All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- scaling and stacking as described in 0.1.2 by merging from there
- color scheme to meet the look & feel of the new omnia theme
- scales to be displayed as integer
- lost stacking of bars
- loading of javascript lib for chart.js to support Redmine 5 and 4
- integration of tableau.ClassicCyclic13 color scheme
- javascript library chartjs-plugin-colorschemes v0.4.0 due to missing chart.js 3.x support
- chartjs colorschemes plugin
- horizontal bar charts to vertical bar charts
- chart layout into a two column layout having tow bar charts side by side
- the color scheme to tableau.ClassicCyclic13