All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- scale of charts to show only integer values
- unused chart.js files
- Redmine 5 Support (breaking change)
- github templates
- github actions to run automated tests
- Chart.js from plugin in order to use the library incorporated in Redmine to version 3.7.1
- plugin initialization to add advanced_plugin_helper as requirement
- calendar block
- spent time block with entries
- open approval block of redmine_dmsf
- locked files block of redmine_dmsf
- checkbox for disabling My Page
- BasePresenter class by integrating AdvancedPluginHelper
- size of thumbnails of news
- news preview by showing summary but removing default image
- doubling edit form when cancel diagram block
- display of issue counter when using position 'inline'
- permission names to :manage_*
- width of issue counter block by removing min-width css attribute
- display of visibility settings in dashboard configurations according to the permission
- missing permission to change contents on a dashboard when allowed to change dashboard configuration
- custom css styles of issue counters to be in the cached block
- issue counter block
- redmine default charts as block
- button block
- button macro
- block settings validation
- permissions
- latest news block styling
- block rendering
- dashboard layout
- failing redmine tests
- missing translations for error messages
- dashboards feature on welcome page from Additional plugin