To run the application from source code locally, add the following VM options.
--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.web,javafx.swing
The following dependencies are required for development:
- Java 17+
- OpenJFX 19+
- Make
- Rust/Cargo
- Make (optional, recommended to use)
A MakeFile has been foreseen with some goals to get easily started. Use one of the following provided goals.
Most of the targets also have a specific sub-task for Cargo or Java only. e.g.: build-cargo, build-java
The cbingen plugin for Cargo will always be installed through Make for almost all targets
Clean all build target/output directories of Cargo and Java.
Run all unit tests of the application. This will start tests from Cargo and Java.
Build the application. This will start a build of cargo, the output libraries will be copied to the correct directories within the java resources.
Build the application and create an executable which can be distributed.
Release a new version of the application.
This will build the Rust libraries in release
profile (optimised) mode.
Afterwards, the maven gitflow:release
target will be executed which will test, build & bump the version of the application.
It's advised to use PopcornTimeApplication
as main entry during development. The reason behind this is that the
PopcornTimeStarter is only used for the fat jar packaging.
Within the runtime configuration, make sure that the classpath is set to the application