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Be Yourself?

Be yourself is ok, but stop 'trying to be yourself'


What is the most powerful slogan in the modern world? "Think different?", "Be Your Way?", or "Just do it?"

All of these words share a common underlying meaning: Be Yourself. But what is the the genuine yourself? 'Yourself' makes me feel like a stone thrown into the sea, it started with momentum, but sinked in nowhere.

這些標語都有一個共通點,那就是「做自己」。但做自己讓人感覺像是一顆被用力丟進海裡的石頭,一開始充滿動力 (momentum),但最終沒有人知道會沉到何處。

Being yourself can get confusing. Therefore, at the most times, the pop culture and advertisements decide it for us. They cultivate (form) a model of 'yourself' for us, and then tell us to follow.

Rebellion, Revolution, Chasing Your Dream, are all profitable.

They say that everyone is unique, and do you want to be unique? just put on these amazing shoes and you would stand out from the crowd.



We let the brand labels define us, and pursue the image they build for us. Instead of 'just do it', I feel like it more likes 'just buy it'




Actually, I think 'be yourself' still has its value, but we cannot find 'ourself' easily. Therefore, I think we should stop pushing ourselves to 'be yourself' but start to 'understand yourself'.

'Be yourself' sounds like a static state, you only need to do something to proof that; in the contrary, 'Know yourself' is a like endless tour, or a constantly conversation with yourself.

So the point is not you should buy those shoes or not, but I should accept who am I, and what I need.

I won't be more unique than others because I listen to underground music, and nor would I be an athlete because of the nike running shoes.

Know yourself, make the decision, then be responsible to yourself.

Therefore, stop trying to 'be yourself', but understand yourself.

Being yourself gives us an implicit goal to purchase, also it mislead us to it's ok to be stubborn.

Have you ever heard the pep talk like "Don't let others define you, listen to your heart." However, how do we tell the difference between socialization and ''?

Psychologist Erikson had built a famous theory called 'psychosocial developmental theory', a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that identifies a series of eight stages that a healthy developing individual should pass through from infancy to late adulthood.

Every stage has its own Psychosocial crisis and mission, for example, babies have trust issues; toddlers have autonomy issues, ...

However, not every one can deal with his or her issues properly, and for those didn't go well, their mental age won't match the physical age.

In my experience, when I was a teenager, I once was an inconsiderate boy, and I think I didn't need to improve that because that's who I am.

However, I can feel I cannot get along well with my friends, and fit into groups. I knew I was an introvert and I don't ,...

But thorugh knowing myself more, I realize I need to make a balance between my expectation and my personality.

I start to observe the popular kids' behavior and try to learn from them, it was a hard time but through pushing myself I realize myself more. Finally, I knew it's impossible for me to transform myself into another one or be the most popular one, but I stroke a balance.

I would start to think about others at the first time, but I also keep my baseline, not make myself too hard.


每一個階段都要各自的發展危機 (developmental crisis) 與任務。嬰兒要對付信任危機、幼兒要對抗自律危機、青少年要對付



Argument 1: 我們常把「做自己」與「成功」做連結


除了感謝好萊屋、Nike 不懈的努力外,在 2019 年,一份據日本對於中小學生的報導,近年來對於想當 Youtuber 作為理想工作的比例持續上升。

很多時候,「作自己」成為了成功的象徵,那些偶像明星或是 Youtuber 過得真的快樂媽?









Argument 2: 做自己跟為所欲為?

所以我可以做自己,嬰兒是最做自己的人,但你不會想要 20 歲以後還當一個嬰兒。身為一個人,你就是必須要遵守部分的社會期待。我們的電影與小說喜歡把社會現實塑造成可怕的反派,將剛從學校出來、天真無邪的我們屠殺。









  1. 廣告與流行文化塑造了我們的認知:Youtuber 是年輕人心目中第一名的職業
  2. 做自己、不要被別人定義你自己:是否就要變得自大或不聽勸告?

不同年齡有不同的心靈狀態與需求,甚至有不同的「你自己」,如果你已經 40 歲但仍想著做 18 歲的自己,那就會產生不健康的後果

結論:聽起來,做自己像是達到一個狀態,我因為做了一件厲害的事情,所以我是做自己,好像 40 歲的人要活得跟 18 歲的自己一樣。但事實上,人在不同年齡有不同需求,人生是由一個個決定堆疊出來的,所以更應該懂自己。

Opening: Don't be yourself, Know yourself

What is the most powerful slogan in the modern world? "Think different?", "Be Your Way?" or "Just do it? "

All of these words share a common underlying meaning: Be yourself.

Sounds great, Right! But What is 'yourself'? Is yourself a shinning, dazzling.

they can and should live how they want anytime.

In my opinion, Don't try to be yourself, but know yourself. Don't be the meat of the giant corporation

We bind 'Be Yourself' To 'Success' Image

You should instead know yourself about what is 'your desire' and what is 'your need' and the reason behind it.

Success is when reality corresponds to some external social expectations.

E.g.: Your mom expects you to be a respected medical doctor, and when you graduate from your medical school, you are on the way to success.Or your girlfriend expects you to take her to expensive restaurants, and when you get hired for a well-paid project, you are on your way to success.

Happiness is when reality corresponds to your internal aspirations.

Argument #1: My Story

Happiness is not equals success

When I was young, I would be ecastacy if I got 100 allowance, but now I didn't get 100 times happier

Argument #2:

Summary: Happiness is not a summit to climb, but a lifelong road to take

Happiness is

📚 Resources

Here's Why You Don't Always Need to "Be Yourself"

'Following Your Passion' Is Dead - Here's What To Replace It With

“Finding your passion” presupposes that interests and passions are fixed, rather than fluid and evolving as we age and gain wisdom and experience.

Those who follow the fixed mindset are much more likely to give up when obstacles arise.

Urging people to find their passion may lead them to put all their eggs in one basket but then to drop that basket when it becomes difficult to carry.”

This advice is ubiquitous in parts of our culture that value short-term emotional comfort above other mental states.


Develop a passion, don’t follow it

Stanford researchers: ‘Follow your passion’ advice could make you less successful


→ 如果你只想到要做自己,你有可能反而限制你成長的可能性。


→ 人們與其「做自己」,不然「了解自己」,因為

“我曾經非常熱衷於成為一名棒球運動員。然後我意識到我有一個每小時 70 英里的快球,”庫班笑著說。競爭激烈的美國職業棒球大聯盟投手以每小時 90 多英里的速度投擲快球。

The reason You're Not Successful Is Because You Don't Want to Admit this 1 Thing

  1. The Reason You’re Not Successful Is Because You Don’t Want To Admit This 1 Thing

Define your success:

You want to have a certain number in your bank account.

You want to build something X amount of people validate and praise.

You want to be “remembered” or “known” for something, forever.

You want to be seen as the leader, the one who pioneered change.

You want to help people. You want to leave a meaningful impact.

You want to change lives.

You want to be acknowledged.

You want to do something. And you associate that thing with “success.”

Do you know why most people do not become successful?

Because their definition of “success” is flawed to begin with.

As shown above, they attach the idea of “success” with something external. It is a mountain peak. A reward. A trophy. An achievement. A view from the top of the mountain wherein they can say, with complete confidence, “I did it. I am now successful.”

The problem with that is as soon as you reach that point and you call yourself “successful,” you are shifting the focus from an internal desire to an external achievement — which is dangerous. You are using “success” as a title to define who you are and your own worth.

In addition, you very quickly survey the landscape (from your amazing view) and you see yet another mountain peak. And you then attach again this idea of “success” to something else. Yes, in order to continue being “successful” you now have to climb the next mountain, and the next mountain.

The reason most people don’t become successful is the same reason successful people don’t or can’t even enjoy the success they’ve already achieved.

It’s because success, to them, is external.

Instead of seeking validation, what you need to seek is exploration. The true feeling of success is at the heart of what you love. And if that is your intention, then you could achieve one thing or one hundred things and either way the feeling would remain the same. Because the “feeling” of success then is internal. It is a love for the journey, not the end result in itself.

In the world of entrepreneurship, business, and anything relating to “ambition” in general, this perspective gets shoved under the rug. In fact, it’s even looked at as weak. You should aspire for more. You should achieve more. Receive more. More more more.

The irony is that there is already more than enough within you to explore. Curiosity and an interest in your craft is enough. A love for what you do, day after day, is enough. There is already far more available than you could ever need, and it’s the outward focus that ends up distracting you from the deeply fulfilling path of wanting to do what you love, every single day.

If you aren’t successful, it’s because you don’t that.

It’s because your definition of “success” is something that is outside of you.

And true success is found within.

South Park Inspiration

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