module use ~acrd/public/modulefiles
module load davai
I advise to put the first line in your .bash_profile
, and execute the second only when needed.
Load the required environment for GMKPACK compilation and DAVAI execution. It is REQUIRED that you add the following to your
:module purge module use /home/acrd/public/modulefiles module load intel/2021.4.0 prgenv/intel python3/3.10.10-01 ecmwf-toolbox/2021.08.3.0 davai/master # Gmkpack is installed at Ryad El Khatib's HOMEREK=~rme export GMKROOT=$HOMEREK/public/bin/gmkpack # use efficiently filesystems export ROOTPACK=$PERM/rootpack export HOMEPACK=$PERM/pack export GMKTMP=$TMPDIR/gmktmp # default compilation options export GMKFILE=OMPIIFC2104.AA export GMK_OPT=x # update paths export PATH=$GMKROOT/util:$PATH export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$GMKROOT/mani
Ensure permissions to
group (e.g. withchgrp
) for support, something like:for d in $HOME/davai $HOME/pack $SCRATCH/mtool/depot do mkdir -p $d chgrp -R accord $d chmod g+s $d done