Metad's api is http rest style, and divided to metadata api and management api.
- Metadata api, default listen address is ":80"
- Manage api, default listen address is "", only on localhost interface for security.
API response content type default is text, client can add "Accept" header to request, for special content type.
- text text/plain
- json application/json
- yaml application/yaml,application/x-yaml,text/yaml,text/x-yaml"
This api for client get metadata, and will process self mapping by client ip.
return origin metadata, for json example.
"nodes": {
"1": {
"ip": "",
"name": "nn_node1"
"2": {
"ip": "",
"name": "node2"
"3": {
"ip": "",
"name": "node3"
"4": {
"ip": "",
"name": "node4"
"5": {
"ip": "",
"name": "node5"
"6": {
"ip": "",
"label": {
"key3": "value3"
"name": "node6"
"self": {
"node": {
"ip": "",
"name": "node2"
- wait if wait=true, server will hold the connection until the metadata change.
- prev_version if this parameter is present, server will check if the metadata has changed after the version, if true, return immediately.
- X-Metad-RequestID request id for trace.
- X-Metad-Version current metadata's version. can use to wait change request as prev_version's value.
Manage API default port is
This api is for manage metadata
- GET show metadata.
- POST create or replace metadata.
- PUT create or merge metadata.
- DELETE delete metadata, default delete all metadata in nodePath, unless subs parameter is present.
This api is for manage metadata's ip mapping
- GET show mapping config.
- POST create or replace mapping config.
- PUT create or merge update mapping config.
- DELETE delete mapping config, default delete all metadata in nodePath, unless subs parameter is present.