From 91440a1569210b5755197826760b221758d3252c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Scott Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:41:36 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Remove the duplicate path prefix from the logging Signed-off-by: David Scott --- | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7706368..4ef9b93 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -88,25 +88,25 @@ let missing_uri () = let (>>>=) = Deferred.Result.(>>=) let fork_exec_rpc root_dir script_name args response_of_rpc = - info "%s/%s %s" root_dir script_name (Jsonrpc.to_string args); + info "%s %s" script_name (Jsonrpc.to_string args); ( Sys.is_file ~follow_symlinks:true script_name >>= function | `No | `Unknown -> - error "%s/%s is not a file" root_dir script_name; + error "%s is not a file" script_name; return (Error(backend_error "SCRIPT_MISSING" [ script_name; "Check whether the file exists and has correct permissions" ])) | `Yes -> return (Ok ()) ) >>>= fun () -> ( Unix.access script_name [ `Exec ] >>= function | Error exn -> - error "%s/%s is not executable" root_dir script_name; + error "%s is not executable" script_name; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTABLE" [ script_name; Exn.to_string exn ])) | Ok () -> return (Ok ()) ) >>>= fun () -> Process.create ~prog:script_name ~args:["--json"] ~working_dir:root_dir () >>= function | Error e -> - error "%s/%s failed: %s" root_dir script_name (Error.to_string_hum e); + error "%s failed: %s" script_name (Error.to_string_hum e); return (Error(backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; Error.to_string_hum e ])) | Ok p -> (* Send the request as json on stdin *) @@ -121,33 +121,33 @@ let fork_exec_rpc root_dir script_name args response_of_rpc = (* Expect an exception and backtrace on stdout *) begin match Or_error.try_with (fun () -> Jsonrpc.of_string output.Process.Output.stdout) with | Error _ -> - error "%s/%s failed and printed bad error json: %s" root_dir script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; + error "%s failed and printed bad error json: %s" script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; "non-zero exit and bad json on stdout"; string_of_int code; output.Process.Output.stdout; output.Process.Output.stdout ])) | Ok response -> begin match Or_error.try_with (fun () -> error_of_rpc response) with | Error _ -> - error "%s/%s failed and printed bad error json: %s" root_dir script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; + error "%s failed and printed bad error json: %s" script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; "non-zero exit and bad json on stdout"; string_of_int code; output.Process.Output.stdout; output.Process.Output.stdout ])) | Ok x -> return (Error(backend_backtrace_error x.code x.params x.backtrace)) end end | Error (`Signal signal) -> - error "%s/%s caught a signal and failed" root_dir script_name; + error "%s caught a signal and failed" script_name; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; "signalled"; Signal.to_string signal; output.Process.Output.stdout; output.Process.Output.stdout ])) | Ok () -> (* Parse the json on stdout *) begin match Or_error.try_with (fun () -> Jsonrpc.of_string output.Process.Output.stdout) with | Error _ -> - error "%s/%s succeeded but printed bad json: %s" root_dir script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; + error "%s succeeded but printed bad json: %s" script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; "bad json on stdout"; output.Process.Output.stdout ])) | Ok response -> begin match Or_error.try_with (fun () -> response_of_rpc response) with | Error _ -> - error "%s/%s succeeded but printed bad json: %s" root_dir script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; + error "%s succeeded but printed bad json: %s" script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; return (Error (backend_error "SCRIPT_FAILED" [ script_name; "json did not match schema"; output.Process.Output.stdout ])) | Ok x -> - info "%s/%s succeeded: %s" root_dir script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; + info "%s succeeded: %s" script_name output.Process.Output.stdout; return (Ok x) end end From 19ad9423996770295f259ba618b7e6c0f69fecec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Scott Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:41:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] CA-180826: `SR.stat` should take the attached URI We call `SR.stat` on already-attached SRs, so should provide the attached URI. For example if an SR is created at iscsi://target/iqn/disk the `SR.attach` will return a local path like file:///var/run/sr-mount/foo We then call `SR.stat` with `file:///var/run/sr-mount/foo`. This makes it easy to query the SR attributes such as - free space - name etc Signed-off-by: David Scott --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4ef9b93..6bdf67a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ let process root_dir name x = (* Stat the SR to look for datasources *) let args = Storage.Volume.Types.SR.Stat.In.make args.Args.SR.Attach.dbg - uri in + attach_response (* SR.stat should take the attached URI *) in let args = Storage.Volume.Types.SR.Stat.In.rpc_of_t args in fork_exec_rpc root_dir (script root_dir name `Volume "SR.stat") args Storage.Volume.Types.SR.Stat.Out.t_of_rpc >>= fun stat ->