- XEOK-35: Render IfcAxisLabels - #1808
- [DOCUMENTATION] Adding missing types and update documentation for includeIds in XKTLoaderPlugin - #1817
- Upgrade loaders.gl - #1815
- chore: fix percy token passing, remove percy abel once test done - #1814
- [FEATURE] Load only specified elements - #1813
- Implement section caps through sceneModelEntity:capMaterial - #1775
- Feat/percy visual testing - #1801
- FIX: allow to change the
during snap picking - #1811 - Fix typings of 'WebIFCLoaderPlugin' - #1804
- Update package.json - #1806
- XCD-230 Don't cull backfaces of solid objects - #1805
- #1704 Optimize Annotations' position update - #1761
- Fix overlay examples - #1800
- XEOK-136: Deprecate preset property on EmphasisMaterial - #1797
- XEOK-205 Fix math.mat4ToEuler to return angles in degrees, not radians - #1796
- Remove SceneModel LoD examples from index, for now - #1795
- Add types for touchPointSelector - #1794
- Add PointerCircle.d.ts - #1793
- XCD-242 Fix near and far values for ray picking - #1791
- [EXAMPLES] Comments clean-up - #1790
- XEOK-197 Implement SectionPlane::quaternion and ::roll - #1789
- Much cleaner edge rendering when enabling logarithmic depth buffer - #1788
- XEOK-198 Update SceneModel::rotation on SceneModel::matrix change - #1787
- XEOK-196 Rotate the SectionPlane Control gizmo to be Y-up by default - #1786
- [EXAMPLE] Adds example of creating a section plane with a short tap - #1785
- Fix/XV-574: markerClicked event is not fired on ios safari - #1784
- Fixes for touch Angle- and DistanceMeasurement creation. - #1782
- XEOK-185: Lines are not clipped by SectionPlanes - #1781
- XCD-231 Change rotation gizmo to rely on 2D canvas pos->point angle - #1780
- Add AngleMeasurementsTouchControl to index.d.ts - #1779
- Optional sorting functions - #1776
- Updated typings - #1774
- XEOK-191 Fix math.transformPoint4 call - #1773
- XCD-176 IPad Cut Mode - #1770
- [FIX] SceneModel robustness for invalid tri mesh edgeIndices - #1772
- XEOK-171: CameraControl stops reacting when using system shortcuts - #1771
- XCD-196 Render Zones ordered by camera distance - #1769
- Context menu appears after each zoom or pan - #1768
- Submenu is not visible/usable when there is not enough space on the sides - #1767
- XCD-210: First pick does not work with doublePickFlyTo enabled - #1766
- Implement missing cross section from dtx renderer - #1765
- XCD-224: Annotations cannot be deleted - #1764
- XCD-223: Adapt the change of metaModels from array to object - #1763
- XCD-208 Make FastNavPlugin revert to the original canvas resolutionScale on switchToHighQuality - #1760
- [FEATURE] Add optional IfcProject root node to TreeViewPlugin "storeys" hierarchy - #1759
- [FIX] Add missing types for MarqueePicker and ObjectsKdTree3 - #1758
- [FIX] Fix deletion from MetaScene.rootMetaObjects - #1755
- XCD-212 Fix toClipSpace to transform its argument after view/proj matrices stabilize - #1754
- [FIX] Fix missing MetaObject->metaModels links - #1753
- StoreyViewsPlugin::Remove unit conversion to meters - #1752
- Import os in context menu example - #1751
- Fix context menus on mobile devices - #1747
- [EXAMPLES] Fix picking examples - #1749
- XCD-144 Fix shaking measurement - #1719
- XEOK-169 Fix undefined this._entity.model - #1748
- XEOK-160 Fix AngleMeasurementsMouseControl's red dot position - #1746
- [EXAMPLE] Add 2 new cards for 3D zoning and 2D overlay - #1742
- Use elevation property to clip overlapping bounding boxes - #1741
- fix: hide pivot element on touchend - #1740
- XEOK-146 Use isSceneModelEntity instead of instanceOf SceneModelEntity - #1739
- Expose the link to floorPlan_example from examples/scenegraph category - #1738
- XEOK-151 Fix label's text offset in an html2canvas capture - #1736
- Fix when manifestSrc contains a Shared Access Key - #1735
- Add ability to capture whole models::StoreyViewsPlugin - #1733
- Updated typings - #1732
- XCD-197 Fix planView panning in CameraControls - #1731
- Implement custom cursors for camera movement - #1730
- [FIX] Robustness for VBOs and edgeIndices - #1729
- Add support for model ids when there are multiple models on the scene - #1728
- Fix/pan right click - #1727
- XCD-153 Reset snapshotCanvas transformation applied by html2canvas - #1722
- [FIX] Fix IfcBuildingStorey elevation sort - #1721
- Fix regression caused by camera controls mapping feature - #1720
- Add option to configure camera control using keymaps in CameraControl - #1718
- [FIX] Adding a shallow copy of worldPos for _lastClickedWorldPos - #1716
- [FEATURE] Rotate around previous pivot when clicking on background - #1713
- [FIX] Fixes examples using libs/dat.gui.min.js - #1712
- [FIX] TreeViewPlugin sortNodes fix - #1711
- [FEATURE] StoreyViewsPlugin sort on IfcBuildingStorey elevation - #1710
- Update ObjectsMemento::StoreyViewsPlugin to restore only visibility - #1709
- Update typings: setCheckbox method signature to include optional indeterminate… - #1708
- Updated typings: setCheckbox method signature to include indeterminate parameter - #1707
- XCD-175 Fix {Angle,Distance}MeasurementsMouseControl green/red marker's misplacement - #1703
- Fix rootnames showing as 'na' in TreeViewPlugin - #1702
- [FIX] Regression for name of root object of TreeViewPlugin (XCD-174) - #1700
- Make SceneModel::matrix setter decompose to other transformation properties - #1699
- XEOK-50 Adjust example code for an upcoming 2D Overlay tutorial - #1697
- StoreyViewsPlugin storeysList - #1698
- Fix model not scaling when loading using XKTLoaderPlugin - #1696
- [EXAMPLE] Fixes and adds an example of Section + FastNavPlugin - #1695
- XCD-153 Compensate canvas offset when snapshotting a plugin - #1694
- XCD-136 Fix SectionPlane interaction with translated SceneModel - #1692
- Define point size when using gl.Points::VBOBatchingPointsSnapInitRenderer - #1691
- [FIX] Change MetaScene.metaObjects from array to object - #1689
- Fix(vbo-layer) Fixing get each vertex api in VBOInstancingTrianglesLayer - #1585
- Fix rotation transformation in getEachVertex. - #1685
- [FIX] XKTLoaderPlugin returns sceneModel before it is defined - #1682
- [FEATURE] LASLoaderPlugin point transform options - #1684
- XEOK-17 Fix SectionPlanes for rotated models - #1683
- [FIX] Fixing the glbTreeViewPlugin.html behaviour by using autoMetaModel - #1677
- API documentation fix - #1681
- [IMPROVEMENT]: Simpler and more robust obtention of mouse canvas coordinates - #1679
- XCD-159 Optionally globalize GLTF's entityId - #1680
- XCD-158 Demonstrate Zone hiding and showing with an example - #1678
- [FIX] Fix snapshots in presence of multiple plugins - #1676
- [FIX] Fill empty name of property sets for elements in DotBIMLoaderPlugin - #1675
- Copy SceneModelMesh::aabb before translating by origin - #1674
- XEOK-115 Fix object.numPrimitives and numTriangles are NaN #1671 - #1673
- XEOK-114 Fix wrong aabb value after rotating a model - #1670
- Update indeterminate state in TreeViewPlugin - #1663
- Add submenu position attribute on the li tag containing a submenu - #1668
- Return created SceneModelEntity in SceneModel.createEntity method - #1669
- XCD-155 Fix missing touchPointSelector - #1666
- fix: use css class to mark submenu - #1662
- XEOK-111 Prevent LASLoaderPlugin infinite loop - #1661
- chore: disable dtx console.info logs which slow down render - #1660
- Fix ShowNode method in TreeViewPlugin does not collapse the tree - #1650
- XCD-147 Implement an example of annotation touch create - #1654
- XCD-145 Fix GLTFLoaderPlugin KTX loading - #1653
- Fix: update VBOBatchingTrianglesBuffer constructor - #1648
- Updated FastNavPlugin type definitions - #1649
- Add navigation examples - #1647
- Removed implementation of visible and hidden classes - #1646
- Wrong id passed to collapseNode method - #1644
- [FIX] Undefined metadata in DotBIMLoaderPlugin - #1643
- Add option for indeterminate checkbox in TreeViewPlugin - #1642
- XCD-139 GLB displayed incorrectly in treeview - #1639
- Add separator as an independent li tag. - #1640
- XEOK-99 Fix dotbim_Multicolor house on macOS - #1641
- Added minimap example link to navigation examples html page - #1638
- Take into account canvas rect for touch-based measurements - #1628
- [TIDY] Removed unused RGBA packing func from depth shader - #1634
- [FIX] Support unsorted set of meshes for face colors - #1637
- XEOK-96 DTX minimap interaction fix - #1636
- Add examples using entity's surfaceArea and volume properties - #1632
- Use documentElement instead of body for client{X,Y}=>canvasPos transformation - #1630
- XEOK-94 Fix DTX snapshot rendering - #1629
- XEOK-93 Fix AngleMeasurementsMouseControl dot - #1625
- Move examples/picking/overlapping.js to examples/libs/overlappingPick.js - #1624
- XCD-101 Picking overlapping objects - #1623
- Export types for
- #1622
- [FIX] Fix getEachVertex for instanced VBO triangles - #1621
- [FIX] Fix getEachVertex for instanced VBO triangles - #1620
- Fix MeshVolume::volume calculation - #1619
- Remove preemptively added touch floor plan editing example link - #1618
- Allow to set different wireframe axes for distance measurements - #1615
- Fix/exported types update - #1617
- Fix/pointer lens - #1616
- update source - #1
- Added XKTLoaderPlugin renderOrder option - #1614
- Use SceneModel.renderOrder in renderer - #1613
- XEOK-50 Overlay 2D - #1612
- [DOCUMENTATION] Replacing README.md example with XKT loading - #1609
- [FIX] Fix TreeiewPlugin error report when Storeys view not possible - #1608
- Fixed glb loader not loading when nodes are with names - #1607
- Adding some missing types in loaders - #1605
- XEOK-83 Fix null matrix handling in parseNodeMesh - #1602
- [FEATURE] Support face_colors for dotbim - #1603
- [FEATURE] add snap picking default picking data - #1601
- Auto gltf metamodel - #1600
- Make GLTFLoaderPlugin generate automatic metadata - #1599
- XEOK-77 Fix incorrect color composition in TrianglesColorTextureRenderer - #1597
- [FIX] snap picking - #1595
- XCD-36 GLTF alphaCutoff support - #1596
- XEOK-75 Bring back missing SceneModel::_createDefaultIndices definition - #1594
- Rebuild to fix XCD-127 - #1591
- [FIX] marker occlusion - #1579
- [FIX] Fix SceneModel.getEachVertex - #1587
- [FEATURE] Progressive SceneModel loading - #1586
- XEOK-64 PointerCircle::destroy error - #1583
- [FIX] Incorrect imports - #1578
- XEOK-62 Fix Zone sides winding - #1576
- Mesh volume and area - #1574
- XEOK-59 Zone area - #1573
- Fix ZonesPlugin_createZones glyph CSS width - #1571
- Example/minimap - #1570
- XEOK-53 Zone volume - #1569
- Fix/measurement types - #1568
- XCD-109 Snapping change of a measurement in progress - #1565
- [FIX] Camera incorrectly zooms to end of measurement after completion - #1566
- Contributing.md - #1559
- Add missing type defs - #1564
- [FIX] Spector example removal - #1562
- XEOK-40 snap pick from ray - #1563
- chore: missing type declarations - #1560
- Fix typo in DistanceMeasurementPlugin - #1555
- show correct distance for z axis when useRotationAdjustment is false - #1556
- Fix(measurements) Removed deletion of in progress measurement when us… - #1558
- [FIX] Fix types for measurement plugin events] - #1557
- XEOK-44 Annotation text adjustment - #1554
- [FIX] Incorrect cached scene center - #1553
- [FEATURE] Add camera control keyboardEnabledOnlyIfMouseover - #1552
- [FIX] Include buildLineGeometry in build] - #1551
- XEOK-37 Edit Annotation Example - #1550
- XEOK-36 Edit Measurement update - #1548
- Fix failing XKTDefaultDataSource load - #1549
- [FIX] Fix Mesh measurement - #1546
- XEOK-36 Edit Measurement - #1545
- Fix split properties decompress - #1544
- [FIX] Fix decompression of properties in split metadata files - #1543
- [FIX] Rollback drawable ordering - #1542
- [FEATURE] Added SceneModel.renderOrder and Mesh.renderOrder - #1541
- Fix XEOK-39 - #1540
- [FIX] Expect canvasPos for Scene.snapPick, fix docs - #1539
- [FEATURE] Cache busting for loader plugin data sources - #1538
- [FIX] Making optional control of precision of annotation occluding - #1536
- Fix(measurements) Fixed the distance difference in useRotationAdjustment - #1533
- [FIX] Remove shader offset for OcclusionTester.js to increase OcclusionTester.js precision - #1534
- [FEATURE] Extend pattern to end point - #1532
- [FEATURE] Additional method for styled lines geometry - #1529
- Fix Viewer.js html2canvas import - #1528
- [FEATURE] 3d zoning feature - #1523
- [FIX] Fix occlusion for Marker worldPos update case - #1522
- [FIX] Fix LASLoaderPlugin intensity and chunking for v1.2 - #1521
- Fix/measurement controls - #1520
- Add annotations snapshots example - #1518
- [EXAMPLE] Change teapot example to test also double-precision precision - #1517
- [FEATURE] DotBIMLoaderPlugin - #1510
- Added LASLoaderPlugin entityId param - #1512
- [FEATURE] Added GLTFLoaderPlugin.load() entityId parameter - #1511
- Feature/rotation adjusted distance - #1497
- Changed variable names used for toggling x,y,z and length labels - #1496
- Added test for loading glTF with KHR_mesh_quantization - #1493
- [FIX] Make programmatically-created distance measurements initially clickable - #1492
- Feature/toggle length labels - #1491
- Cancellable measurements - #1490
- [FIX] Fix CameraControl mouse picking alignment for oversized scrolling canvas - #1489
- fix Marker docs - #1437
- Fix measurement dot position - #1484
- [FIX] Add canvasToPagePos typedef for measurement plugins #1481 - #1482
- Fix SceneModel.createTransform - #1478
- Updates types for CrossSections and adds documentation description - #1477
- Revert "[FIX] SceneModelTransform: parentTransformId parameter doesn't work x…" - #1476
- [FEATURE] Cross section highlight - #1394
- [REFACTOR] Updates in examples - #1475
- Add missing TypeScript definitions for measurement plugins, plus tidy ups - #1474
- [FIX] SceneModelTransform: parentTransformId parameter doesn't work x… - #1471
- Fix Marker/Annotation occlusion for scene graph rep - #1470
- Context menu enhancements - #1466
- Fixed BCFViewpointsPlugin setViewpoint setting IfcSpaces visible when spaces_visible is false - #1464
- [FIX] Ensure no interference between ContextMenus on measurements and Canvas - #1463
- [FIX] Fix interference between ContextMenus on measurements and Canvas - #1462
- [FIX] Fix
TypeError for missing glTF material #1458 - #1460 - [FIX] SceneModelTransform: parentTransformId parameter doesn't work #… - #1459
- [FIX] SceneModelTransform: parentTransformId parameter doesn't work - #1457
- [EXAMPLE] First-person pointer locking example - #1456
- [DOC] Add Pointer Lock on CameraControl firstPerson example - #1455
- [FIX] Make Shadow class private - #1454
- [FIX] Fix building positioning examples #1379 - #1453
- [FIX] Fix broken example links - #1452
- Make PickResult public part of API #1314 - #1451
- Include Entities on distance and angle measurements #1337 - #1450
- Fix GLTFLoaderPlugin.load() backfaces option - #1449
- Fix SceneModel.createTransform() parentTransformId - #1448
- Feature - Add support for Pointer Lock Web API - #1445
- Prevent ability to create SectionPlanes on SectionPlane Control - #1444
- Touch measurements - #1440
- FIX Viewer.js breaking import - #1434
- Add canvasToPagePos callback for measurement controls - #1433
- [FIX] Distance measurement tool not working when model has a slice on specific axis #1428 - #1429
- Add FastNavPlugin.defaultScaleCanvasResolutionFactor - #1426
- Add selection glowThrough support to DTX triangles renderer layer - #1425
- [FIX] Reset CameraControl default values when followPointer config is dynamically changed - #1423
- [FIX] No default metaobjects when loading XKTs and JSONs from manifest - #1413
- [FIX] Tolerate metamodel PropertySets with missing properties - #1412
- [FIX] Create dummy SceneEntity for unused SceneMeshes - #1410
- Make PickResult public part of API #1314 - #1451
- Include Entities on distance and angle measurements #1337 - #1450
- Fix GLTFLoaderPlugin.load() backfaces option - #1449
- Fix SceneModel.createTransform() parentTransformId - #1448
- Feature - Add support for Pointer Lock Web API - #1445
- Prevent ability to create SectionPlanes on SectionPlane Control - #1444
- Touch measurements - #1440
- FIX Viewer.js breaking import - #1434
- Add canvasToPagePos callback for measurement controls - #1433
- [FIX] Distance measurement tool not working when model has a slice on specific axis #1428 - #1429
- Add FastNavPlugin.defaultScaleCanvasResolutionFactor - #1426
- Add selection glowThrough support to DTX triangles renderer layer - #1425
- [FIX] Reset CameraControl default values when followPointer config is dynamically changed - #1423
- Robust placement of measurement dot - #1418
- Add missing .js endings for import - #1416
- [FIX] No default metaobjects when loading XKTs and JSONs from manifest - #1413
- [FIX] Tolerate metamodel PropertySets with missing properties - #1412
- [FIX] Create dummy SceneEntity for unused SceneMeshes - #1410
- Fix dot initial visibility - #1406
- An alternative setInterval that does not use a Worker - #1402
- [BREAKING] Modify WebIFCLoaderPlugin to expect externally-provided web-ifc API - #1401
- Fix WebIFC element name - #1397
- Bump web ifc to 0.0.51 - #1396
- Align measurement marker div correctly for canvas offset by div - #1395
- [EXAMPLE] Section path example - #1390
- Fix transparent DTX mesh picking - #1389
- Updating types for buildPolylineGeometryFromCurve method - #1387
- Change default far plane distance from 2000 to 10000 - #1386
- Handle glTF triangles without indices; add some examples - #1385
- [FEATURE] Drawing curves using polyline - #1384
- [EXAMPLE] Longer slider with resizable length - #1383
- [EXAMPLE] Adding example of controlling the position on the CameraPath by slider - #1382
- Fix undefined _markerDiv bug in AngleMeasurementsMouseControl - #1380
- Adding missing types for Polyline geometry - #1376
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to draw 3d polylines - #1374
- Add missing types for buildBoxLinesGeometryFromAABB - #1369
- [FIX] Ensure DTX-enabled SceneModel still uses VBOs for textures - #1368
- [FEATURE] AABB representation - #1367
- .d.ts file update for DistanceMeasurement - #1366
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to show labels one below the other for measurement plugin - #1365
- [FIX] Fix MetaObject.metaModels value after unloading multiple metamodels with shared metaobjects - #1363
- Fix shader inheritance for batched VBO selection/highlight/xray - #1362
- Use custom setTimeout that works in an unfocused browser tab - #1361
- fix for issue #1356 - #1357
- [EXAMPLE] Add slider control to exploding OBJ model example - #1359
- [Fix] Correct DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1351
- [Fix] Correct AngleMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1350
- Adding exploded model example - #1347
- Update SceneModel.createMesh() types - #1346
- Throws when one try to create a scene with an unused mesh during finalize. - #1338
- Adding benchmarking example with Spector - #1342
- Updated typings - #1340
- [EXAMPLE] Added additional icons for regular ifc types - #1339
- [EXAMPLE] Add icons for different types of nodes in tree view - #1334
- [FIX] Update TreeViewNode class documentation - #1333
- [Fix] Fixed links to assets, removed link to roboto condensed - #1332
- Fix WebIFC element name - #1397
- Bump web ifc to 0.0.51 - #1396
- Align measurement marker div correctly for canvas offset by div - #1395
- [EXAMPLE] Section path example - #1390
- Fix transparent DTX mesh picking - #1389
- Updating types for buildPolylineGeometryFromCurve method - #1387
- Change default far plane distance from 2000 to 10000 - #1386
- Handle glTF triangles without indices; add some examples - #1385
- [FEATURE] Drawing curves using polyline - #1384
- [EXAMPLE] Longer slider with resizable length - #1383
- [EXAMPLE] Adding example of controlling the position on the CameraPath by slider - #1382
- Fix undefined _markerDiv bug in AngleMeasurementsMouseControl - #1380
- Adding missing types for Polyline geometry - #1376
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to draw 3d polylines - #1374
- Add missing types for buildBoxLinesGeometryFromAABB - #1369
- [FIX] Ensure DTX-enabled SceneModel still uses VBOs for textures - #1368
- [FEATURE] AABB representation - #1367
- .d.ts file update for DistanceMeasurement - #1366
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to show labels one below the other for measurement plugin - #1365
- [FIX] Fix MetaObject.metaModels value after unloading multiple metamodels with shared metaobjects - #1363
- Fix shader inheritance for batched VBO selection/highlight/xray - #1362
- Use custom setTimeout that works in an unfocused browser tab - #1361
- fix for issue #1356 - #1357
- [EXAMPLE] Add slider control to exploding OBJ model example - #1359
- [Fix] Correct DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1351
- [Fix] Correct AngleMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1350
- Adding exploded model example - #1347
- Update SceneModel.createMesh() types - #1346
- Throws when one try to create a scene with an unused mesh during finalize. - #1338
- Adding benchmarking example with Spector - #1342
- Updated typings - #1340
- [EXAMPLE] Added additional icons for regular ifc types - #1339
- [EXAMPLE] Add icons for different types of nodes in tree view - #1334
- [FIX] Update TreeViewNode class documentation - #1333
- [Fix] Fixed links to assets, removed link to roboto condensed - #1332
- Added renderService example - #1331
- Custom label color for NavCube - #1328
- [FEATURE] Pluggable render service for TreeViewPlugin - #1329
- Updated the typings - #1330
- Removes 404 background in examples by fixing a path - #1327
- Fixes 1225: enable override rootname in treeview - #1324
- fix code comment typo in XKTLoaderPlugin.js - #1322
- FIX: Enable model to load while different tab is open - #1318
- Use setTimeout to pump XKTLoaderPlugin XKT loading queue, not RAF - #1317
- Align measurement marker div correctly for canvas offset by div - #1395
- [EXAMPLE] Section path example - #1390
- Fix transparent DTX mesh picking - #1389
- Updating types for buildPolylineGeometryFromCurve method - #1387
- Change default far plane distance from 2000 to 10000 - #1386
- Handle glTF triangles without indices; add some examples - #1385
- [FEATURE] Drawing curves using polyline - #1384
- [EXAMPLE] Longer slider with resizable length - #1383
- [EXAMPLE] Adding example of controlling the position on the CameraPath by slider - #1382
- Fix undefined _markerDiv bug in AngleMeasurementsMouseControl - #1380
- Adding missing types for Polyline geometry - #1376
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to draw 3d polylines - #1374
- Add missing types for buildBoxLinesGeometryFromAABB - #1369
- [FIX] Ensure DTX-enabled SceneModel still uses VBOs for textures - #1368
- [FEATURE] AABB representation - #1367
- .d.ts file update for DistanceMeasurement - #1366
- [FEATURE] Adding ability to show labels one below the other for measurement plugin - #1365
- [FIX] Fix MetaObject.metaModels value after unloading multiple metamodels with shared metaobjects - #1363
- Fix shader inheritance for batched VBO selection/highlight/xray - #1362
- Use custom setTimeout that works in an unfocused browser tab - #1361
- fix for issue #1356 - #1357
- [EXAMPLE] Add slider control to exploding OBJ model example - #1359
- [Fix] Correct DistanceMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1351
- [Fix] Correct AngleMeasurementsMouseControl pointer for offset canvas - #1350
- Adding exploded model example - #1347
- Update SceneModel.createMesh() types - #1346
- Throws when one try to create a scene with an unused mesh during finalize. - #1338
- Adding benchmarking example with Spector - #1342
- Updated typings - #1340
- [EXAMPLE] Added additional icons for regular ifc types - #1339
- [EXAMPLE] Add icons for different types of nodes in tree view - #1334
- [FIX] Update TreeViewNode class documentation - #1333
- [Fix] Fixed links to assets, removed link to roboto condensed - #1332
- Added renderService example - #1331
- Custom label color for NavCube - #1328
- [FEATURE] Pluggable render service for TreeViewPlugin - #1329
- Updated the typings - #1330
- Removes 404 background in examples by fixing a path - #1327
- Fixes 1225: enable override rootname in treeview - #1324
- fix code comment typo in XKTLoaderPlugin.js - #1322
- FIX: Enable model to load while different tab is open - #1318
- Use setTimeout to pump XKTLoaderPlugin XKT loading queue, not RAF - #1317
- fix: make containerElement and containerElementId optioanl on TreeViewPluginConfiguration - #1310
- Fix BitMap auto-scaling - #1309
- Refactor SceneModel; Add snapping for line and point primitives - #1308
- Make measurements click-though - #1302
- Fix LineSet precision - #1300
- Expose configs to experiment with SceneModel buffer sizes - #1296
- Make culled DTX objects un-pickable - #1295
- Add entity to measurement endpoints - #1292
- Refactor SceneModel AABB / transforms management - #1291
- Fix StoreyViewsPlugin - #1290
- extend treeViewPlugin to support HTMLElement and ID of an HTMLElement - #1288
- added logic to destroy MarkerDiv on deactivation and on reset, on bot… - #1286
- Fix TypeScript for LoadXKTModel #1279 - #1283
- Sample data for XKTLoaderPlugin.load() - #1282
- Option to provide XKT manifest as object param to XKTLoaderPlugin.load(), also option to provide HTTP URLs to files - #1281
- Support object translucency per BCF v4 - #1278
- OPTIMIZATION: Optimize SectionPlane creation and destruction - #1273
- FIX: SceneModel AABB not updating when moving model - #1277
- Cache and reuse pick results on CameraControl PickController - #1269
- FEATURE: Unify pick and snap within Scene.pick() - #1268
events - #1265 - Fix race condtion and optimize
- #1261 - FEATURE: Marquee Picking - #1260
- Make snap pick result return snapped Entity, not Mesh #1248 - #1259
- FEATURE: Save and load object X-ray states in BCF - #1257
- OPTIMIZATION: Properties reuse to compress metadata JSON - #1256
- FEATURE: More vibrant default Selection and Highlight materials - #1253
- Movable SceneModel Objects - #1229
- FEATURE: add entity to snap pick result - #1248
- Return
instead ofvoid
's subscribers - #1245 - Add type definitions for
- #1244 - Add
event definition toDistanceMeasurementsControl.d.ts
- #1243 - Fire
events fromDistanceMeasurementsMouseControl
- #1242 - Fix
- #1241 - chore: JSDoc types for
- #1238
- Fix typo #1228 - #1230
- Fix: also unserialize
when generating theMetaModel
- #1233 - Add a backwards-compatible
property - #1235 - Add a backwards-compatible `MetaModel.rootMetaObject property - #1237
- Fix LineSet precision - #1300
- Expose configs to experiment with SceneModel buffer sizes - #1296
- Make culled DTX objects un-pickable - #1295
- Add entity to measurement endpoints - #1292
- Refactor SceneModel AABB / transforms management - #1291
- Fix StoreyViewsPlugin - #1290
- extend treeViewPlugin to support HTMLElement and ID of an HTMLElement - #1288
- added logic to destroy MarkerDiv on deactivation and on reset, on bot… - #1286
- Fix TypeScript for LoadXKTModel #1279 - #1283
- Sample data for XKTLoaderPlugin.load() - #1282
- Option to provide XKT manifest as object param to XKTLoaderPlugin.load(), also option to provide HTTP URLs to files - #1281
- Support object translucency per BCF v4 - #1278
- OPTIMIZATION: Optimize SectionPlane creation and destruction - #1273
- FIX: SceneModel AABB not updating when moving model - #1277
- Cache and reuse pick results on CameraControl PickController - #1269
- FEATURE: Unify pick and snap within Scene.pick() - #1268
events - #1265 - Fix race condtion and optimize
- #1261 - FEATURE: Marquee Picking - #1260
- Make snap pick result return snapped Entity, not Mesh #1248 - #1259
- FEATURE: Save and load object X-ray states in BCF - #1257
- OPTIMIZATION: Properties reuse to compress metadata JSON - #1256
- FEATURE: More vibrant default Selection and Highlight materials - #1253
- Movable SceneModel Objects - #1229
- FEATURE: add entity to snap pick result - #1248
- Return
instead ofvoid
's subscribers - #1245 - Add type definitions for
- #1244 - Add
event definition toDistanceMeasurementsControl.d.ts
- #1243 - Fire
events fromDistanceMeasurementsMouseControl
- #1242 - Fix
- #1241 - chore: JSDoc types for
- #1238 - Fix typo #1228 - #1230
- Fix: also unserialize
when generating theMetaModel
- #1233 - Add a backwards-compatible
property - #1235 - Add a backwards-compatible `MetaModel.rootMetaObject property - #1237
- OPTIMIZATION: Optimize SectionPlane creation and destruction - #1273
- FIX: SceneModel AABB not updating when moving model - #1277
- Cache and reuse pick results on CameraControl PickController - #1269
- FEATURE: Unify pick and snap within Scene.pick() - #1268
events - #1265
- Fix race condtion and optimize
- #1261
- FEATURE: Marquee Picking - #1260
- Make snap pick result return snapped Entity, not Mesh #1248 - #1259
- FEATURE: Save and load object X-ray states in BCF - #1257
- OPTIMIZATION: Properties reuse to compress metadata JSON - #1256
- FEATURE: More vibrant default Selection and Highlight materials - #1253
- Movable SceneModel Objects - #1229
- FEATURE: add entity to snap pick result - #1248
- Return
instead ofvoid
's subscribers - #1245 - Add type definitions for
- #1244 - Add
event definition toDistanceMeasurementsControl.d.ts
- #1243 - Fire
events fromDistanceMeasurementsMouseControl
- #1242 - Fix
- #1241 - chore: JSDoc types for
- #1238 - Fix typo #1228 - #1230
- Fix: also unserialize
when generating theMetaModel
- #1233 - Add a backwards-compatible
property - #1235 - Add a backwards-compatible `MetaModel.rootMetaObject property - #1237
- Fix TreeView rendering when using globalizeObjectIds #1224 - #1227
- Update MetaScene.d.ts - #1226
- Make measurements sliced by SectionPlanes #1217 - #1222
- FIX: force triangle instancing pick normals flat renderer - #1214
- Add multi output Renderbuffer feature and snap pick normals with it - #1209
- fix: make sure to weld vertices when
is enabled - #1207
- Fix angle measurement highlighting on mouseover - #1202
- Example tweaks - #1201
- Fix BCF line set rounding error and bitmap Y-flipping - #1200
- Fix SceneModel DTX edge renderer for entity offsetting #1196 - #1197
- Use gradient technique to depth-init snapping buffers - #1195
- Fix name <-> type in IFC loader - #1191
- 1 x 1 picking viewport - #1168
- Automatic LAS point set chunking to fit VBOs - tweak max point set length - #1174
- Automatically split LAS point sets to fit in SceneModel VBOs - #1173
- Draw pick normal using 32 bits per color channel instead of default 8 - #1172
- Make measurements controllers pluggable - #1170
- fix BCF plugin set viewpoint - #1169
- Improve vbo scene model snap pick performance - #1161
- Distance and angle measurement snapping - #1157
- Update node.js import to make them es compatible - #1159
- Feature: add dual snap mode => vertex + edge - #1158
- replace some console.log with console.info - #1143
- Fix XKT 9 globalize IDs - #1152
- Add ./src to package dist - #1151
- Fixed occlusion shader for data textures #1148 - #1150
- Load LAS/LAZ header data into MetaModel - #1149
- Add pivot sphere - #529
- Ability to dynamically position & rotate SceneModel anywhere within World coordinate system - #1136
- Enable Viewer logarithmicDepthBuffer by default - #1133
- Remove default colors for IFC objects from XKTLoaderPlugin - #1132
- Fix perspective & ortho for canvas resize - #1131
- MetaObject attributes - #1129
- Add MetaModel types for multi XKT loading support - #1127
- Extend XKTLoaderPlugin, MetaScene & MetaModel to batch-load split XKT… - #1126
- Integrate refactorings - #1125
- Use a
to detect changes in canvas size - #1121
- Fix pset originalSystemId - #1120
- Fix pset originalSystemId - #1119
- simplify getSnapshotWithPlugins - #1118
- VBOSceneModel: Support skew in instancing matrices for AABB initialization - #1115
- DataTextureSceneModel: Support skew in instancing matrices for AABB initialization - #1116
- Support line-strip geometry in XKT - #1114
- VBO Scene Model Renderers refactoring and performance improvement - #1113
- use Uniform Block Buffer for main matrices in VBO Scene Model triangle layers - #9
- Fix texture binding in instancing renderer - #1111
- Fix MetaScene.js - metaObject is undefined - #1106
- Fix snapshots => flip Y - #1104
- Improved merging algorithm for federated models - #1103
- Update MousePanRotateDollyHandler.js - Add page scroll support - #1100
- Fix pick triangle surface of mesh with origin - #1092
- fix ray picking -> RenderBuffer read y - #1098
- FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin - #1088
- Fix entity
memory leaks linked to Scene.*Updated functions - #1090 - Fix metaObject leaks - #1087
- Stats
field - #1084 - Add stats typings - #1085
- data-tex: use 12 instead of 16 floats to store entity matrices - #1082
- VBOSceneModel - TriangleBatching - Only draw pick depth & normals of the picked mesh - #1078
- fix & clean VBOSceneModel renderers - #1077
- data-tex: reduce number of per-portion matrices - #1075
- Remove useless Renderer picking commented code - #1071
- Fix full precision picking in triangle instancing layer - #1074
- Adapt the
so it can snap to vertex. - #6
- Show annotations and measurements in snapshots - #1068
- Reduce VBOSceneModel flags memory footprint - #1060
- Fire error event when loading a modal fails - #1058
- Expose rtc maths globally - #1056
- remove buffer.flags & flags2 arrays - #1051
- Fix missing GLSL version on top of PointsBatchingOcclusionRenderer fragment shader - #1047
- [fix]: make sure to restore
changes inTexture2D
class - #1044
- Upgrade CodeSee workflow to version 2 - #968
- Enable SAO rendering in Safari. - #1038
- Annotation plugin custom z-index for markers & labels - #1017
- [data-textures]: implement a smart deferred flags update mechanism - #1037
- use project north - #1035
- Remove duplicated line in Component.js - #1036
- Chrome-for-Mac: improved mitigation for data-textures when SAO enabled - #1029
- Add SAO support when using data-textures - #1028
- Additional data-textures feature toggles - #1027
- data-textures: make
mechanism support non-identitymodel.worldMatrix
- #1026
- Upgrade CodeSee workflow to version 2 - #968
- Enable SAO rendering in Safari. - #1038
- Annotation plugin custom z-index for markers & labels - #1017
- [data-textures]: implement a smart deferred flags update mechanism - #1037
- use project north - #1035
- Remove duplicated line in Component.js - #1036
- Fix angle measurement highlighting on mouseover - #1202
- Example tweaks - #1201
- Fix BCF line set rounding error and bitmap Y-flipping - #1200
- Fix SceneModel DTX edge renderer for entity offsetting #1196 - #1197
- Use gradient technique to depth-init snapping buffers - #1195
- Fix name <-> type in IFC loader - #1191
- Pick normals using a 3x3 viewport - #1177
- fix pick normal - #1176
- 1 x 1 picking viewport - #1168
- Automatic LAS point set chunking to fit VBOs - tweak max point set length - #1174
- Automatically split LAS point sets to fit in SceneModel VBOs - #1173
- Draw pick normal using 32 bits per color channel instead of default 8 - #1172
- Make measurements controllers pluggable - #1170
- fix BCF plugin set viewpoint - #1169
- Improve vbo scene model snap pick performance - #1161
- Distance and angle measurement snapping - #1157
- Update node.js import to make them es compatible - #1159
- Feature: add dual snap mode => vertex + edge - #1158
- replace some console.log with console.info - #1143
- Fix XKT 9 globalize IDs - #1152
- Add ./src to package dist - #1151
- Fixed occlusion shader for data textures #1148 - #1150
- Load LAS/LAZ header data into MetaModel - #1149
- Add pivot sphere - #529
- Ability to dynamically position & rotate SceneModel anywhere within World coordinate system - #1136
- Enable Viewer logarithmicDepthBuffer by default - #1133
- Remove default colors for IFC objects from XKTLoaderPlugin - #1132
- Fix perspective & ortho for canvas resize - #1131
- MetaObject attributes - #1129
- Add MetaModel types for multi XKT loading support - #1127
- Extend XKTLoaderPlugin, MetaScene & MetaModel to batch-load split XKT… - #1126
- Integrate refactorings - #1125
- Use a
to detect changes in canvas size - #1121 - Fix pset originalSystemId - #1120
- Fix pset originalSystemId - #1119
- simplify getSnapshotWithPlugins - #1118
- VBOSceneModel: Support skew in instancing matrices for AABB initialization - #1115
- DataTextureSceneModel: Support skew in instancing matrices for AABB initialization - #1116
- Support line-strip geometry in XKT - #1114
- VBO Scene Model Renderers refactoring and performance improvement - #1113
- use Uniform Block Buffer for main matrices in VBO Scene Model triangle layers - #9
- Fix texture binding in instancing renderer - #1111
- Fix MetaScene.js - metaObject is undefined - #1106
- Fix snapshots => flip Y - #1104
- Improved merging algorithm for federated models - #1103
- Update MousePanRotateDollyHandler.js - Add page scroll support - #1100
- Fix pick triangle surface of mesh with origin - #1092
- fix ray picking -> RenderBuffer read y - #1098
- FaceAlignedSectionPlanesPlugin - #1088
- Fix entity
memory leaks linked to Scene.*Updated functions - #1090 - Fix metaObject leaks - #1087
- Stats
field - #1084 - Add stats typings - #1085
- data-tex: use 12 instead of 16 floats to store entity matrices - #1082
- VBOSceneModel - TriangleBatching - Only draw pick depth & normals of the picked mesh - #1078
- fix & clean VBOSceneModel renderers - #1077
- data-tex: reduce number of per-portion matrices - #1075
- Remove useless Renderer picking commented code - #1071
- Fix full precision picking in triangle instancing layer - #1074
- Adapt the
so it can snap to vertex. - #6 - Show annotations and measurements in snapshots - #1068
- Reduce VBOSceneModel flags memory footprint - #1060
- Fire error event when loading a modal fails - #1058
- Expose rtc maths globally - #1056
- remove buffer.flags & flags2 arrays - #1051
- Fix missing GLSL version on top of PointsBatchingOcclusionRenderer fragment shader - #1047
- [fix]: make sure to restore
changes inTexture2D
class - #1044 - Upgrade CodeSee workflow to version 2 - #968
- Enable SAO rendering in Safari. - #1038
- Annotation plugin custom z-index for markers & labels - #1017
- [data-textures]: implement a smart deferred flags update mechanism - #1037
- use project north - #1035
- Remove duplicated line in Component.js - #1036
- Chrome-for-Mac: improved mitigation for data-textures when SAO enabled - #1029
- Add SAO support when using data-textures - #1028
- Additional data-textures feature toggles - #1027
- data-textures: make
mechanism support non-identitymodel.worldMatrix
- #1026 - Improvements in the LOD mechanism - #1018
- [DataTexturePerformanceModel]: 80% GPU RAM savings! - #824
- Fix imports - #1015
- Fix loaders.gl import - #1014
- fix imports to make them ES valid - #1012
- fix typo in LineBatchingLayer - #1010
- Metadata improvements - #1005
- Skip inactive section planes in BCF getViewpoint - #1003
- Added github actions workflows - #987
- Updated typings - #984
- Missing parenthesis in buildBoxLinesGeometry doc - #967
- Added a dot to package.json field module and main - #955
- Added light typings And fixed small error - #949
- Missing xrayed initialization - #933
- Typings for builders - #932
- Typings for VBOGeometry and buildGridGeometry - #931
- Scene object events for XRayed, Highlighted and Selected - #930
- Fixed that aspect ratio in imagePlanes only worked for images where width >= height - #923
- Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2 - #895
- Fix quantization underflow for reused geometries #917 - #918
- Added ticks event for scene - #911
- Add gamma correction to colorTexture rendering mode - #905
- Babel es5 compilation - #903
- Precision mode for touch distance measurement #816 - #890
- Touch support for measurement plugins - #889
- Fix JS imports by adding the proper
suffix to theimport
-ed files - #882 - Handle bitmaps and lines in BCF viewpoints #327 - #880
- Rename PerformanceModel as VBOSceneModel #866 - #867
- Fix XKT v10 transparency; texture loading hack; added example - #860
- Fixed CameraControl picking and made double click time frame configurable - #855
- Updated typings and added new types - #841
- Handle container offsets in distance & angle measurement - #794
- Typed the possible cameraControl events - #839
- Fixed some jsdoc comments - #835
- Fix: component.id should be string - #836
- Fixed minor issues in the typings - #833
- Error in typings, the componentId is alway a string. - #830
- Additional typescript events - #829
- Describing events in components - #828
- Typescript typings - #826
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 - #810
- Fix JS imports - #809
- Fix init when canvas size is changed during initialization - #798
- fix: set skybox unclippable. - #746
- Add commonjs build - #773
- Create LASLoaderPlugin #776 - #777
- FastNavPlugin improved - #775
- Optimize PerformanceModel finalize #771 - #772
- XKTLoaderPlugin optimization: selectively batch instanced geometries - #770
- Ifcloaderplugin - #760
- API change: rename "rtcCenter" to "origin" - #753
- Events + More flexible API for Distance & Angle Measurement Plugins - #751
- Fix issue #738 - #744
- Image Plane destroy #668 - #739
- Hotfix: add dist back to .gitignore file - #734
- Set up the env to run XKTLoaderPlugin in headless mode - #733
- NavCubePlugin: Add visibility option for the shadow - #732
- fix gltf primitives parser - #664
- Keyboard handlers should listen to scene inputs instead of document events - #707
- Enhance the skybox effect - keep skybox in background - #720
- Fixed the bug in AxisGizmo that x-axis direction is wrong - #715
- Merge from xeokit-sdk to forked code base - #1
- Convert to ts - #714
- Localization - #694
- Full-precision triangle mesh picking and measurement #691 #692 #690 - #693
- XKT v9 - #682
- Fix safari user agent detector in SAO - #681
- Clean spinner destroy - #673
- Distance measurement axes scale bugfix - #648
- distance measurement axis correction - #1
- Example tweaks - #643
- XKT V8 - #642
- Add index.js for base js files - #637
- XKT v7 - #584
- Take window scroll into account when placing follow pointer - #575
- Fix surface picking option to not pick surface normal #550 - #551
- fix #535 - correct canvas coordinate from event - #537
- Adds CameraControl#smartPivot - #534
- Logarithmic depthbuffer - #532
- Pan/Rotate: mousemove event listen on document instead of canvas - #527
- SectionPlanesPlugin optional overview canvas id. - #524
- Remove default cursor style. - #522
- Load the beautiful Basilic - #518
- Optional offsets - #517
- Fix unwanted "picked*" events from pinch-to-zoom on touch devices #438 - #512
- Remove duplicated line in Renderer.js - #508
- Fix unwanted "picked*" events from pinch-to-zoom on touch devices #438 - #512
- Remove duplicated line in Renderer.js - #508
- simplify BCF plugin - #497
- Fix sectionplane control size - #496
- Multimodels - #495
- CHANGE_LOG updates - #476
- Fix case for which SectionPlane does not clip everything #474 - #475
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #460
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #459
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #458
- Support full-precision model geometry - #456
- Fix setViewpoint colors - #444
- Upgrade to bimserver 1.5.182 - example and fixes - #409
- Added missing BIMServerLoaderPlugin "modelLoaded" event #287 - #408
- Upgrade to bimserver 1.5.182 - #407
- Support BIMServer 1.5.182 #287 - #405
- CameraControl picking optimizations and fixes - #404
- Remappable cameracontrol keys - #395
- add cameraControl.touchDollyRate config and simplify touch code - #392
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 - #383
- Add pan rate config for touch - #363
- Not initializing lastX and lastY leads to NaN - #357
- View culling - #355
- Dynamically movable Entities - #353
- Concurrent model loading - #348
- Feature/bcf opacity - #345
- Remove console.log - #344
- implement getViewpoint coloring - #342
- Fix BCF clipping planes realWorldOffset - #1
- Implement BCF coloring in setViewpoint - #334
- Add creation/version/authoring properties to MetaModel - #330
- Fix clipping planes with yUp models and add option to reverse clippin… - #323
- Fix initializing BatchingLayer.colorsBuf - #314
- Remove debug logs - #312
- XKTLoaderPlugin refactor - factor out parsers for various XKT formats into modules - #297
- Improved camera controls - #296
- Fix: Fix DistanceMeasurement plugin length property - #295
- Optimizations #1 - #283
- Fixes: Tree Plugin not working when loading models from the BIMServer - #273
- Added support for BIMServer 1.5.180 - #270
- Preserve edge emphasis with SAO - #249
- Fix sectionplane control size - #496
- Multimodels - #495
- CHANGE_LOG updates - #476
- Fix case for which SectionPlane does not clip everything #474 - #475
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #460
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #459
- Add Scene#getAABB() full-precision coordinate support #457 - #458
- Support full-precision model geometry - #456
- Fix setViewpoint colors - #444
- Multilevel ContextMenu - #418
- Improve CameraControl touch dolly/pan - #415
- Upgrade to bimserver 1.5.182 - example and fixes - #409
- Added missing BIMServerLoaderPlugin "modelLoaded" event #287 - #408
- Upgrade to bimserver 1.5.182 - #407
- Support BIMServer 1.5.182 #287 - #405
- CameraControl picking optimizations and fixes - #404
- Remappable cameracontrol keys - #395
- add cameraControl.touchDollyRate config and simplify touch code - #392
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 - #383
- Add pan rate config for touch - #363
- Not initializing lastX and lastY leads to NaN - #357
- View culling - #355
- Dynamically movable Entities - #353
- Concurrent model loading - #348
- Feature/bcf opacity - #345
- Remove console.log - #344
- implement getViewpoint coloring - #342
- Fix BCF clipping planes realWorldOffset - #1
- Implement BCF coloring in setViewpoint - #334
- Add creation/version/authoring properties to MetaModel - #330
- Fix clipping planes with yUp models and add option to reverse clippin… - #323
- Fix initializing BatchingLayer.colorsBuf - #314
- Remove debug logs - #312
- XKTLoaderPlugin refactor - factor out parsers for various XKT formats into modules - #297
- Improved camera controls - #296
- Fix: Fix DistanceMeasurement plugin length property - #295
- Optimizations #1 - #283
- Fixes: Tree Plugin not working when loading models from the BIMServer - #273
- Added support for BIMServer 1.5.180 - #270
- Preserve edge emphasis with SAO - #249
- Initial SAO - #248
- Snapshot option - BCFViewpointsPlugin getViewpoint - #228
- Remove cursor style on document mouseup event - #226
- Remove default cursor style on canvas - #225
- fix GLTF load with file instead of src - #224
- BCFViewpointsPlugin setViewpoint reset objects - #214
- Implement real-world coordinates and z-up camera for BCF compliance - #207
- setViewpoint not immediate - #180
- Allow Z axis to be set as up in NavCubePlugin - #191
- revert #172 and fix #171 - #173
- panRightClick config option misplaced - #172
- allow disabling camera on right click - #171
- Objects not properly deregistered from scene when destroyed - #170
- Story plans plugin - BETA - #169
- Fix syntax error in XKT loader - #165
- Fix last entity not loaded - #164
- fix pako import when using rollup - #161
- fix wrong event name subscription - #159
- Quick fix - no entity sent on hoverOut event - #156
- XKT V2 - #153
- Fixed BCF selection reset. - #141
- Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 - #136
- Distance measurement - #133
- fix bcfSnapshot png format - #132
- Implemented canvasElement config option - #127
- ESDoc tweaks - #126
- Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 - #125
- Distance measurement - #124
- Input.js > remove duplicates and treat Ctrl and Alt Keys correctly - #121
- Revert PR #98 - #113
- revert PR #99 - #112
- Fixed pako import to work with bundlers. - #119
- add default params for createSectionPlane - #104
- remove shownControlId when section plane destroyed - #103
- Rename some example pages - #102
- Add XKTLoaderPlugin - #101
- arguments in wrong order in GLTFLoaderPlugin - #99
- arguments in the wrong order in GLTFQualityLoader - #98
- Include only src dir in package.json for node installs - #82
- Customizable spinner appearance - #80
- Annotations - #75
- Remove background canvas div - #67
- Tweak SectionPlanesPlugin overview FOV and zoom - #66
- Cross section control - #65
- Remove unused code (which includes globals) - #63
- Cross section control - #62
- Ability to configure GLTFLoaderPlugin with a custom data source - #54
- Screenshots - #53
- Same treatement for status code == 0 as for status code == 200 when loading JSON files. - #47
- Prioritize loading of glTF nodes by IFC type - #41
- Fix BatchingBuffer reuse - #39
- PerformanceModel tiles benchmark for geometry batching - #38
- Performance model tiles - #37
- 3D Picking for PerformanceModel - #36
- Fix for - MetaDataReader.js 'Request' was not found in './request.js' - #30
- Sync with master - #3
- Sync with master - #2
- Adds Support for loading IFC4 models - #21
- Sync with master - #1
- Fix for two minor bugs that cause the removePlugin() function to fail. - #18
- Implemented colorize for PerformanceModel - #16
- Refactor duplicated loadJson helpers into the util one - #2