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411 lines (385 loc) · 19.6 KB

Open Source

1	00:47	introduction to github
2	01:47	exploring github
3	04:07	exploring a repository
4	02:15	how to install git scm
5	03:34	how to authenticate with github using ssh
6	02:15	identifying how to contribute to an open source project on github
7	02:41	how to fork and clone a github repository
8	01:18	setting up the project locally
9	06:19	how to create a pull request on github
10	02:21	how to collaborate on a pull request on github
11	02:57	how to update a pull request on github
12	03:39	how to rebase a git pull request branch
13	02:53	how to squash multiple git commits
14	01:13	getting a pull request merged and wrapping up
1	01:35	 introduction
2	01:31	setting up github
3	05:01	configuring npm and creating a package json
4	04:46	creating the library and adding dependencies
5	02:34	pushing to github
6	02:36	publishing to npm
7	02:27	releasing a version to github
8	03:24	releasing a new version to npm
9	03:37	javascript how to write a
10	02:44	setting up unit testing with mocha and chai
11	03:01	unit testing with mocha and chai
12	05:49	automating releases with semantic release
13	04:47	writing conventional commits with commitizen
14	03:49	committing a new feature with commitizen
15	03:52	automatically releasing with travisci
16	03:02	automatically running tests before commits with ghooks
17	02:57	adding code coverage recording with istanbul
18	03:24	adding code coverage checking
19	03:59	add code coverage reporting
20	02:28	adding badges to your readme
21	08:35	adding es6 support
22	05:02	adding es6 support to tests using mocha and babel
23	03:38	limit built branches on travis
24	06:16	javascript add a browser build to an npm module


1	02:34	create local repos with git init
2	01:06	copy remote repos to local machines with git clone
3	03:42	capture code history snapshots with git add commit push
4	01:26	document repos with readme files
5	01:38	sync local and remote repos with git pull
6	02:19	isolate feature development with git branch
7	02:27	sync branches with git merge
8	04:36	resolve merge conflicts with git status
9	02:51	save uncommitted changes with git stash
10	02:03	navigate git command pager output with unix less commands
11	00:40	view commit history with git log
12	02:00	format commit history with git log arguments
13	06:49	filter commit history with git log arguments
14	05:20	compare file changes with git diff
15	01:34	show who changed a line last with git blame
16	02:14	use semantic versioning with git tag
17	05:42	clean up commits with git rebase
18	02:49	diagnose which commit broke something with git bisect
19	02:58	run scripts on git events with git hooks
20	02:33	configure global settings with git config
21	02:36	remove unnecessary git tracking with gitignore files
22	00:57	remove all unnecessary git tracking with a global gitignore file


1	04:19	using the node js repl shell
2	07:03	understanding callbacks in node js
3	06:26	the node js process object
4	04:42	node js global namespace
5	10:30	node js buffers
6	06:23	introduction to modules
7	05:50	exporting modules in node
8	08:14	finding and installing packages in your node application using npm
9	03:54	using the node js net module to create a tcp server
10	04:30	creating a node js module
11	04:08	using the node js http server
12	03:22	publishing a module to the npm registry
13	06:00	using eventemitters in node js
14	08:40	managing memory and garbage collection in node js


1	04:38	log levels and semantic methods
2	03:52	log arguments
3	03:11	grouping and nesting output
4	03:11	grouping and nesting output (1)
5	02:16	counting events
6	01:35	logging timing data
7	03:09	prettyprinting tabular data
1	06:15	the problem
2	04:39	the solution
3	03:37	refactoring to a pure function
4	05:39	detecting an infinite loop
1	04:03	foreach method
2	03:02	map method
3	04:42	filter method
4	03:05	chaining the array map and filter methods
5	04:17	create an array concatall method
6	11:59	introducing the observable
7	03:45	using the map method with observable
8	12:35	simple drag and drop with observables
9	11:58	advanced flattening
1	04:38	concat
2	04:42	join
3	05:21	indexof
4	09:15	slice
5	06:23	sort
6	06:44	filter
7	05:43	some
8	03:26	push
9	09:26	map
1	03:56	introducing reduce transforming arrays functionally
2	03:59	introducing reduce reducing an array into an object
4	04:47	advanced reduce additional reducer arguments
6	08:06	advanced reduce flatten flatmap and reduceright
7	08:19	advanced reduce composing functions with reduce
8	06:29	advanced reduce safe nested object inspection
1	06:00	introduction
2	02:29	find plain text patterns
3	03:53	find repeated patterns
4	02:41	find sets of characters
6	04:35	find groups of characters
7	01:27	find a string that precedes another string
8	02:18	find the start and end of whole words
9	03:31	match the same string twice
10	03:19	match the start and end of a line
1	02:57	arrow function
2	02:58	the let keyword
3	02:16	default values for function parameters
4	02:14	const declarations in es6 es2015
5	01:01	shorthand properties in es6
6	02:12	object enhancements in es6
7	01:40	using the es6 spread operator
8	04:12	string templates
9	04:33	destructuring assignment
10	05:33	es6 modules es2015 import and export
11	02:19	converting an array like object into an array with array from
12	05:51	promises with es6
13	05:28	generators
14	05:14	maps and weakmaps with es6
15	01:40	js es6 parameter object destructuring with required values

12. Redux

1	02:11	the single immutable state tree
2	02:54	describing state changes with actions
3	01:19	pure and impure functions
4	01:54	the reducer function
5	02:36	writing a counter reducer with tests
6	03:09	store methods getstate dispatch and subscribe
7	02:28	implementing store from scratch
8	02:18	react counter example
9	03:54	avoiding array mutations with concat slice and spread
10	02:38	avoiding object mutations with object assign and spread
11	04:11	writing a todo list reducer adding a todo
12	02:47	writing a todo list reducer toggling a todo
13	02:21	reducer composition with arrays
14	02:42	reducer composition with objects
15	02:10	reducer composition with combinereducers
16	04:22	implementing combinereducers from scratch
17	07:25	react todo list example adding a todo
18	03:29	react todo list example toggling a todo
19	08:14	react todo list example filtering todos
20	04:52	extracting presentational components todo todolist
21	08:35	extracting presentational components addtodo footer filterlink
24	03:54	passing the store down explicitly via props
25	07:56	passing the store down implicitly via context
26	01:30	passing the store down with provider from react redux
27	05:13	generating containers with connect from react redux visibletodolist
28	04:41	generating containers with connect from react redux addtodo
29	03:27	generating containers with connect from react redux footerlink
30	03:52	extracting action creators
	1	04:31	what is rxjs
	2	04:36	using an event stream of double clicks
	3	04:05	why choose rxjs
	4	07:14	reactive programming async requests and responses in rxjs
	5	05:22	reactive programming rendering on the dom with rxjs
	6	05:07	new requests from refresh clicks
	7	06:28	clear data while loading with rxjs startwith
	8	03:34	sharing network requests with rxjs merge
	9	07:44	using cached network data with rxjs
	10	02:14	an overview of reactive concepts
	1	05:48	starting a stream with switchmap
	2	04:10	stopping a stream with takeuntil
	3	02:10	updating data with scan
	4	01:06	displaying initial data with startwith
	5	02:32	changing behavior with mapto
	6	02:59	handling multiple streams with merge
	7	04:44	refactoring composable streams in rxjs
	8	01:46	getting input text with map
	9	03:08	combining streams with combinelatest
	10	01:01	adding conditional logic with filter
	11	01:19	completing a stream with takewhile
	12	01:21	handling a complete stream with reduce
	13	01:34	logging a stream with do
	14	02:54	timer and input recap
	15	02:17	refactoring combinelatest to withlatestfrom
	16	02:04	resubscribing to a stream with repeat
	17	01:06	basic dom rendering with subscribe
	18	04:00	sharing streams with share
	1	01:00	let s learn rxjs
	2	06:43	observables are almost like functions
	3	03:21	observables push compared to generator functions pull
	4	01:39	observables can throw errors
	5	01:48	observables can complete
	6	02:06	creation operator of
	7	03:41	creation operators from fromarray frompromise
	8	03:49	creation operators fromeventpattern fromevent
	9	02:48	creation operators empty never throw
	10	04:11	creation operators interval and timer
	11	03:03	creation operator create
	12	03:14	returning subscriptions from the subscribe function
	13	00:54	observables are the foundation in rxjs
	1	05:38	what rxjs operators are
	2	04:29	marble diagrams in ascii form
	3	03:34	transformation operator map and mapto
	4	04:25	utility operator do
	5	02:06	filtering operator filter
	6	02:51	filtering operators take first skip
	7	03:10	filtering operators takelast last
	8	06:22	combination operators concat startwith
	9	03:57	combination operator merge
	10	04:21	combination operator combinelatest
	11	04:02	combination operator withlatestfrom
	12	05:10	combination operator zip
	13	05:21	transformation operator scan
	14	05:17	transformation operator buffer
	15	04:22	transformation operators delay and delaywhen
	16	05:21	transformation operators debounce and debouncetime
	17	02:48	filtering operators throttle and throttletime
	18	04:34	filtering operators distinct and distinctuntilchanged
	19	05:24	error handling operator catch
	20	04:01	error handling operator retry and retrywhen
	21	01:28	transformation operator repeat
	22	01:06	more operators and conclusion
1	02:14	intro to the production webpack course
2	04:06	validate your webpack config with webpack validator
3	03:23	tree shaking with webpack 2
4	01:59	polyfill promises for webpack 2
5	02:38	maintain sane file sizes with webpack code splitting
6	03:46	hashing with webpack for long term caching
7	05:36	grouping vendor files with the webpack commonschunkplugin
8	04:11	chunking common modules from multiple apps with the webpack commonschunkplugin
9	05:45	optimize react size and performance with webpack production plugins
10	04:20	import a non es6 module with webpack
11	03:20	expose modules to dependencies with webpack
12	05:22	javascript initialize a webpack project with karma for testing
13	01:17	javascript use chai assertions for tests in a karma project
14	04:53	use karma for unit testing with webpack
15	06:30	add code coverage to tests in a webpack project
16	04:59	ensure all source files are included in test coverage reports with webpack


1	01:59	installing typescript and running the typescript compiler tsc
2	00:52	configuring a new typescript project
3	01:24	configuring typescript which files to compile with files and outdir
4	00:58	stopping a typescript build when errors are found
5	05:00	loading compiled typescript files in browser with systemjs
6	01:31	compiling typescript with webstorm
7	01:48	using exclude and rootdir until file globs lands in 2 0
8	03:14	what happens to compiled interfaces
9	03:38	using lodash in typescript with typings and systemjs
10	04:44	using typings and loading from node_modules
11	03:23	understanding decorators
12	05:59	reflection and decorator metadata
13	05:51	definition files
14	02:41	generating definition files
1	01:39	Introduction to Static Typing
2	02:52	Using Type Inference in TypeScript
3	05:01	Union Types and Type Aliases in TypeScript
4	02:02	Distinguishing between types of Strings in TypeScript
5	03:32	Using Interfaces to Describe Types in TypeScript
6	04:00	Creating a Class in TypeScript
7	03:42	Sharing Class Behavior with Inheritance in TypeScript
8	02:09	Using Assertion to Convert Types in TypeScript
9	02:07	The Basics of Generics in TypeScript
10	02:52	Practical Generics in TypeScript


1	02:36	what is dependency injection b9f0c87e
2	03:07	injecting a service into a component
3	03:57	understanding providers (1)
4	03:29	factory providers
5	03:05	factory providers with dependencies
6	04:27	understanding injectable
7	03:00	value providers
8	03:53	understanding opaquetoken
1	00:50	say hello world to angular 2
2	01:43	angular 2 writing a simple angular 2 component (1)
3	01:22	using events and refs
4	01:02	events in depth
5	02:37	injecting a service
6	01:23	using the inject decorator
7	03:08	using ng for to repeat template elements
8	01:19	using ng model for two way binding
9	02:19	adding a data model
10	01:39	template property syntax
11	01:38	passing data to components with input
12	00:56	ng class and encapsulated component styles
13	02:03	controlling how styles are shared with view encapsulation
14	02:24	using pipes to filter data
15	01:54	using array spread to enforce pipe immutability
16	04:16	refactoring mutations to enforce immutable data in angular 2
17	04:21	build a select dropdown with ngfor in angular 2
18	03:15	filter items with a custom search pipe in angular 2
19	02:23	organizing angular 2 projects by feature
20	04:33	overview of angular 2 and what to learn next
1	02:32	create an angular 2 hello world component
2	01:16	structure a basic angular 2 application
3	02:51	create application specific angular 2 components
4	04:17	create shareable angular 2 components
5	02:51	share a service across angular 2 components and modules
6	02:25	angular 2 smart components vs presentation components
7	03:43	style angular 2 components
8	02:21	nesting elements in angular 2 components with ng content aka angular 2 transclusion
9	03:02	select from multiple nested angular 2 elements
10	03:46	manipulate and access dom elements with angular 2 renderer
11	04:12	generate angular 2 components programmatically with entrycomponents
12	01:47	set properties on dynamically created angular 2 components
13	02:08	order dynamic components inside an angular 2 viewcontainer
14	02:25	move and delete angular 2 components after creation
15	01:25	generate and render angular 2 template elements in a component
16	00:58	set values on generated angular 2 templates with template context
1	01:39	create a basic angular 2 ngmodel input
2	00:55	check ngmodel validation in angular 2
3	02:59	display validation and error messaging in angular 2
4	02:42	create and submit an angular 2 form using ngform
5	01:51	group inputs in angular 2 forms with ngmodelgroup
6	01:11	angular 1 x style validation in angular 2 forms
7	01:44	understand the angular 2 states of inputs pristine and untouched
8	03:05	use rxjs streams with angular 2 forms
9	05:48	create radio buttons for angular 2 forms
10	01:10	build select dropdowns for angular 2 forms
1	03:07	consuming events as obser...
2	01:25	building an instant search with angular2 debouncing the ...
3	01:15	preventing unnecessary requests
4	02:10	combining observables wi...
5	01:34	dealing with out of order responses
6	01:58	building fully...
1	03:31	configure your first angular 2 route
2	00:49	map a second angular 2 route to a component
3	00:38	build angular 2 navigation with routerlink
4	05:15	lazy load angular 2 modules with the router (1)
5	01:53	style the active angular 2 navigation element with routerlinkactive (1)
6	03:07	use params from angular 2 routes inside of components
7	03:48	understand the angular 2 base href requirement
8	01:49	d3 build dynamic angular 2 navigation with ngfor
9	03:29	load data to build angular 2 navigation
10	05:16	load data based on angular 2 route params
1	02:19	rendering an observable with the async pipe
2	01:05	rendering an observable date with the async and date pipes
3	01:33	handling click events with subjects
4	01:36	handling clicks and intervals together with merge
5	02:23	managing state in rxjs with startwith and scan
6	01:32	mapping streams to values to affect state
7	05:12	using ngrx store and reducers for angular 2 application state
8	01:21	dispatching action types to reducers
9	02:00	dispatching action payloads to reducers
10	02:37	passing template input values to reducers
11	03:09	passing observables into components with async pipe
12	02:33	adding a second reducer to the store
13	01:38	using two reducers together
14	05:05	using a reducer to change an object s property inside an array
15	03:31	using a value from the store in a reducer
16	03:38	review of angular 2 rxjs and reducers from ngrx store