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Franziska Stürzl edited this page May 19, 2021 · 116 revisions

Ad-hoc Working Group on Atmospheric Composition Vocabulary (WG-ACV)

The goal of this group, established by the TT-WIGOSMD, is to improve the WIGOS vocabulary for atmospheric composition and make it interoperable with other vocabularies.


  • Jörg Klausen (@joergklausen)
  • Gao Chen (@gaochen-larc)
  • Richard Eckman
  • Franziska Stürzl (@fstuerzl)
  • Markus Fiebig (@markusfiebig)
  • Sebastien Villaume (@sebvi)
  • Dagmar Kubistin (@dkubisti)
  • Rebecca Hornbrook (@rhornbrook)
  • John Nowak (@jbnowak-larc)
  • Charles Brock (@charlesabrock)
  • Ellsworth Judd Welton (@ejwelton)


Current Meeting

19 May 2021, 12 - 13:30 UTC


  1. Welcome (5')

  2. Approval of minutes (5')

  3. Progress on issues

    1. #182 1-01-01: distinction between primary and secondary physical particle properties (MF)
    2. #270 6-01-01 Creation of a new code table ParticleSizeRange (FS, GC)
    3. #280 1-01-01 Remove particle size range from variable name (MF, JW, GC)
    4. #263 Aerosol variables and WMDR class modifications required to align with OSCAR requirements (JW)
    5. #275 1-01-01 Addition of variables from WDCGG (RH)
    6. #284 1-01-01 Add description to gas phase variables (FS)
    7. #168 Total carbon variables for codetable 1-01-01.csv (FS, MF)
    8. Any other open issues according to Kanban
  4. Next meeting: 26 May, 2021 12:00-12:50 UTC (wrap-up for FT2021-2)


  • Presentation on GCMD

Objectives of WG-ACV


The main objective of this group is to improve the vocabulary on atmospheric composition. This vocabulary is used in the WIGOS metadata representation. The overarching objective of the WIGOS metadata standard, for which the WIGOS metadata representation provides the information model, is to 'document observations to enable adequate use'. Therefore, the WIGOS information model endeavors to capture the characteristic aspects of an observation.

Scope and specific tasks

  • Variables, path structures of atmospheric variables (Code table for observed variables with domain "Atmosphere": 1-01-01)
    • Review existing subdomains
    • Identify missing variables and suggest how they can be organized
    • Provide descriptions that define the variables unambiguously
  • Sampling attributes and method details
    • Identify the key attributes of the process of observation that determine the result

Information model of WIGOS metadata

The information of WIGOS is a profile of ISO/OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M). It models an observation as a combination of various aspects of an observation that may influence the result, combined here using an operator 'x' (the current focus of WG-ACV are the aspects marked in bold):

  • observation = observed variable x geometry x procedure
  • observed variable = domain x matrix x variable
  • domain = {Atmosphere|Terrestrial|Earth|Ocean|Outer Space}
  • matrix = the specific physical phase of interest for the observation
  • variable = biogeochemical species or physical quantity
  • geometry = {point|line|area|volume|vertical profile|total column} as defined in Geometry
  • procedure = sampling x processing x reporting
  • sampling = size cut-off x sizing methodology x pressure x temperature x humidity x wavelength/frequency
  • processing = sample treatment x method x method details x instrument (x operator)
  • method = bio/physico/chemical principle used to make the observation
  • method details = free text describing specifics of the method of observation
  • instrument = manufacturer x model x serial number
  • operator = an individual involved in making the observation
  • reporting = pressure x temperature x humidity x unit x ...

Priority issues for WG-ACV

All issues related to this working group can be at: Project on GitHub

Notes and useful links

Code list: Register: Observed variable - measurand (atmosphere), csv-version of the code list: Table 1-01-01, WIGOS model: XML schema

Vocabularies for atmospheric composition

Information on WMDS and the WIGOS metadata information model (TT-WIGOSMD)

WG-ACV project on GitHub

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