Hi! I am reproducing EagerMOT on KITTI with pointgnn as 3d detection and tracking_best(motsfusion + trackrcnn) as 2d detection for my bachelor degree thesis. But I am quite confusing about the format of the detection results of trackrcnn. In website of MOTS, under downloads there are 3 subtitles. I don't know which dataset should I use and their format. Could you please help me understand their format? Or can you give the source of format they use?
I download the files from Detection for Tracking Oly Challenge, and unzip MOTS20_detections.zip. There is a folder named KITTI_MOTS in it. And I use this as input, but I can not understand the input format. The txt format mentioned in https://www.vision.rwth-aachen.de/page/mots consisted of 6 parts for each line. But in each line in the txt I downloaded there are more than 10 items as follows:
0 723.8499755859375 173.62062072753906 185.27008056640625 134.31040954589844 0.9960479140281677 1 375 1242 YSZ8k0h:8J4K5L3K5M2M3M300N2O1N2O1N2O0O2N2O1N2N2O1O1N2O2M2O101M3N2N1O5L3M2L9I3L3N3M0O2O2N0O2O1O00001O0O100000000000O100O001N200M3O0M4O1O1O100000000000000000000000000000000O1000O100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O10001O0000000000000000001N10001O0000000000001O00001O0O2O001O00001O1O00100O1O1O10001OO01011M10010OO200N002O0O1O3M2N1O2N1O2N5K1O2N7I2N6I3N1N4K4L5KWRj3
I tried to compare the format with your code in input/detections_ed.py parse_trackrcnn_seg() function as follows.
def parse_trackrcnn_seg(seg_values):
""" Returns class, score, mask, bbox and reid parsed from input """
mask = {'size': [int(seg_values[7]), int(seg_values[8])],
'counts': seg_values[9].strip().encode(encoding='UTF-8')}
box = (int(float(seg_values[1])), int(float(seg_values[2])),
int(float(seg_values[3])), int(float(seg_values[4])))
return (int(seg_values[6]), float(seg_values[5]), mask, box, [float(e) for e in seg_values[10:]])
I guess some idems in file mean classes, scores, masks, boxes and reids. In MOTS website, the annotation mentioned run-length encoding but in this function, the rle(10th item, very long string) is assigned to mask['counts']. I don't understand what does this variable mean. Website say rle is related to cocotool. But I didn't find anything related to this mask['counts'] value and cocotool in the repo.
The txt downloaded from under MOTSChallenge seems like
0 1109.5554 179.36575 1197.3547 314.45007 0.9999083 2 375 1242 Ygf<5b;0000O2O1N_;0`D5L2N1N2N2cFFZ7=eHFT7?kHDP7?oHCn6`0PIAn6c0nH_On6g0nH[On6l0lHWOP7o0kHUOR7n0kHTOS7P1iHROR7V1hHmNo6b1eHdN[7l20O10000N2M3H8K5N2O1N2N2M3N2O1O1001O001O0015K2O2N1N1O1O001O4eNUGAU9MWG1Z:N0O0O101O1N3N000001N2O1N2N2O4LO1O2N2N2N1O001O2N2N2N2N000000kU`0 -0.3751167 0.48021537 0.032476578 -0.28660417 -0.70799315 -0.52072155 0.08180365 -0.013868877 0.036078844 -0.23432338 0.10030153 0.2857126 -0.53020716 0.12753601 0.40149367 0.7348276 0.043223802 -0.13538602 -0.14182042 -0.6249713 0.30748948 0.26873767 0.025597623 0.31074926 0.32362318 0.08508656 0.3480975 0.020496124 -0.1315603 -0.060836367 -0.39438733 -0.60612524 -0.15734667 0.08845482 0.075994976 0.21069686 0.06765656 -0.3943655 -0.050879166 0.26497495 -0.56978315 -0.5910222 0.0981341 -0.5647276 0.5951754 -0.10315818 -0.23011783 -0.8937163 0.36296442 0.23472416 0.2052533 0.17285214 -0.08307746 -0.26530197 -0.43209535 -0.13557851 0.25855196 -0.4168136 -0.2923897 0.2938376 0.7098037 0.39629406 -0.033923443 -0.17291501 -0.38073516 -0.07897187 0.37062654 -0.12985493 0.1492367 -0.45166814 -0.64741623 -0.5740453 -0.23283233 -0.14643145 -0.27898163 0.014514893 -0.1434794 -0.6008462 -0.09011394 -0.41281822 0.2717996 -0.96931094 -0.24767381 0.14481777 -0.23039247 -0.46699083 -0.07223604 0.04203764 0.26910537 0.24745579 -0.57074845 -0.078286625 -0.53346604 -0.29033712 -0.09410042 -0.27020353 -0.22399586 0.561881 -0.6308956 -0.006530372 -0.13324912 -0.33152327 -0.31110197 -0.2549216 -0.2163514 -0.34898254 0.21159562 0.29987532 -0.40363675 0.24261205 -0.33671173 0.81703144 0.46958938 -0.69749266 0.1615237 -0.50936264 -0.16553718 -0.1437751 -0.03610575 -0.030241877 0.27487156 0.75182754 -0.17875957 -0.520232 -0.029418062 0.15701526 0.051346615 -0.11979125
what is the number after rle( run-length encoding) mean? Do they mean reid?
I am new to object tracking field so the question above is probably basic. I will appreciate it if you give some kind help.
Input format of trackrcnn seems like
0 723.8499755859375 173.62062072753906 185.27008056640625 134.31040954589844 0.9960479140281677 1 375 1242 YSZ8k0h:8J4K5L3K5M2M3M300N2O1N2O1N2O0O2N2O1N2N2O1O1N2O2M2O101M3N2N1O5L3M2L9I3L3N3M0O2O2N0O2O1O00001O0O100000000000O100O001N200M3O0M4O1O1O100000000000000000000000000000000O1000O100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O10001O0000000000000000001N10001O0000000000001O00001O0O2O001O00001O1O00100O1O1O10001OO01011M10010OO200N002O0O1O3M2N1O2N1O2N5K1O2N7I2N6I3N1N4K4L5KWRj3
column | meanings |
0 | frame number |
1 |
Study rle to mask convert method. Forturnately, inputs from trackrcnn is matched with kitti.
import pycocotools.mask
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
rle = {'size': [375, 1242], 'counts': "YSZ8k0h:8J4K5L3K5M2M3M300N2O1N2O1N2O0O2N2O1N2N2O1O1N2O2M2O101M3N2N1O5L3M2L9I3L3N3M0O2O2N0O2O1O00001O0O100000000000O100O001N200M3O0M4O1O1O100000000000000000000000000000000O1000O100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O10001O0000000000000000001N10001O0000000000001O00001O0O2O001O00001O1O00100O1O1O10001OO01011M10010OO200N002O0O1O3M2N1O2N1O2N5K1O2N7I2N6I3N1N4K4L5KWRj3"}
after = pycocotools.mask.decode(rle)
In trackcnn results, many are with low scores, so can be neglected.
Download DAIR-V2X-I dataset. In image photo, 007084 become red from blue.
The image set is aligned with velodyne set. Explanation
Question how can multiple sensors achieve time syncronization.
run TrackEval on KITTI val set by HOTA metrics. The results are
EagerMOT-car | HOTA | DetA | AssA | DetRe | DetPr | AssRe | AssPr | LocA | OWTA | HOTA(0) | LocA(0) | HOTALocA(0) |
0002 | 53.711 | 49.066 | 59.081 | 50.789 | 86.084 | 61.606 | 88.639 | 86.87 | 54.742 | 62.617 | 84.816 | 53.109 |
0006 | 80.969 | 84.762 | 77.656 | 88.168 | 89.059 | 79.912 | 91.349 | 89.029 | 82.7 | 91.423 | 88.005 | 80.457 |
0007 | 83.244 | 81.566 | 85.05 | 90.391 | 83.947 | 91.531 | 87.421 | 89.512 | 87.659 | 93.909 | 88.557 | 83.163 |
0008 | 76.27 | 81.024 | 71.936 | 84.769 | 85.533 | 74.265 | 87.491 | 86.095 | 78.085 | 90.494 | 84.318 | 76.303 |
0010 | 81.261 | 78.375 | 84.384 | 83.929 | 87.868 | 86.242 | 92.934 | 90.362 | 84.15 | 90.376 | 89.21 | 80.624 |
0013 | 39.585 | 17.872 | 87.752 | 89.895 | 17.979 | 89.895 | 89.895 | 88.796 | 88.75 | 44.721 | 87.917 | 39.318 |
0014 | 77.485 | 75.13 | 80.428 | 81.38 | 83.41 | 85.91 | 87.112 | 86.506 | 80.851 | 91.818 | 83.966 | 77.095 |
0016 | 81.565 | 84.502 | 79.052 | 87.761 | 88.077 | 80.403 | 91.35 | 88.292 | 83.268 | 91.996 | 87.407 | 80.411 |
0018 | 86.987 | 85.657 | 88.485 | 90.081 | 88.63 | 91.454 | 91.406 | 89.474 | 89.258 | 97.958 | 88.445 | 86.639 |
COMBINED | 78.529 | 76.839 | 80.506 | 82.917 | 85.081 | 84.239 | 89.777 | 88.541 | 81.683 | 89.395 | 87.245 | 77.993 |
different from 74.39 HOTA, 75.27 DetA, 74.16 AssA in paper, which is evaluated on KITTI test set. But the ground truth is not open sourced.
Several concept
Classical metrics
- MT: Mostly Tracked Trajectories (frames tracked successfully
$\ge$ 80%) - Fragments: (frames tracked successfully
$\le$ 80%) - ML: Mostly Lost Trajectories (frames tracked successfully
$\le$ 20%)
Clear MOT metrics
- FP: false positve number
- FN: false negative number
- Fragm(FM): fragmentation number
- IDSW: ID switch
- MOTA: $$ MOTA=1-\frac{\Sigma_t(FN_t+FP_t+IDSW_t)}{\Sigma_tGT_t} $$
We run the trackeval on Clear metrics
CLEAR: EagerMOT-car MOTA MOTP MODA CLR_Re CLR_Pr MTR PTR MLR sMOTA CLR_TP CLR_FN CLR_FP IDSW MT PT ML Frag 0002 56.8 84.898 58 58.5 99.153 60 20 20 47.965 585 415 5 12 9 3 3 22 0006 96.8 88.005 97 98 98.99 100 0 0 85.045 490 10 5 1 11 0 0 3 0007 91.713 88.606 91.713 99.695 92.587 100 0 0 80.354 1961 6 157 0 53 0 0 2 0008 96.726 84.389 97.52 98.313 99.199 95.238 4.7619 0 81.378 991 17 8 8 20 1 0 7 0010 87.931 89.21 88.276 91.897 96.209 69.231 30.769 0 78.015 533 47 21 2 9 4 0 3 0013 -300 87.917 -300 100 20 100 0 0 -312.08 25 0 100 0 1 0 0 0 0014 86.861 85.12 86.861 92.214 94.514 92.857 7.1429 0 73.14 379 32 22 0 13 1 0 7 0016 96.651 87.407 96.77 98.206 98.559 100 0 0 84.284 821 15 12 1 4 0 0 10 0018 97.136 88.508 97.218 99.427 97.826 94.444 5.5556 0 85.71 1215 7 27 1 17 1 0 3 COMBINED 87.667 87.354 87.998 92.728 95.147 91.333 6.6667 2 75.941 7000 549 357 25 137 10 3 57
5 tables in EagerMOT
- table I NuScenes 3D MOT benchmark
- table II 3D MOT evaluation on val set KITTI (metrics by AB3DMOT)
- table III 2D MOT KITTI benchmark test set
- table IV NuScenes 3D MOT benchmark val set, data assosiation ablation
- table V 2D MOT KITTI val set, detection ablation
clone polarmot to visualize the work.
In reporting file
def write_to_mot_file(frame_name: str, predicted_instances: Iterable[FusedInstance],
mot_3d_file: IO,
mot_2d_from_3d_only_file: Optional[IO]) -> None:
mot_3d_results_str, mot_2d_results_str = "", ""
tracking_3d_format = "%d %d %s 0 0 %f -1 -1 -1 -1 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n"
tracking_2d_format = "%d %d %s 0 0 -10 %f %f %f %f -1 -1 -1 -1000 -1000 -1000 -10 %f\n"
for instance in predicted_instances:
if not instance.report_mot:
assert instance.class_id is not None
track_type = detections_2d.SEG_TO_TRACK_CLASS[instance.class_id]
bbox3d_coords = instance.coordinates_3d
if bbox3d_coords is not None:
bbox3d = instance.bbox3d
res_3d = (tracking_3d_format % (int(frame_name), instance.track_id, track_type, bbox3d.obs_angle,
bbox3d_coords[0], bbox3d_coords[1], bbox3d_coords[2],
bbox3d_coords[3], bbox3d_coords[4], bbox3d_coords[5], bbox3d_coords[6], bbox3d.confidence))
mot_3d_results_str += res_3d
if mot_2d_from_3d_only_file is not None:
bbox2d = instance.projected_bbox_3d
if bbox2d is not None:
res_2d = (tracking_2d_format % (int(frame_name), instance.track_id, track_type,
bbox2d[0], bbox2d[1], bbox2d[2], bbox2d[3], instance.bbox3d.confidence))
mot_2d_results_str += res_2d
if mot_2d_from_3d_only_file is not None:
We can see that, the format of results is
- 3 frame, track_id, track_type
- 2 truncated occluded (set as 0) % why 0?
- 1 alpha (only 3d, -10 in 2d)
- 4 2d coords (-1 in 3d)
- 3 3d dimentions hwl (-1 in 2d)
- 3 3d coords (-1000 in 2d)
- 1 rotaion (only 3d, -10 in 2d)
- 1 confidence
18 values in total.
Clone MOTSFusion. Dataset from Baidu is without mask, which is only for detection task instead of segmentation task.
After comparing, I found mask and reids are totally not used in EagerMOT. I don't understand why author write them into the code, for completeness?
This means that I can use other detection and get box only, and set mask and reids as NONE.
detection and segmentation from 38
stronger detector from 29 segmentation from 21
previous SOTA 33
detection from 38 segmentation from 21 reported
cars only for 29
using 21 instead of 38, 29 instead of 38 improve sMOTSA
38 MOTS: Trackrcnn, which is extended from MaskRCNN
29 RRC, recurrent rolling convolution
We plan to use FasterRCNN or yolo to train 2d network.
When reproduce PointRCNN
pyyaml yaml.load() should add loader = Loader
In lib/datasets/kitti_rcnn_dataset.py line 298
code resample the points so that the number is npoints set in cfg. But if choosing replace = False, there are not enough point to sample. So modify to replace = True
epochs: 0%| | 0/70 [08:58<?, ?it/s, reg_fg_sum=31, loss=2.36, lr=0.000202] epochs: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 70/70 [19:36:58<00:00, 1008.83s/it, reg_fg_sum=14, loss=0.592, lr=2e-8]
bbox AP:96.9126, 89.5387, 88.7488 bev AP:90.2156, 87.8947, 85.5191 3d AP:89.1939, 78.8542, 77.9137 aos AP:96.90, 89.42, 88.54 Car [email protected], 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP:96.9126, 89.5387, 88.7488 bev AP:97.0941, 89.8168, 89.3443 3d AP:97.0544, 89.7747, 89.2549 aos AP:96.90, 89.42, 88.54
environment for visualization
The visualization sometimes not working, producing a blank window by cv2.imshow
Two strange bugs
QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x120ad90) is not the object's thread (0x17ba3e0).
Cannot move to target thread (0x120ad90)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "/home/ackerman/Public/miniconda3/envs/Vis/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/qt/plugins" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Available platform plugins are: xcb, eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, webgl.
The first one comes from qt lib conflict of pyqt in conda and opencv in pip.
The second one comes from qt lib conflict of opencv and pyqt5.
The solution is to install both opencv and mayavi in conda or pip.
But in conda opencv and mayavi will make conflicts.
So just install opencv mayavi vtk pyqt5 in pip. Everything goes fine.
首先,他娘的这个相机是朝地上拍的,和雷达之间有个夹角,和kitti不一样,所以计算bounding box的时候不可以先在rect里面算长方体再投影到velo里。要先把orientation向量投到velo再算3dbox。还好我空间感强,看着旋转矩阵就感觉不对。
def write_kitti_in_txt(my_json, path_txt):
wf = open(path_txt, "w")
for item in my_json:
i1 = str(item["type"]).title()
i2 = str(item["truncated_state"])
i3 = str(item["occluded_state"])
i4 = str(item["alpha"])
i5, i6, i7, i8 = (
# i9, i10, i11 = str(item["3d_dimensions"]["h"]), str(item["3d_dimensions"]["w"]), str(item["3d_dimensions"]["l"])
i9, i11, i10 = str(item["3d_dimensions"]["h"]), str(item["3d_dimensions"]["w"]), str(item["3d_dimensions"]["l"])
i12, i13, i14 = str(item["3d_location"]["x"]), str(item["3d_location"]["y"]), str(item["3d_location"]["z"])
# i15 = str(item["rotation"])
i15 = str(-eval(item["rotation"]))
item_list = [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15]
item_string = " ".join(item_list) + "\n"
Car [email protected], 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP:0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 bev AP:80.1970, 78.2205, 78.2905 3d AP:69.2464, 65.5195, 65.6314 aos AP:0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Car [email protected], 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP:0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 bev AP:81.3691, 80.2848, 80.4085 3d AP:81.0881, 79.0138, 79.0690 aos AP:0.00, 0.00, 0.00