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Liquidations Process

The liquidations process is managed by the Witch contract and can be divided in three sequential steps: Auction, Payment, Closure.



Any vault that is undercollateralized in the Cauldron can be set up for an auction. The cauldron.level function returns the value of the collateral minus the value of the debt in a given vault, adjusted for collateralization ratio and, after maturity, borrowing rate increase. If the return value is negative, it means that the value of the collateral is below the value of the debt and the vault can be sequestered by the Witch for liquidation.

There are exceptions to this rule.

  1. It is possible to set any given collateral/underlying pair as out of scope for the Witch. Some pairs should not be liquidated (such as DAI/fyDAI).
  2. It is possible to set any address to be protected from liquidations. The goal for this is to be able to run parallel liquidation engines.

Governance can choose whether liquidations for any pair should be of the whole vault, or of only a part of the vault.

Auctions follow a reverse Dutch auction, in which liquidators offer to pay part or all of the debt in the vault, and in exchange they get an amount of the vault collateral that increases with time. At the end of an auction a liquidator gets all the collateral under auction in exchange for paying all the debt under auction. It is possible for governance to set the amount of collateral that would be given for paying all the debt at the start of the auction, and the length of the auction. By modifying these two parameters governance can choose any linear progression for the auction.

Auctions can be configured to be profitable at the beginning of an auction by setting an initialOffer parameter above the LTV ratio of any given pair. Combined with auctioning only part of a vault this allows for a similar behaviour to Compound liquidations, if desired.

All the parameters for each individual auction are calculated in _calcAuction.

There is a soft limit on how much collateral can be set for auction concurrently for a given collateral/underlying pair. When the limit is passed, no new auctions for that pair are accepted. Note that the first auction to reach the limit is allowed to pass it, so that there is never the situation where a vault would be too big to ever be auctioned.

Once the auction is ready to start, the Witch takes the vault from the user with cauldron.give.




In the Yield Protocol, all debt is denominated in fyToken. FYToken can be bought at a discount to their underlying under the appropraite market conditions and will often be most profitable mode of payment for liquidators.

It is also possible for liquidators to pay the debt directly with underlying, with a mechanism analogous to Ladle.close. If paying with underlying the Witch applies an exchange rate of 1:1, and if after maturity a borrowing fee would have accrued to the debt and would have to be paid, only if the payment is done with underlying.

Liquidators specify the maximum they want to pay (in fyToken or in underlying) and the minimum collateral they wish to obtain. The maximum works so that no more is taken from the liquidator than would be necessary to pay the whole debt.

The collateral obtained for the payment will be calculated in calcPayout according to the configured formula, and will be split into two cuts, one for the liquidator and one for the auctioneer.

Once the payment is calculated, accounting is adjusted in the Cauldron, collateral is sent to liquidator and auctioneer, and payment is taken from liquidator.



An auction can finish when there is no debt (with _auctionEnded called inside _updateAccounting), or anytime if the vault is collateralized (with an external call to cancel).

An auction finishing erases the auction data structure, and returns the vault to its original owner.


The Witch has the following permissions on other contracts in the Yield Protocol:

  • cauldron.give - Allows to change the owner of any vault.
  • cauldron.slurp - Allows to change the balances of any vault, skipping collateralization checks.
  • join.join - Allows to make a join recognize unaccounted tokens it holds, or pull them from any user that has given approval.
  • join.exit - Allows to take tokens from a join and send them to any address.

Any of these permissions will have a catastrophic impact if abused.

Governance Errors or Attacks

While governance actions will be carefully tested, it is in everyone's interest to disclose what's the worst that could happen.

  • point: Would disable liquidations as all payments fail.
  • setLineAndLimit: Proportion being set to zero or at a very small number would disable liquidations. Setting a line for a non-existing pair might mean that the real pair is not set to be liquidable.
  • setLineAndLimit: Setting a limit for a non-existing pair might mean that the real pair is not set to be liquidable. Setting max to zero would only allow one concurrent auction. Setting max to 2^128-1 would allow any amount of colalteral to be auctioned concurrently.
  • setProtected: It can be misused to protect specific users from liquidation.
  • setAuctioneerReward: It can be misused to direct all profit for auctioneers, effectively disincentivizing liquidators to liquidate.

Design Decisions


The Witch only depends on contracts from yield-utils-v2, which have been previously audited and are out of scope.

Token transfers

The Witch uses the same batch pattern as the rest of the Yield Protocol, and never uses transferFrom. Instead, it expects the liquidator to have sent payment to the appropriate contract before calling any payment function. If the liquidator doesn't use some pattern for batching transactions, it is bound to lose the payment to front-running bots, and we are fine with that.


The point function is a standard function to change orchestration throughout the Yield Protocol. While it could be simplified for this contract, we prefer to keep it as is for consistency.


We trust other contracts in the Yield Protocol, including tokens accepted as collateral or underlying, as safe against reentrancy. They are only added through governance.


Calling _auctionEnded from within _updateAccounting is a bit wonky, but saves gas. A better naming or code structure that keeps things cheap and readable would be welcome.


With rounding we have paid special attention to being able to finish all auctions, not so much to rounding-based attacks which we think unlikely.