Current official release is v4.01 Latest development branch (master) is v4.01 Latest working branch (develop) is develop401
- Major Version Update
- New code structure for more flexible model use
- Topography data updated to MERIT DEM / MERIT Hydro
- GitHub code management started.
- bugfix in map/src/src_param (src_region) /generate_impmat.F90.
- LBITSAFE for bit-identical simulation was removed. DNoAtom should be speficied in Mkinclude for bit-identical simulations by avoiding OMP Atomic calculation.
- Sample script for result visualization and validation: etc/validation
- ILS additional code integrated (for use in U-Tokyo Integrated Land Simulator)
- Reservoir module (test version, no support): CTRL_DAMOUT_MOD, etc/reservoir_operation/