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#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
#define __CLANG_ARM

/* Compiler related definitions */
#if defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__CLANG_ARM)   /* For ARM compiler */
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #define OS_SECTION(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
    #define OS_ALIGN(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
    #define OS_UNUSED                   __attribute__((unused))
    #define OS_USED                     __attribute__((used))
    #define OS_WEAK                     __attribute__((weak))
    #define OS_INLINE                   static __inline
#elif defined (__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)             /* For IAR compiler */
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #define OS_SECTION(x)               @ x
    #define OS_PRAGMA(x)                _Pragma(#x)
    #define OS_ALIGN(n)                 OS_PRAGMA(data_alignment=n)
    #define OS_UNUSED
    #define OS_USED                     __root
    #define OS_WEAK                     __weak
    #define OS_INLINE                   static inline
#elif defined (__GNUC__)                        /* For GNU GCC compiler */
    #include <stdarg.h>

    #define OS_SECTION(x)               __attribute__((section(x)))
    #define OS_ALIGN(n)                 __attribute__((aligned(n)))
    #define OS_UNUSED                   __attribute__((unused))
    #define OS_USED                     __attribute__((used))
    #define OS_WEAK                     __attribute__((weak))
    #define OS_INLINE                   static __inline
    #error "Not supported the tool chain."
定义 说明
OS_SECTION(x) 段定义,将变量或函数放到指定的段中
OS_ALIGN(n) 字节对齐,作用是在给某对象分配地址空间时,指定n字节对齐,n一般为2的幂次方
OS_UNUSED 表示函数或者变量可能不使用,避免编译器产生告警
OS_USED 告诉编译器静态函数即使没有被调用也要链接
OS_WEAK 编译器链接时优先链接没有该关键字的函数,如果找不到才链接由该关键字修饰的函数



typedef os_err_t (*os_init_fn_t)(void);

#define OS_INIT_SUBLEVEL_HIGH          "1"
#define OS_INIT_SUBLEVEL_MIDDLE        "2"
#define OS_INIT_SUBLEVEL_LOW           "3"

#define OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, level, sublevel)                                                           \
    OS_USED const os_init_fn_t  _os_call_##fn OS_SECTION(".init_call." level sublevel) = fn

/* Core init routines(hardware initialization required for kernel starting) should be called before the kernel starts */
#define OS_CORE_INIT(fn, sublevel)      OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "1.", sublevel)

/* postcore/prev/device/component/env/app init routines will be called before main() function */
#define OS_POSTCORE_INIT(fn, sublevel)  OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "2.", sublevel)  /* hardware initialization after kernel starting */
#define OS_PREV_INIT(fn, sublevel)      OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "3.", sublevel)  /* Pre-initialization(pure software initilization) */
#define OS_DEVICE_INIT(fn, sublevel)    OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "4.", sublevel)  /* Device initialization */
#define OS_CMPOENT_INIT(fn, sublevel)   OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "5.", sublevel)  /* Components initialization (vfs, lwip, ...) */
#define OS_ENV_INIT(fn, sublevel)       OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "6.", sublevel)  /* Environment initialization (mount disk, ...) */
#define OS_APP_INIT(fn, sublevel)       OS_INIT_EXPORT(fn, "7.", sublevel)  /* Appliation initialization */
定义 说明
OS_CORE_INIT(fn) 硬件自动初始化,运行在操作系统内核启动之前
OS_POSTCORE_INIT(fn) 硬件自动初始化,运行在操作系统内核启动之后
OS_PREV_INIT(fn) 前置自动初始化,主要用于纯软件且没有太多依赖的初始化
OS_DEVICE_INIT(fn) 设备驱动级自动初始化
OS_CMPOENT_INIT(fn) 组件级自动初始化
OS_ENV_INIT(fn) 环境级自动初始化
OS_APP_INIT(fn) 应用程序级自动初始化


#ifdef __cplusplus
#define OS_NULL                         0
#define OS_NULL                         ((void *)0)

/* Boolean value definitions */
#define OS_FALSE                        0
#define OS_TRUE                         1

/* Return the most contiguous size aligned at specified width. OS_ALIGN_UP(13, 4) would return 16. */
#define OS_ALIGN_UP(size, align)        (((size) + (align) - 1) & ~((align) - 1))

/* Return the down number of aligned at specified width. OS_ALIGN_DOWN(13, 4) would return 12. */
#define OS_ALIGN_DOWN(size, align)      ((size) & ~((align) - 1))

/* Calculate array size */
#define OS_ARRAY_SIZE(x)                (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))

#define OS_WAIT_FOREVER                 OS_TICK_MAX
#define OS_NO_WAIT                      0U

#define OS_UNREFERENCE(x)               ((void)(x))

 * @def         os_container_of
 * @brief       Cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure.
 * @param       ptr             The pointer to the member.
 * @param       type            The type of the container struct this is embedded in.
 * @param       member          The name of the member within the struct. 
#define os_container_of(ptr, type, member)      \
    ((type *)((char *)(ptr) - (unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))

 * @def         os_offsetof
 * @brief       This macro will return a byte offset of a member to the beginning of the struct.
 * @param       type            The type of the struct
 * @param       member          The name of the member within the struct.
#define os_offsetof(type, member)       ((os_size_t) &((type *)0)->member)
定义 说明
OS_ALIGN_UP(size, align) 数字大小向上对齐,如OS_ALIGN_UP(5,4),返回8
OS_ALIGN_DOWN(size, align) 数字大小向下对齐,如OS_ALIGN_DOWN(5,4),返回4
OS_WAIT_FOREVER 任务阻塞,永久等待,直到获取资源
OS_NO_WAIT 任务不阻塞,有资源返回成功,无资源返回失败
OS_UNREFERENCE(x) 使用未使用的局部变量,避免编译时提示告警信息
os_container_of(ptr, type, member) 已知结构体type的成员member的地址ptr,求结构体type的起始地址
os_offsetof(type, member) 求成员member在结构体type内的偏移