Work in progress, check back soon - PRs are welcome!
The philosophy of this library is to provide all Bootstrap 4 components for a Svelte app, without needing to use Bootstrap component classes or needing to include Bootstrap's JavaScript.
However, to make using Bootstrap themes easier, this library does not embed Bootstrap styles directly and you will need to include Bootstrap 4 CSS in your page.
The component names and interface are inspired by the reactstrap library for React.
npm install sveltestrap
You need to include a link to Bootstrap 4 stylesheet in your page - these components do not include or embed any Bootstrap styles automatically.
In your svelte component:
<Button color="primary" outline>Hello World!</Button>
import { Button, Col, Row } from 'sveltestrap';
export default {
components: {
- Most simple, stateless components are visually done (see below).
- Event handlers (on:click, etc), common optional attributes (id, href, data-, etc) are not applied to components! Ay!
- Add stateful components and those that depend on tethering (e.g. Alerts, Dropdown, Modals, Popovers, Tooltips).
- Container
- Col
- Row
- Alert
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- BreadcrumbItem
- Button
- ButtonDropdown
- ButtonGroup
- ButtonToolbar
- Card
- CardBlock
- CardColumns
- CardDeck
- CardFooter
- CardGroup
- CardHeader
- CardImg
- CardImgOverlay
- CardLink
- CardSubtitle
- CardText
- CardTitle
- Close
- Collapse
- Dropdown
- DropdownItem
- DropdownMenu
- DropdownToggle
- Form
- FormFeedback
- FormGroup
- FormText
- Icon (FontAwesome helper)
- Input
- InputGroup
- InputGroupAddon
- InputGroupButton
- Jumbotron
- Label
- ListGroup
- ListGroupItem
- ListGroupItemHeading
- ListGroupItemText
- Media
- MediaBody
- Modal
- ModalBody
- ModalFooter
- ModalHeader
- Nav
- NavDropdown
- NavItem
- NavLink
- Navbar
- NavbarBrand
- NavbarToggler
- Pagination
- PaginationItem
- PaginationLink
- Popover
- PopoverContent
- PopoverTitle
- Progress
- TabContent
- TabPane
- Table
- Tooltip