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BoltDB Shipper |
BoltDB Shipper lets you run Loki without any dependency on NoSQL stores for storing index. It locally stores the index in BoltDB files instead and keeps shipping those files to a shared object store i.e the same object store which is being used for storing chunks. It also keeps syncing BoltDB files from shared object store to a configured local directory for getting index entries created by other services of same Loki cluster. This helps run Loki with one less dependency and also saves costs in storage since object stores are likely to be much cheaper compared to cost of a hosted NoSQL store or running a self hosted instance of Cassandra.
Note: BoltDB shipper works best with 24h periodic index files. It is a requirement to have index period set to 24h for either active or upcoming usage of boltdb-shipper. If boltdb-shipper already has created index files with 7 days period, and you want to retain previous data then just add a new schema config using boltdb-shipper with a future date and index files period set to 24h.
Example configuration with GCS:
- from: 2018-04-15
store: boltdb-shipper
object_store: gcs
schema: v11
prefix: loki_index_
period: 24h
bucket_name: GCS_BUCKET_NAME
active_index_directory: /loki/index
shared_store: gcs
cache_location: /loki/boltdb-cache
This would run Loki with BoltDB Shipper storing BoltDB files locally at /loki/index
and chunks at configured GCS_BUCKET_NAME
It would also keep shipping BoltDB files periodically to same configured bucket.
It would also keep downloading BoltDB files from shared bucket uploaded by other ingesters to /loki/boltdb-cache
folder locally.
Loki can be configured to run as just a single vertically scaled instance or as a cluster of horizontally scaled single binary(running all Loki services) instances or in micro-services mode running just one of the services in each instance. When it comes to reads and writes, Ingesters are the ones which writes the index and chunks to stores and Queriers are the ones which reads index and chunks from the store for serving requests.
Before we get into more details, it is important to understand how Loki manages index in stores. Loki shards index as per configured period which defaults to 7 days i.e when it comes to table based stores like Bigtable/Cassandra/DynamoDB there would be separate table per week containing index for that week.
In case of BoltDB files there is no concept of tables, so it creates a BoltDB file per period(i.e day in case of boltdb-shipper store). Files/Tables created per day are identified by a configured prefix_
+ <period-number-since-epoch>
Here <period-number-since-epoch>
in case of boltdb-shipper would be day number since epoch.
For example, if you have prefix set to loki_index_
and a write request comes in on 20th April 2020, it would be stored in table/file named loki_index_18372
because it has been 18371
days since epoch, and we are in 18372
th day.
Since sharding of index creates multiple files when using BoltDB, BoltDB Shipper would create a folder per day and add files for that day in that folder and names those files after ingesters which created them.
To show how BoltDB files in shared object store would look like, let us consider 2 ingesters named ingester-0
and ingester-1
running in a Loki cluster, and
they both having shipped files for day 18371
and 18372
with prefix loki_index_
, here is how the files would look like:
└── index
├── loki_index_18371
│ ├── ingester-0
│ └── ingester-1
└── loki_index_18372
├── ingester-0
└── ingester-1
NOTE: We also add a timestamp to names of the files to randomize the names to avoid overwriting files when running Ingesters with same name and not have a persistent storage. Timestamps not shown here for simplification
Let us talk about more in depth about how both Ingesters and Queriers work when running them with BoltDB Shipper.
Ingesters keep writing the index to BoltDB files in active_index_directory
and BoltDB Shipper keeps looking for new and updated files in that directory every 15 Minutes to upload them to the shared object store.
When running Loki in clustered mode there could be multiple ingesters serving write requests hence each of them generating BoltDB files locally.
NOTE: To avoid any loss of index when Ingester crashes it is recommended to run Ingesters as statefulset(when using k8s) with a persistent storage for storing index files.
Another important detail to note is when chunks are flushed they are available for reads in object store instantly while index is not since we only upload them every 15 Minutes with BoltDB shipper.
To avoid missing logs from queries which happen to be indexed in BoltDB files which are not shipped yet, while serving queries for in-memory logs, Ingesters would also do a store query for now()
- (max_chunk_age
+ 30 Min
) to <end-time-from-query-request>
Queriers lazily loads BoltDB files from shared object store to configured cache_location
When a querier receives a read request, query range from request is resolved to period numbers and all the files for those period numbers are downloaded to cache_location
if not already.
Once we have downloaded files for a period we keep looking for updates in shared object store and download them every 15 Minutes by default.
Frequency for checking updates can be configured with resync_interval
To avoid keeping downloaded index files forever there is a ttl for them which defaults to 24 hours, which means if index files for a period are not used for 24 hours they would be removed from cache location.
ttl can be configured using cache_ttl
Loki does write deduplication of chunks and index using Chunks and WriteDedupe cache respectively, configured with ChunkStoreConfig.
The problem with write deduplication when using boltdb-shipper
though is ingesters only keep uploading boltdb files periodically to make them available to all the other services which means there would be a brief period where some of the services would not have received updated index yet.
The problem due to that is if an ingester which first wrote the chunks and index goes down and all the other ingesters which were part of replication scheme skipped writing those chunks and index due to deduplication, we would end up missing those logs from query responses since only the ingester which had the index went down.
This problem would be faced even during rollouts which is quite common.
To avoid this, Loki disables deduplication of index when the replication factor is greater than 1 and boltdb-shipper
is an active or upcoming index type.
While using boltdb-shipper
please avoid configuring WriteDedupe cache since it is used purely for the index deduplication, so it would not be used anyways.