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Build 1.2.0 - Foundation framework upgrade (Laravel 9.x LTS)

Due to overwhelming support from the community, Winter CMS is updating its foundation framework to the latest Long Term Support (LTS) release. As a result, there are some new requirements to run Winter and some code changes required.

From the proposed Build 1.2.0 your webserver will require PHP 8.0.2 or above to use Winter CMS. After this date, websites using PHP 7.0-7.2.8 will still function normally but will no longer be able to receive updates or install the latest version.

There are various code changes that may be required, including code found in plugins and themes, both private and public depending on what features you are utilizing.

  • Build 1.2.0 is available as a test update from 4 May 2021. Stable release date to be announced.

New Minimum Requirements:

Application Server

  • PHP: 8.0.2

Database Servers


  • Laravel: 9.x
  • Laravel Tinker: 2.7
  • Twig: 3.x
  • Symfony\Yaml: 5.1
  • PHPUnit: 9.5.8
  • Mockery: 1.4.4
  • Assetic: 3.0

NOTE: The PHP 7.4 branch, and those before it, are now unsupported.

Testing instructions:

  1. Change the following composer.json requirements:
    "require": {
        "php": "^8.0.2",
        "winter/storm": "~1.2.0",
        "winter/wn-system-module": "~1.2.0",
        "winter/wn-backend-module": "~1.2.0",
        "winter/wn-cms-module": "~1.2.0",
        "laravel/framework": "^9.1",
        "wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": "~2.0.1"
    "require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5.8",
        "mockery/mockery": "^1.4.4",
        "fakerphp/faker": "^1.9.2",
        "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.2",
        "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.0",
        "dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts": "^0.1.0|^0.2.1"
  1. If you have the following lines in your composer.json file, please remove these:
    "autoload-dev": {
        "classmap": [
  1. You may also delete the tests folder completely, as these testing files now reside in the modules, unless you have your own tests within this folder.
  2. Run composer update.
  3. If config/app.php makes reference to Illuminate\Http\Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL, change it to 'HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL'

Known issues:

  • Unexpected token "name" of value "if" ("end of statement block" expected).:
    • See
    • Use the | filter filter or a conditional check inside of the loop block if the variable is affected by the contents of the loop.
    • This is most likely to affect users of the Winter.Pages plugin, simply update {% for item in items if not item.viewBag.isHidden %} to {% for item in items | filter(item => not item.viewBag.isHidden) %} in your custom partials.
  • The str_contains() helper provided by Laravel has a slight signature mismatch compared to the one provided by the PHP 8.0 internals.

Required code changes:

Any required code changes are described below in sections based on related functionality that you may or may not be using. If you are using the described functionality, please review the section and make the required changes.

Only potentially breaking changes are called out in this document, for the full list of all changes, please see the 1.2.0 release note.

Affected functionality

If you are using any of the following functionality it's highly recommended that you take a look at the relevant section in this guide and make any required changes to your usage:


  • $twigEnvironment->loadTemplate($name) now requires $cls as the first parameter. Switch to $twigEnvironment->load($name); instead. See
  • {% filter %} tag has been removed from Twig v3.0 (backported but use {% apply %} instead going forward)
  • {% spaceless %} tag has been removed from Twig v3.0 (backported but use {% apply spaceless %){% endapply %} instead going forward)

Configuration Files

Review the changes to the default configuration files and implement any changes as desired; the following items are called out as potentially having an impact:

  • config/app.php:
    • An application key is no longer provided by default, if your application does not yet have one set, run artisan key:generate.
    • Illuminate\Http\Request::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_ALL has been removed in Symfony 6, but it's referenced with no intermediate layer in the default app.php config file from v1.1.4 to v1.1.8. See for more details.
  • config/database.php:
    • Removed support for database.useConfigForTesting, use config/testing/database.php to override testing defaults instead.
    • Setting a varcharmax on mysql database connections is no longer supported as the minimum required version of MySQL now supports 255 character UTF8 strings by default.
  • config/mail.php:
    • The structure has changed, update your local copy to match the one now provided on the 1.2 branch. The old one should continue working but it is recommended to update it to reflect the new structure.
  • config/filesystems.php:
    • The local disk currently needs a visibility => 'public' setting in order for the files/folders under /storage/app/resized to be publicly accessible when using the image resizer.


Storage & Files:

  • The Rackspace Flysystem driver / adapter is no longer supported
  • Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile->getClientSize() has been removed, use getSize() instead.
  • The getAdapter() method on Storage disks is no longer present. getPathPrefix() & setPathPrefix() methods have been added to the $disk instances if desired.


The translator.beforeResolve event has been removed for performance reasons. Lang::set($key, $value, $locale) can be used as a replacement.

Overriding a specific key:

Winter < v1.2

 Event::listen('translator.beforeResolve', function ($key, $replaces, $locale) {
    if ($key === 'validation.reserved') {
        return Lang::get('winter.builder::lang.validation.reserved');

Winter >= v1.2

Lang::set('validation.reserved', Lang::get('winter.builder::lang.validation.reserved'));

Overriding an entire namespace:

If you were using the event to extend / override an entire namespaced key (for example in order to share localization overrides that would normally be present in a project's lang override folder at the project root between multiple projects via a plugin), then you could switch your code to use the following example:

Lang::set('winter.builder::lang', require __DIR__ . '/lang/en-ca/lang.php', 'en-ca');

Project Structure / General Cleanup:

  • server.php:
    • It is no longer required for the artisan serve command to function if you haven't modified it from the default; it can be removed.


  • Facades must return string keys rather than objects (See laravel/framework#38017)
  • Winter\Storm\Support\Facades\Str facade has been removed, use Winter\Storm\Support\Str directly instead.

Using any Laravel based packages

The version of Laravel has been changed from 6.x LTS to 9.x LTS. If you are using packages made for Laravel you may have to go through and update them to a version compatible with Laravel 9.x.

Unit Testing

If you are running unit testing for Winter CMS development, you will need to make some changes to your composer.json file and remove the tests folder from your installation to get the updates to the unit tests.

This block of code is no longer required in your composer.json file:

    "autoload-dev": {
        "classmap": [

Since the testing files now reside within the modules folder, you may need to update your phpunit.xml configuration files and test cases if they make reference to any files in their old locations. To help ease the transition, you may use the php artisan winter:test -p <your plugin code> command, which will use the correct bootstrap file for Winter 1.2 testing. You may keep the old bootstrap configuration in your phpunit.xml file if you wish to test both Winter 1.1 and 1.2.

Since the base PluginTestCase class has also been moved, any test case files that are extending this class will need to either update the reference to \System\Tests\Bootstrap\PluginTestCase, or alternatively, you can use the following code to support testing on both Winter 1.1 and 1.2:

// Create a stub BaseTestCase that extends the correct plugin test case file depending on Winter version
if (class_exists('System\Tests\Bootstrap\PluginTestCase')) {
    class BaseTestCase extends \System\Tests\Bootstrap\PluginTestCase
} else {
    class BaseTestCase extends \PluginTestCase

class MyTestCase extends BaseTestCase

Storm Library Internals

Version 1.2 of Winter includes a large code refactoring and documentation cleanup for the Storm library, to ensure that our base functionality is fully documented and works in a consistent and expected way. In addition, this brings our Storm library closer to the base Laravel functionality, which should make upgrades quicker and less painful in the future.

While we have ensured that the potential for breaking changes is low, there may be some cases of breaking functionality if the functionality used an undocumented or incorrectly-documented API. We will list all the changes below, grouped by the "package" within the Storm library:


  • To prevent unsafe model instantiating, the model constructors are now forced to only allow a single $attributes parameter via an interface (\Winter\Storm\Database\ModelInterface and \Winter\Storm\Halcyon\ModelInterface). This will ensure that calls like Model::make() or Model::create() will execute correctly. It is possible that some people might have used additional parameters for their model constructors - these will no longer work and must be moved to another method.
  • Due to the above, Pivot model construction has been rewritten. The constructor used to allow 4 parameters but now only allows the one $attributes parameter as per the Model class. Construction now happens more closely to Laravel's format of calling a Pivot::fromAttributes() static method. If you previously used new Pivot() to create a pivot model, switch to using Pivot::fromAttributes() instead.
  • The MorphToMany class now extends the MorphToMany class from Laravel, as opposed to the BelongsToMany class in Winter. This prevents repeated code in the Winter MorphToMany class and maintains covariance with Laravel. This will mean that it will no longer inherit from the Winter BelongsToMany class. To allow for this, we have converted most of the overridden BelongsToMany functionality in Winter into a trait (Concerns\BelongsOrMorphsToMany). The BelongsToMany relation class now also uses this trait.
  • The relation traits found in src/Database/Relations have been moved to src/Database/Relations/Concerns, in order to keep just the actual relation classes within the src/Database/Relations directory. In the unlikely event that you are using a relation trait directly, please rename the trait classes to the following:
    • Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\AttachOneOrMany to Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\Concerns\AttachOneOrMany
    • Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\DeferOneOrMany to Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\Concerns\DeferOneOrMany
    • Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\DefinedConstraints to Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\Concerns\DefinedConstraints
    • Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\HasOneOrMany to Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\Concerns\HasOneOrMany
    • Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\MorphOneOrMany to Winter\Storm\Database\Relations\Concerns\MorphOneOrMany


  • Previously, the Winter\Storm\Extension\Extendable::extendClassWith() method returned the current class if the extension name provided was an empty string. This appears to be a code smell, so this has been changed to throw an Exception.


  • The Filesystem::symbolizePath method's $default parameter now accepts a string, bool or null. Only in the case of null will the method return the original path - the given $default will be used in all other cases. This is the same as the original functionality, but we're documenting it in case you have customised this method in some fashion.
  • The Filesystem::isPathSymbol method previously returned the path symbol used, as a string, if one was found and false if not found. However, the docblock stipulated, as well as the method name itself implied, that this is a boolean check function, so we have converted this to a straight boolean response - true if a path symbol is used, otherwise false.
  • Many classes within the Filesystem namespace have had type hinting and return types added to enforce functionality and clarify documentation. If you extend any of these classes in your plugins, you may need to update your method signatures.


  • The Winter\Storm\Foundation\Application class callback methods before and after were documented as void methods, but returned a value. These no longer return a value.


  • To prevent unsafe model instantiating, the model constructors are now forced to only allow a single $attributes parameter via an interface (\Winter\Storm\Database\ModelInterface and \Winter\Storm\Halcyon\ModelInterface). This will ensure that calls like Model::make() or Model::create() will execute correctly. It is possible that some people might have used additional parameters for their model constructors - these will no longer work and must be moved to another method.
  • The Halcyon Builder insert method now returns an int representing the created model's filesize, not a bool.
  • The Halcyon Builder insert method requires the $values parameter to actually contain variables and will throw an Exception if an empty array is provided. Previously, this was silently discarded and returned true (although this would not actually save the file).


  • The Winter\Storm\Html\FormBuilder class has had type hinting and return types added to enforce functionality and clarify documentation. If you extend this class in your plugin, you may need to make changes to your method signatures if you overwrite the base functionality.


  • The Bracket class constructor is now final to prevent unsafe static calls to the parse static method.
  • The Bracket::parseString() method previously returned false if a string was not provided for parsing, or the string was empty after trimming. Since the signature calls for a string, we won't check for this anymore. If the string is empty, an empty string will be returned.
  • The markdown.beforeParse event in the Markdown class sent a single MarkdownData instance as a parameter to the listeners. It now sends an array with the MarkdownData instance as the only value, to meet the signature requirements for events.
  • The Syntax\FieldParser class constructor has been made final to prevent unsafe static calls to the parse statuc method.
  • The $template parameter for the Syntax\FieldParser class constructor was originally optional. Since there is no purpose for this, and no way to populate the template after the fact, this has been made required.
  • The Syntax\Parser class constructor has been made final to prevent unsafe static calss to the parse static method.
  • The $template parameter for the Syntax\Parser class constructor was originally optional. Since there is no purpose for this, and no way to populate the template after the fact, this has been made required.


  • The Winter\Storm\Support\Testing\Fakes\MailFake::queue() method has had its signature re-arranged to remain compatible with Laravel's MailFake class, with the $queue parameter being moved to the second parameter. The new signature is ($view, $queue, $data, $callback).

Upgrade Guides: