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gNMIc Cluster

This project enables users to run an autoscaling gNMIc cluster on kubernetes. gNMIc is an openconfig project that allows users to stream telemetry from gNMI enabled routers.

This project was co-funded by GEANT in the GN5-1 WP6 Incubator.

Telemetry pipeline architecture

Telemetry Architecture


  • Kubernetes cluster

  • A strimzi operator and kafka cluster deployment within your k8s cluster Strimzi

  • Minimum CPU and RAM for 300 Routers and subscription to all metrics for processing +/- 2 billion events per day

    CPU Memory Storage (90 days retention)
    20 160Gi 3Ti


helm repo add gnmic-cluster-chart
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install gnmic-cluster gnmic-cluster-chart/gnmic-cluster

Helm Chart Documentation


Version: 0.1.2 Type: application AppVersion: v0.38.3

This chart deploys a gNMIc cluster. This application enables users to stream telemetry from gNMI capable routers.

Homepage: https://workfloworchestrator/gnmic-cluster-chart


Name Email Url
Workflow Orchestrator Programme [email protected]

Source Code


Repository Name Version reflector 7.1.288
oci:// redis 20.1.5


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity for the k8s scheduler, this is a mapping per collector and relay
autoscaling object {"enabled":true,"locker":"consul","maxReplicas":30,"minReplicas":4,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":80} Autscaling configuration, enabled by default to maximise the efficiency of collection.
autoscaling.enabled bool true Autoscaling enabled string "consul" 'consul' or 'k8s'
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 30 Autoscaling upper bound
autoscaling.minReplicas int 4 Autoscaling lower bound
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage or targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage
config object {"collector":{},"global":{"api-server":{"address":":7890","debug":false,"enable-metrics":true},"debug":false,"encoding":"proto","format":"event","gzip":false,"password":"${GNMIC_PASSWORD}","skip-verify":true,"username":"${GNMIC_USERNAME}"},"relay":{}} gNMIc configuration
config.collector object {} Collector configuration, must be provided in yaml by following the instructions here: object {"api-server":{"address":":7890","debug":false,"enable-metrics":true},"debug":false,"encoding":"proto","format":"event","gzip":false,"password":"${GNMIC_PASSWORD}","skip-verify":true,"username":"${GNMIC_USERNAME}"} Global gNMIc Configuration extra keys can be added or removed according to: string "${GNMIC_PASSWORD}" An example of using environment value variables string "${GNMIC_USERNAME}" An example of using environment value variables
config.relay object {} Relay configuration, must be provided in yaml by following the instructions here:
fullnameOverride string "" Fullname override
image.pullPolicy string "Always" Image pull policy.
image.repository string "" Image repository.
image.tag string "latest" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Required for private image repository
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ingress.className string "" The ingress class name
ingress.enabled bool false The ingress for the Api
ingress.hosts list [] The ingress host rules
ingress.tls list [] TLS rules
kafka object {"bootstrap_server":"","cluster":"","enabled":true,"group":"gnmic-collector","kafka_namespace":"","topic":{"config":{},"name":"gnmic-telemetry","partitions":15,"replicas":3},"user":{"mechanism":"scram-sha-512","name":"gnmic"}} Requires a Strimzi Operator inside the cluster and an active Kafka deployment
kafka.bootstrap_server string "" Kafka Bootstrap address: fqdn + port. eg: kafka-bootstrap.production.svc.cluster.local:9094
kafka.cluster string "" The name of the cluster inside the
kafka.enabled bool true Enabling this will create the strimzi artefacts to create the kafka objects in K8s. This will also configure the secret reflector so the kafka user secret can be string "gnmic-collector" The kafka user group
kafka.kafka_namespace string "" The namespace where the kafka manifests need to be installed so the operator can create the user topics and rolebindings
kafka.topic object {"config":{},"name":"gnmic-telemetry","partitions":15,"replicas":3} Kafka topic configuration
kafka.topic.config object {} Kafka Topic configuration string "gnmic-telemetry" Topic name
kafka.topic.partitions int 15 Minumum number of partitions (cruise control may scale to more)
kafka.topic.replicas int 3 Minimum number of replicas ( num(replicas) =< num(kafka_nodes)
kafka.user object {"mechanism":"scram-sha-512","name":"gnmic"} The kafka user configuration
nameOverride string "" Name override
podAnnotations object {} Any extra pod annotations
podLabels object {} Any extra pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {} The Custom security context written in Yaml
redis object {"enabled":false} Optional deployment of redis inside the namespace. This
redis.enabled bool false Enable or disable usage of the Bitnami redis
reflector object {"enabled":false} Optional deployment of the secret reflector. This is necesarry when running the
replicaCount int 3 Number of replicas for the Collector and Relay statefulset. This will be overridden when autoscaling is activated
resources.collector object {} Resources for the collector, mandatory for functional autoscaling
resources.consul object {} Resources for the consul deployment
resources.relay object {} Resources for the relay, mandatory for functional autoscaling
secrets object {"name":"gnmic-secret","opaque":{"enabled":false,"items":{}},"secret_provider":{"config":{"keyvault":"","nodePublishSecretRefName":"","provider":"","tenantId":""},"enabled":false,"objects":[]}} Secret configuration string "gnmic-secret" Name of the secret
secrets.opaque object {"enabled":false,"items":{}} Usimg an opaque secret inside kubernets
secrets.opaque.enabled bool false Whether it is enabled
secrets.opaque.items object {} Secret items
secrets.secret_provider object {"config":{"keyvault":"","nodePublishSecretRefName":"","provider":"","tenantId":""},"enabled":false,"objects":[]} Using a secret provider allows the user to inject secrets from a vault or cloud provider
secrets.secret_provider.config object {"keyvault":"","nodePublishSecretRefName":"","provider":"","tenantId":""} K8s secret provider configuration
secrets.secret_provider.config.keyvault string "" Name of the keyvault
secrets.secret_provider.config.nodePublishSecretRefName string "" Secret with credentials to access the keyvault
secrets.secret_provider.config.provider string "" eg: azure
secrets.secret_provider.config.tenantId string "" Tenant id
secrets.secret_provider.enabled bool false Secret provider enabled
secrets.secret_provider.objects list [] List of objects to retrieve from the keyvault. These objects will be mapped to enviroment variables inside the containers
server object {"cache":{"address":"","type":"redis"},"enabled":true,"port":57400} gNMI server capabilities:
server.cache object {"address":"","type":"redis"} Override of the default cache
server.cache.address string "" Redis cache address in URI form, e.g: redis-master.production.svc.cluster.local:6379
server.cache.type string "redis" Only redis is supported
server.enabled bool true Whether the server is enabled
server.port int 57400 Default port
service.annotations object {} The extra service annotations to be compatible with clouds
service.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" The ExternalTrafficPolicy
service.port int 7890 The port being exposed
service.type string "ClusterIP" The type of service
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.automount bool true Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created, must be set to true when using the k8s locker string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
servicemonitor.enabled bool false For monitoring by Prometheus
tolerations object {} Tolerations for the k8s scheduler, this is a mapping per collector and relay

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2

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helm-docs .

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