Powerarrow-zev is a fork of esn89's powerarrowf theme which is a fork of romokee's powerarrow theme
- Copy the contents
in this repository to~/.config/awesome/
- Run
to install the necessary fonts. - Restart Asesome
- You may need to edit rc.lua to have the names of the network devices and harddrives if your system is not set up the same way as mine - To change the wallpaper replace
with your desired background. - To add/remove startup programs edit the last few lines (~line 650) of rc.lua
- Change default programs (~line 50)
- Enable/disable widgets by commenting/uncommenting
lines (~line 350)
sudo apt-get install cmake liblua5.1-dev imagemagick libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-xtest0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libx11-xcb-dev lua-lgi-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libxdg-basedir-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev lua5.1 libxcb-cursor-dev libcairo2-dev
git clone git://git.naquadah.org/awesome.git
cd awesome
git remote add origin-debian git://git.debian.org/git/users/acid/awesome.git
git fetch origin-debian
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc && make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig -v
If Awesome throws errors when you try to Mod+Space
to change layouts, install Awesome 3.5.5-1 from experimental
- Changed keybindings back to Awesome defaults, added multimedia keys, and set Mod+Ctr+Tab to lock xscreensaver
- Added MPD widget instead of gMail swidget
- Changed mem and cpu widgets to graphs
- Added uptime widget instead of battery level for desktop users
- Added download icon to take the place of the wifi strength icons for non wifi devices
- Changed back to default number of tags
- Added the Awesome Icon and menu in front of the taglist to match default theme
- Moved system tray to be between the clock and the layout
- Re-organized the hierarchy of the repository
- Adding a weather widget
- Looking to implement a calendar by turning the date textbox into a button