A bare-bones Bash script to install Nginx from source with optional modules and GeoIP database updates via cron.
Run the following commands to download and execute the script:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zadro/nginx-install/refs/heads/main/nginx-install.sh
chmod +x nginx-install.sh
- Installs Nginx from source with optional modules.
- Supports Brotli, ModSecurity, GeoIP2, and other modules.
- Configures automatic GeoIP database updates via cron.
- Ensures a clean, optimized, and lightweight build.
- Simple and uncomplicated nginx install script.
- Includes HTTP/3 module.
This script is provided "as is", without any warranties or guarantees.
Always review the script before running it on a production server.
- Inspired by angristan/nginx-autoinstall.
- Developed by Dario Zadro - zadroweb.com.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for details.