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475 lines (415 loc) · 15.2 KB

Change Log

Unreleased (main)


  • Basic support for Rewrite Rule syntax highlighting and indentation. (PR #373)


  • Parse curly braces with named goal selectors correctly. (PR #380)
  • Handle Set Default Proof Mode correctly in Coq >= 8.18 by using Add instead of SetOptions. (PR #377)
  • Correctly execute commands containing quotes (e.g., Coq Check a'). (PR #371)
  • Avoid a race condition when calling commands before Coqtail is fully initialized. (PR #366)
  • A deadlock in NeoVim when executing certain commands before :CoqStart. (PR #361)


  • Support for Coq projects configured with Dune. See the README for more information. (PR #347)
  • Preliminary support for Coq 8.20 by adapting to the new type used to report error locations. (PR #358)
  • g:coqtail_treat_stderr_as_warning option to ignore unrecognized warnings on stderr. (PR #338)
  • Add a hook for more flexible keybindings. (PR #339)


  • Highlight Structure as a synonym for Record. (PR #357)
  • Don't try to decode partial JSON responses, avoiding a potential overflow error in NeoVim for very long responses. (PR #353)
  • Don't highlight comments inside strings. (PR #352)
  • Highlight edestruct correctly. (PR #346)
  • Highlight generalize dependent correctly. (PR #343)
  • Parse single and double quotes in _CoqProject files in the same way as CoqIDE. (PR #342)
  • Fix rendering of goals panel when no proof is active in Coq >= 8.16. (PR #337)


  • Support for Coq 8.19. (PR #336)
  • Support for Coq 8.18. (PR #329)
  • Support for Coq 8.17. (PR #324)


  • Adjusted the default dark-mode GUI colors for CoqtailChecked and CoqtailSent to make them more legible. See the README for help overriding these defaults. (PR #325)
  • Refresh proof-progress highlighting correctly when entering/leaving a buffer that is open in multiple windows. (PR #327)


  • A command (CoqOmitToLine) to advance to a given line while omitting the body of and admitting all intervening opaque proofs. (PR #321)
  • Display goal names when Printing Goal Names is enabled. (PR #310)
  • Support for the Subgoals XML command (>= 8.16 only). This should speed up displaying the current goal when there are many unfocused/shelved/admitted goals with large proof contexts. (PR #309)


  • Fall back to using Add to set options if a best-effort attempt at using SetOptions fails. (PR #318)
  • Use a no-op command that does not hang with -noinit. (PR #313)
  • Joining comments with J while the j flag is set in 'formatoptions' does not delete the second line. (PR #307)
  • Formatting long comments (e.g., with gqq) does not stop after the second line. (PR #307)


  • Support for Coq 8.16. (PR #264)
  • Highlight Register/Register Inline. (PR #300)


  • Set the undo history for the Goal and Info panels on updates. (PR #302)
  • Incorrect indentation of a line following a comment. (PR #299)
  • Highlight hypotheses separated by a comma on the first line of the hypotheses block in the Goal panel as coqIdent. (PR #294)
  • Incorrect parsing of bracketed goal selectors (2:{) with newlines. (PR #292)


  • Support for Elpi syntax highlighting and parsing inside lp:{{ ... }} blocks. (PR #278)
  • g:coqtail_tagfunc option to enable/disable Coqtail's default tagfunc. (PR #272)
  • Support for Coq 8.15. (PR #266)


  • Incorrect highlighting of identifiers containing "exists" or "error". (PR #291)
  • Highlight more query commands. (PR #291)
  • Highlight Typeclasses Opaque/Transparent. (PR #286)
  • Strip trailing whitespace from the splash screen to make it less ugly when list + listchars=trail: is set. (PR #284)
  • Catch and report long warnings from Coqtop that line wrap (Warning:\n instead of Warning: ) instead of aborting. (PR #274)
  • Broken highlighting and indentation after Fail Next Obligation. (PR #268)
  • Highlight many more tactics. (PR #269)


  • g:coqtail_update_tagstack option to update the tagstack on :CoqGotoDef (enabled by default). (PR #175)


  • Avoid clearing the Info buffer when :CoqToLine advances 0 sentences. (PR #261)
  • Suppress spurious TextYankPost autocmd while getting text selected in Visual mode. (PR #260)
  • Avoid manually calling redraw in NeoVim. (PR #260)


  • Code folding for Sections, Modules, and Theorems. (PR #242)
  • g:coqtail_inductive_shift option to control indentation of Inductive constructor branches. (PR #248)


  • Highlight Number Notation and Declare Custom Entry. (PR #243)
  • Crash with Implicit Type (x : ...). (PR #253)
  • Universe levels inconsistent with those shown by coqc. (PR #253)
  • Indent the line after Proof using correctly. (PR #255)
  • Crash when output contains unprintable characters. (PR #256)


  • g:coqtail_version_compat option to re-enable old behaviors after breaking changes. (PR #238)


  • Change ambiguous default mappings to remove delay. BREAKING: The default mappings have changed for for <Plug>CoqGotoDef (<leader>cg -> <leader>cgd), <Plug>CoqGotoGoalEnd (<leader>cGG -> <leader>cgG), <Plug>CoqGotoGoalNextStart (g] -> ]g), <Plug>CoqGotoGoalNextEnd (G] -> ]G), <Plug>CoqGotoGoalPrevStart (g[ -> [g), and <Plug>CoqGotoGoalPrevEnd (G[ -> [G). Set g:coqtail_version_compat = ['1.5'] to enable the old mappings, or see the README for help changing these defaults. (PR #238)


  • Preliminary support for Coq 8.15. (PR #209)
  • Support for Coq 8.14. (PRs #211, #213, #240)


  • Recognize . followed by a tab as a sentence ending. (PR #234)
  • Don't abort if only warnings are printed to stderr. Include Coqtop stderr in the error message for coqtail#start. (PR #226)


  • g:coqtail_coq_path defaults to $COQBIN if it is set. (PR #219)


  • Jumping to a definition with :CoqGotoDef or :tag commands works correctly with identifiers that include ' (a single quote). (PR #218)
  • Coqtail chooses which coq(ide)top(.opt) to use in a more predictable way. It uses $PATH (or g:coqtail_coq_path if it is set) to find coqc (or g:coqtail_coq_prog if it is set) and check its version. It then looks for coqtop or coqidetop (or g:coqtail_coq_path) as appropriate in the same directory as coqc, taking possible prefixes (e.g., coq-prover.) and extensions (e.g., .opt) into account. BREAKING: If you have multiple versions of Coq installed Coqtail may choose a different one than before. In particular, executables in the current directory are no longer considered by default. Set g:coqtail_coq_path explicitly if you rely on this behavior. (PR #216)


  • Spell checking in comments. (PR #215)


  • Return when Coqtop prints to stderr instead of waiting on stdout indefinitely. (PR #214)
  • Use case-sensitive search in indent function. (PR #210)
  • Use win_execute when possible while refreshing highlighting to avoid changing windows, which broke certain plugins. (PR #208)
  • Highlight Existing Instances. (PR #207)
  • Detect when Coqtop crashes on :CoqStart and print the error message instead of hanging. (PR #205)
  • Work around a NeoVim bug with py3eval that caused Coqtail to incorrectly detect a lack of Python 3 support. (PR #204)
  • Display the "Requires Python 3" warning message even if shortmess+=F is set. (PR #204)


  • Support for Python <3.6. See YouCompleteMe for help with building Vim with Python 3 support. If you are unable to upgrade to Python 3, use the python2 branch. Nearly all of the changes to the code are internal cleanup so there should be no observable changes in behavior. Please open an issue to report any regressions. See here for the full list of changes. (PR #188)


  • :CoqJumpToError command that moves the cursor to the location of the error reported by Coq, if any. (PR #196)


  • Use deletebufline instead of :delete when possible to avoid leaving visual mode while updating the Goal and Info panels. (PR #198)
  • Correctly ignore (* and *) inside strings. (PR #193)
  • Print Coq error messages when checking goals or rewinding. (PR #187)
  • Highlight Module Import and Module Export. (PRs #195, #202)
  • Improve highlighting inside sections and modules. (PR #191)
  • Correctly highlight .. in recursive notations. (PR #190)
  • Highlight attributes and skip them when splitting sentences. (PR #152)
  • Highlight admit and give_up tactics. (PR #182)
  • Match non-ASCII letters in identifier syntax highlighting. (PR #184)
  • Improve syntax highlighting of binders in definitions, theorems, etc. (PR #185)


  • Support for highlighting proof diffs. g:coqtail_auto_set_proof_diffs can be used to automatically enable diffs on :CoqStart. (PR #169)
  • Support for Coq 8.13. (PR #181)
  • Support for Coq installed through Snap by checking for the coq-prover. prefix as a fallback when looking for coqidetop. (PR #180)
  • Support for multiple _CoqProject files. BREAKING: renamed g:coqtail_project_name to g:coqtail_project_names and b:coqtail_project_file to b:coqtail_project_files. (PR #141)
  • Match CoqIDE behavior and set the top-level module name based on the file name with -topfile (Coq >=8.10 only). (PR #145)
  • Improved comment autoformatting. Disable with g:coqtail_noindent_comment. (PR #146)
  • Debugging can be enabled with :CoqToggleDebug without calling :CoqStart. (PR #148)


  • Correctly handle highlighting of multibyte characters (for real this time). (PR #177)
  • Preserve jumplist and alternate file when opening Info and Goal panels. (PR #150)
  • Don't list Info and Goal panel buffers. (PR #151)
  • Catch exception in CoqtailServer when the connection is reset by the peer. (PR #155)
  • Remember the cursor position in the jumplist before moving it with :CoqJumpToEnd. (PR #173)
  • Various syntax highlighting improvements including basic support for Ltac2. (PRs #139, #143, #149, #153, #156, #172)


  • Dependency on distutils if shutil.which is available (Python >=3.3). (PR #161)


  • Support for Coq 8.12. (PR #120)
  • g:coqtail_noimap, g:coqtail_map_prefix, g:coqtail_imap_prefix configuration options to control insert-mode mappings. (PR #122)
  • Mappings for query commands (<leader>cs, <leader>ch, etc) now work on the highlighted range in Visual mode. (PR #131)
  • Commands and mappings now work when called in the Goal and Info panels. (PR #132)


  • g:coqtail_coq_path is now checked on :CoqStart instead of on buffer load. (PR #123)
  • :CoqStart no longer fails when the Coq executable is in the current directory. (PR #123)
  • Various syntax highlighting/indentation improvements. (PRs #124, #126, #127)
  • No longer crash when checking Coq version if coqtop.opt does not exist. (PR #129)
  • No longer crash on :CoqStart when a buffer has no associated file. (PR #137)
  • Improved interrupt-handling logic, which should reduce the frequency of the case where pending commands are not cleared and nomodifiable is set after every command. (PR #130)


  • Support for NeoVim >=0.3. (PR #103)
  • b:coqtail_coq_prog/g:coqtail_coq_prog configuration option to override the name of the Coq executable. (PR #119)


  • Lowered priority of Coqtail-related highlighting (CoqtailChecked, CoqtailSent, CoqtailError) so they don't cover existing highlighting, e.g. from 'hlsearch'. (PR #104)
  • Only call coqtail#stop on :quit if it would close the last visible instance of the buffer. (PR #105)
  • Coqtail highlighting correctly handles multibyte characters. (PR #109)
  • All pending sentences waiting to be checked by Coq (CoqtailSent) are highlighted instead of just the next one. (PR #109)
  • :Coq and :CoqGotoDef do not treat arguments containing " as comments by removing -bar option. (PR #111)
  • Respect the $PATH order when choosing between coq(ide)top and coq(ide)top.opt. (PR #114)
  • No longer crash ("E803: ID not found") after :splitting the main Coq window. (PR #118)


  • Non-blocking communication with Coq using the +channel feature (Vim >=8.0 only).
  • A synchronous fallback for Vim 7.4.
  • CoqInterrupt command that forwards SIGINT to the Coq process.
  • CoqRestorePanels command that re-opens the Goal and Info panels in their original positions.
  • This changelog. Begin using semantic (more or less) versioning.


  • Dependency on vim module in Python code.
  • Dependency on vimbufsync.
  • CoqMakeMatch command. It wasn't well thought out and didn't seem very useful. Please open an issue if you'd like it to be re-added.


  • Commands no longer crash when called while Goal or Info panels are closed.


  • Python 2 support. See YouCompleteMe for help building Vim with Python 3 support.


  • Interactive Coq interface similar to CoqIDE/Proof General.
  • Support for Vim >=7.4.
  • Support for Python 2 and 3.
  • Support for Coq 8.4-8.11.
  • Support for simultaneous Coq sessions in different buffers.
  • Locating and parsing of _CoqProject files.
  • Coq syntax highlighting.
  • Coq automatic indentation.
  • CoqGotoDef command for jumping to definitions.
  • includeexpr for following imports during autocompletion.
  • Support for :tag commands (only with +tagfunc).
  • Interoperability with matchup and endwise.