All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Redmine 5 Support
- static code analysis
- github templates
- github actions for automated tests
- value query to ignore arrays in case of a multiple value field
- CustomFieldsHelper#computed_by_default to allow certain types to extend the field format list when they should be checked as computed by default
- validation to check whether a field listed in the formla will have checked to allow multiple values
- Redmine enumeration format test patch
- computable fields on custom field form to show up only when the field is computable
- usage of instance variables with self.(var_name) in initializer which throws an error in Ruby 2.6.x
- Fix ComputableCustomFieldTest#test_create_computed_custom_field
- broken links in README
- requirement for redmine_base_deface plugin
- configuration module
- code to be cleaned up
- code documentation
- name of system test
- calculation with key/value fields (consider also the Redmine patch #35557 on
- explicit formula functions: sum(), min(), max(), division(), product(), custom()
- computable list fields for lists with numbers as entries (int, float) and enumeration lists where there position is used for calculation
- plugin name to redmine_computable_custom_field in order to separate it from the original plugin due to the substantial reengineering
- the license to GNU GPL v2 due to substantial reengineering
- support for formulas containing only custom fields and +, -, *, / operators
- support for arbitrary code evaluation in a formula in favour of security
1.0.7 - 2019-01-13
- Redmine 4.0.x support.
- Refactor code.
- Tests.
- hound.yml
1.0.6 - 2017-08-07
- Redmine 3.4.x support.
1.0.5 - 2017-03-21
- PluginGemfile
1.0.4 - 2017-02-24
- pl translation from Ralph Gutkowski.
1.0.3 - 2017-02-20
- An additional information for available fields list.
1.0.2 - 2017-02-20
- Migration.
1.0.1 - 2017-02-20
- Migration.
1.0.0 - 2017-02-15
- New formula constructions
. Thanks to ecanuto for the idea. - Tests.
- Redmine 2.5.x support.
- Code has been rewritten from scratch.
- No backward compatibility with older versions.
- There is no separate computed format anymore. Custom field of any built-in format can be created as computed.
- Old formula constructions
. - Output formats.
0.0.8 - 2016-11-27
- Error handling to prevent internal server errors. From swiehr.
- zh translation from archonwang.
- Link formatting.
0.0.7 - 2016-08-29
- Markdown link format support.
- Grouping functionality for queries. From plotterie.
- Typo in a custom field form. From swiehr.
- Error when validating DateTime.
0.0.6 - 2016-01-15
- Totalable support for Redmine 3.x.
- Error when trying to save iIssue from TimeEntry if Issue does not present.
0.0.5 - 2015-12-21
- Link output format.
- pt-br translation from Adriano Ceccarelli.
- Error message about formula computing.
- Exclude Document class from list of classes for a patch.
0.0.4 - 2015-10-22
- Boolean and Percentage output formats.
- TimeEntry callbacks to re-save Issue.
- fr translation from Atmis.
- Tests examples
- Bug when formula validation
0.0.3 - 2015-09-23
- String and Datetime output formats.
- Query filter options.
- Formula validation is evaluated in proper context.
0.0.2 - 2015-09-20
- Int and Float output formats.
- en translation.
- es translation from lublasco.
- Formula validation.
- List of classes for a patch.
- Excluded CF own id from available fields list.
- Groups of custom fields from creation form.
- Conversion error when formula computation
0.0.1 - 2015-08-13
- Base functionality.