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Defensive design for your angular application

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npm install --save angular-defensive


bower install --save angular-defensive


angular.module('myApp', [..., 'ngDefensive'])

Defining a configuration

Configurations should be registered into a run block. You can add to a configuration as many cases as you want, they will be checked in the same order you added them (first in, first out).

.run(function(CheckPreset, DefensiveConfiguration) {
      caseName: 'noNetwork',
      templateUrl: 'templates/no-network.html',
      check: function() {
        return CheckPreset.noNetwork();
  • caseName : The name of the case, which you can later use in a controller to specify an action when the defensive template is shown
  • template : An inline defensive template to show when the check function returns true. Overrides any given templateUrl.
  • templateUrl : The url to a defensive template to show when the check function returns true
  • check : If it is a promise, when resolved, it will cause the given defensive template to be shown inside any element which uses the ng-defensive directive (it will not when the promise is rejected or never resolved). If it is a value, it will show the template when truethy.

Using the directive

<div ng-defensive="confName" ng-defensive-callbacks="callbacks">
  Normal content

Marking any DOM element with the ng-defensive directive will make it check all cases of that configuration in order, showing the first template matching the check function which returns true.