters Description
azManagedClusterUserCredentials resourceID (string) Fetches managedCluster user credentials object

Azure Redis cache functions

Function Parameters Description
azRedisAccessKeys resourceID (string) Fetches access keys from Azure Redis Cache as array

Azure StorageAccount functions

Function Parameters Description
azStorageAccountAccessKeys resourceID (string) Fetches access keys from Azure StorageAccount as array
azStorageAccountContainerBlob containerBlobUrl (string) Fetches container blob from Azure StorageAccount as string

Azure EventHub functions

Function Parameters Description
azEventHubListByNamespace resourceID (string) Fetches list of EventHubs in an EventHub namespace (specified by resourceID)

Azure AppConfig functions

Function Parameters Description
azAppConfigSetting appConfigUrl (string), settingName (string), label (string) Fetches setting value from app configuration instance (resolves keyvault references)

response format:

  "contentType": "...",
  "eTag": "...",
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "key":" ...",
  "label": null,
  "lastModified": null,
  "syncToken": "...",
  "tags": {},
  "value": "..."

Azure RBAC functions

Function Parameters Description
azRoleDefinition scope (string), roleName (string) Fetches Azure RoleDefinition using scope (eg /subscriptions/xxx) and roleName
azRoleDefinitionList scope (string), filter (string,optional) Fetches list of Azure RoleDefinitions using scope (eg /subscriptions/xxx) and optional $filter query

Azure ResourceGraph functions

Function Parameters Description
azResourceGraphQuery scope (string or []string), query (string) Executes Azure ResourceGraph query against selected subscription IDs or management group IDs (as string comma separated or string array)


ManagementGroups must be defined with their resource ID /providers/{MANAGEMENT_GROUP_ID}. Subscriptions must either be defined by the subscription id or their resource id /subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}.

MsGraph (AzureAD) functions


Functions can also be used starting with msGraph prefix instead of mg

Function Parameters Description
mgUserByUserPrincipalName userPrincipalName Fetches one user by UserPrincipalName
mgUserList filter (string) Fetches list of users based on $filter query
mgGroupByDisplayName displayName (string) Fetches one group by displayName
mgGroupList filter (string) Fetches list of groups based on $filter query
mgServicePrincipalByDisplayName displayName (string) Fetches one serviceprincipal by displayName
mgServicePrincipalList filter (string) Fetches list of servicePrincipals based on $filter query
mgApplicationByDisplayName displayName (string) Fetches one application by displayName
mgApplicationList filter (string) Fetches list of applications based on $filter query

Time template functions

Function Parameters Description
fromUnixtime timestamp (int/float/string) Converts unixtimestamp to Time object
toRFC3339 time (time.Time) Converts time object to RFC3339 time string

Misc template functions

Function Parameters Description
jsonPath jsonPath (string) Fetches object information using jsonPath (useful to process azureResource output)
filesGet path (string) Fetches content of file and returns content as string
filesGlob pattern (string) Lists files using glob pattern

| jsonPath "$.properties.aadProfile"
| toYaml

Helm template functions (borrowed from helm project)

Function Parameters Description
include path (string), data (interface) Parses and includes template file
required message (string) Throws error if passed object/value is empty
fail message (string) Throws error
toYaml Convert object to yaml
fromYaml Convert yaml to object
fromYamlArray Convert yaml array to array
toJson Convert object to json
fromJson Convert json to object
fromJsonArray Convert json array to array

Sprig template functions

Sprig template functions are also available


## Fetch resource as object and convert to yaml
{{ azResource
| toYaml

## Fetch resource as object, select .properties.aadProfile via jsonPath and convert to yaml
{{ azResource
| jsonPath "$.properties.aadProfile"
| toYaml

## Fetches all resources from subscription
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx") | toYaml }}

## Fetches all virtualNetwork resources from subscription
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" "resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'") | toYaml }}

## Fetches all resources from resourceGroup
{{ (azResourceList "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/example-rg") | toYaml }}

## Fetch Azure VirtualNetwork address prefixes
{{ azVirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes
| join ","

## Fetch first storageaccount key
{{ (index (azStorageAccountAccessKeys "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/foobar") 0).value }}

## fetch blob from storageaccount container
{{ azureStorageAccountContainerBlob "" }}

## Fetch secret value from Azure KeyVault (using only name; only AzurePublicCloud, AzureChinaCloud and AzureGovernmentCloud)
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "examplevault" "secretname").value }}
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "examplevault" "secretname").attributes.exp | fromUnixtime | toRFC3339 }}

## Fetch secret value from Azure KeyVault (using full url)
{{ (azKeyVaultSecret "" "secretname").value }}

## Fetch current environmentName
{{ azAccountInfo.environmentName }}

## Fetch current tenantId
{{ azAccountInfo.tenantId }}

## Fetch current selected subscription displayName
{{ azSubscription.displayName }}

## Fetch RoleDefinition id for "owner" role
{{ (azRoleDefinition "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" "Owner").name }}

## Executes ResourceGraph query and returns result as yaml
{{ azResourceGraphQuery "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" `resources | where resourceGroup contains "xxxx"` | toYaml }}
{{ `resources | where resourceGroup contains "xxxx"` | azResourceGraphQuery "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"   | toYaml }}

## Fetch kubeconfig from AKS managed cluster
{{ (index (azManagedClusterUserCredentials "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/foobar").kubeconfigs 0).value | b64dec }}

PS: some code is borrowed from Helm