Addon lets you explore TMDB Collections, which are essentially grouped movie series. Discover collections featuring newly released movies or browse catalogs of popular and top-rated collections. You can filter by genre or search collections by actor, director, writer, movie or collection name in any language.
Multiple Catalogs:
- Popular Collections
- Top Rated Collections
- Collections with Newly Released Movies
Rich Filtering:
- Browse by genres
- Search by collection name
- Search by movie name
- Search by person (actor/director/writer)
- Go to the addon webpage and click on the "Install addon" button
- Copy
- Get your API key from
- Add your API key to
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run in development mode
npm run dev
# Run in production mode
npm start
This addon uses:
- TMDB API for movie collections and metadata
- for high-quality movie artwork
MIT License
- The Movie Database (TMDB) for their excellent API
- for providing high-quality artwork
- Stremio for the amazing streaming platform