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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > C

Updated: 2022-08-03   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 torvalds/linux Linux kernel source tree 135671 34 2022-08-02
2 ahrm/sioyek Sioyek is a PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books. 3408 9 2022-07-31
3 cfenollosa/os-tutorial How to create an OS from scratch 23409 8 2022-07-12
4 TheAlgorithms/C Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science, physics, etc implemented in C for educational purposes. 14045 6 2022-07-07
5 s-matyukevich/raspberry-pi-os Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi 11600 6 2022-02-16
6 leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more 8018 5 2022-07-04
7 SpacehuhnTech/esp8266_deauther Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning 10215 5 2022-07-20
8 outflanknl/C2-Tool-Collection A collection of tools which integrate with Cobalt Strike (and possibly other C2 frameworks) through BOF and reflective DLL loading techniques. 424 4 2022-05-13
9 mytechnotalent/Hacking-Windows A FREE Windows C development course where we will learn the Win32API and reverse engineer each step utilizing IDA Free in both an x86 and x64 environment. 968 3 2022-05-06
10 ThusWroteNomad/GameNetworkingResources A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources 4885 3 2022-04-29
11 isometimes/rpi4-osdev Tutorial: Writing a "bare metal" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4 2386 3 2022-07-06
12 Ascotbe/Kernelhub 🌴Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability collection, with compilation environment, demo GIF map, vulnerability details, executable file (提权漏洞合集) 1944 3 2022-04-25
13 tsl0922/ttyd Share your terminal over the web 4698 2 2022-07-31
14 shellphish/how2heap A repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques. 5539 2 2022-06-06
15 vxunderground/VX-API Collection of various WINAPI tricks / features used or abused by Malware 1196 2 2022-03-29
16 qemu/qemu Official QEMU mirror. Please see for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from the QEMU website. 6495 2 2022-08-02
17 RandyGaul/cute_headers Collection of cross-platform one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily used for games 3501 2 2022-07-31
18 hackerschoice/thc-tips-tricks-hacks-cheat-sheet Various tips & tricks 1814 2 2022-07-14
19 AlexisAhmed/CVE-2022-0847-DirtyPipe-Exploits A collection of exploits and documentation that can be used to exploit the Linux Dirty Pipe vulnerability. 260 2 2022-03-15
20 MinhasKamal/CreepyCodeCollection A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes 2241 1 2022-07-04
21 facebookresearch/nle The NetHack Learning Environment 602 1 2022-05-14
22 bztsrc/raspi3-tutorial Bare metal Raspberry Pi 3 tutorials 2223 1 2022-07-31
23 zodiacon/WindowsInternals Windows Internals Book 7th edition Tools 1638 1 2022-06-18
24 sleuthkit/sleuthkit The Sleuth Kit® (TSK) is a library and collection of command line digital forensics tools that allow you to investigate volume and file system data. The library can be incorporated into larger digital ... 2080 1 2022-08-02
25 neomutt/neomutt ✉️ Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks -- IRC: #neomutt on 2521 1 2022-07-30
26 pathtofile/bad-bpf A collection of eBPF programs demonstrating bad behavior, presented at DEF CON 29 232 1 2022-04-08
27 DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse The official SuiteSparse library: a suite of sparse matrix algorithms authored or co-authored by Tim Davis, Texas A&M University. NOTE: PRs without signed CONTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT can't be accepted. 585 1 2022-05-10
28 czekster/markov Materials for book: "Markov Chains for programmers" 166 1 2022-05-05
29 xdp-project/xdp-tutorial XDP tutorial 1389 1 2022-04-15
30 TheDarkBug/uwufetch A meme system info tool for Linux, based on nyan/uwu trend on r/linuxmasterrace. 386 1 2022-04-17
31 pimoroni/pimoroni-pico Libraries and examples to support Pimoroni Pico add-ons in C++ and MicroPython. 470 1 2022-05-12
32 remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-projects Projects for an undergraduate OS course 2451 1 2022-07-11
33 MaJerle/stm32-cube-cmake-vscode STM32, VSCode and CMake detailed tutorial 172 1 2022-04-28
34 xinntao/Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN. Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image Restoration. 187 1 2022-04-24
35 h0mbre/Learning-C A series of mini-projects used to learn C for beginners 828 1 2022-03-15
36 DhavalKapil/heap-exploitation This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap and various attacks possible on the heap structure. 1160 1 2022-04-12
37 0xdea/semgrep-rules A collection of my Semgrep rules to facilitate vulnerability research. 202 1 2022-07-09
38 martinezjavier/ldd3 Linux Device Drivers 3 examples updated to work in recent kernels 1890 0 2022-05-13
39 laanwj/etna_viv Etnaviv is a project to build a FOSS driver for the Vivante GCxxx series of embedded GPUs - laanwj's personal fork - upstream is 200 0 2022-05-04
40 grblHAL/core grblHAL core code and master Wiki 118 0 2022-04-16
41 ArtemioUrbina/240pTestSuite A homebrew software suite for video game consoles developed to help in the evaluation of upscalers, upscan converters, line doublers and of course TV processing of 240p video. The Wii and Dreamcast ve ... 78 0 2022-05-02
42 QuantumLeaps/modern-embedded-programming-course Companion repository to the "Modern Embedded Systems Programming" video course. 146 0 2022-07-01
43 assist-project/dtls-fuzzer State learner tool for DTLS which uses TLS-Attacker 17 0 2022-07-05
44 nevermosby/linux-bpf-learning learn how to use BPF/eBPF 282 0 2022-02-11
45 SeedMint/SeedMint Design data, drawings, CNC program and parts list for manufacturing a Jig to secure your Seed words on stainless Steel washers 16 0 2022-04-07
46 happyfish100/libshmcache libshmcache is a local cache in the share memory for multi processes. high performance due to read is lockless. libshmcache is 100+ times faster than a remote interface such as redis. 405 0 2022-04-26
47 steps3d/graphics-book Source file for Computer Graphics book 18 0 2022-06-17
48 drhelius/Gearsystem Sega Master System / Game Gear / SG-1000 emulator for iOS, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Windows, Linux, BSD and RetroArch. 155 0 2022-03-08
49 kubo/injector Library for injecting a shared library into a Linux or Windows process 245 0 2022-06-12
50 MaxwellGengYF/DirectX-12-Tutorial A simple DirectX-12 tutorial 65 0 2022-04-10
51 cbcrg/tcoffee A collection of tools for Multiple Alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequence 66 0 2022-05-12
52 EmbeddedGeekYT/egSTM32 Repository for keeping code from YouTube Tutorials 7 0 2022-06-01
53 PaulBatchelor/sndkit A collection of highly portable audio DSP algorithms, written in ANSI C using literate programming. 50 0 2022-04-21
54 slavaGanzin/await 32Kb, small memory footprint, single binary that run list of commands in parallel and waits for their termination 49 0 2022-02-05
55 saketd403/CROSR PyTorch implementation for "Classification-Reconstruction Learning for Open-Set Recognition" CVPR 2019. 15 0 2022-03-22
56 miniwinwm/BluePillDemo A collection of small example projects tailored for the Blue Pill board created in STM32CubeIDE. No further updates. 52 0 2022-03-26
57 spruceid/discourse-siwe-auth Discourse plugin for SIWE authentication 16 0 2022-07-07
58 tomisilander/bene An exact Bayesian network structure learning software based on dynamic programming. 11 0 2022-06-01
59 x42/meters.lv2 collection of LV2 plugins for audio-level metering 135 0 2022-03-27
60 bueler/p4pdes C and Python examples from my book on using PETSc to solve PDEs 105 0 2022-04-02
61 dji-sdk/RoboMaster-SDK DJI RoboMaster Python SDK and Sample Code for RoboMaster EP. 201 0 2022-05-06
62 sysprog21/concurrent-programs Complementary Concurrency Programs for course "Linux Kernel Internals" 215 0 2022-05-09
63 putuwaw/brilliant CRUD Book Management with CSFML 6 0 2022-06-22
64 ArduCAM/ArduCAM_ESP8266_UNO This Arduino IDE for ArduCAM ESP8266 UNO Board with Integrated ArduCAM Library and Examples 81 0 2022-02-17
65 BartJongejan/Bracmat Programming language for symbolic computation with unusual combination of pattern matching features: Tree patterns, associative patterns and expressions embedded in patterns. 41 0 2022-05-07
66 chvmp/robots Collection of quadrupedal robots configured to work in CHAMP development framework 150 0 2022-05-03
67 Shimingyi/COMP3360_Data_Driven_Animation The code repository of course COMP3360 15 0 2022-04-04
68 MaJerle/stm32-usart-uart-dma-rx-tx STM32 examples for USART using DMA for efficient RX and TX transmission 621 0 2022-05-07
69 wernsey/miscsrc My collection of miscellaneous source code 21 0 2022-07-26
70 adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides Programs and scripts to display "inline" in Adafruit Learning System guides 667 0 2022-05-14
71 STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB Full Firmware Package for the STM32WB series: HAL+LL drivers, CMSIS, BSP, MW, plus a set of Projects (examples and demos) running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits). 110 0 2022-04-08
72 jtsiomb/xlivebg Live wallpapers for the X window system 55 0 2022-04-28
73 Foundations-of-HPC/Foundations_of_HPC_2021 This repository collects the materials from the course "Foundations of HPC", 2021, at the Data Science and Scientific Computing Department, University of Trieste 19 0 2022-05-17
74 atrosinenko/kbdysch A collection of user-space Linux kernel specific guided fuzzers based on LKL 58 0 2022-05-10
75 Koromix/tytools Collection of tools to manage Teensy boards 162 0 2022-03-21
76 iamsidofficial/c-programs-for-college-students A collection of c programs and solutions in c useful for college students. 6 0 2022-05-28
77 GorgonMeducer/perf_counter A dedicated performance counter for Cortex-M systick. It shares the SysTick with users' original SysTick function without interfere it. This library will bring new functionalities, such as performance ... 139 0 2022-05-09
78 rgmantovani/dataStructures Data structures' lectures for Computer Engineering course, UTFPR - Apucarana 27 0 2022-06-28
79 heterodb/pg-strom PG-Strom - Master development repository 1074 0 2022-05-15
80 h2o/picotls TLS 1.3 implementation in C (master supports RFC8446 as well as draft-26, -27, -28) 380 0 2022-05-11
81 ryanmrestivo/windows-tools-portable Collection of FOSS/Freeware. Most tools here are portable, which can be useful for when you are out-and-about. Obviously dedicated lab use of tools is ideal, but we don't live in an ideal world. 6 0 2022-07-31
82 hyller/GladiatorLibrary Code from books, internet and so on ... 4 0 2022-04-22
83 superflexible/TGPuttyLib An SFTP client shared library (dll/so/dylib) with bindings and classes for C++, Delphi and Free Pascal based on PuTTY 62 0 2022-03-06
84 SistemiOperativi/c_examples This repository provides several code examples showing baseline concepts of Linux Operating Systems 6 0 2022-02-17
85 ARM-software/Tool-Solutions Tutorials & examples for Arm software development tools. 172 0 2022-05-06
86 dparrish/libcli Libcli provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like command-line interface into other software. It's a telnet interface which supports command-line editing, history, authentication and callba ... 245 0 2022-04-28
87 outscale/packetgraph Packetgraph library is a collection of network bricks you can connect to form a network graph. 70 0 2022-05-05
88 JafarAkhondali/acer-predator-turbo-and-rgb-keyboard-linux-module Linux kernel module to support Turbo mode and RGB Keyboard for Acer Predator notebook series 91 0 2022-03-22
89 compuphase/Black-Magic-Probe-Book A guide plus associated utilities for the Black Magic Probe. 74 0 2022-04-20
90 SiliconLabs/wiseconnect-wifi-bt-sdk Wi-Fi and Bluetooth host drivers and examples for Silicon Labs RS9116 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth solution 11 0 2022-08-02
91 yihui-he/Modern-Compiler-Implementation-in-C book and codes for Modern Compiler Implementation in C 230 0 2022-02-09
92 mwarning/UDP-hole-punching-examples A small collection of examples for UDP hole punching. 85 0 2022-03-20
93 sherpya/android-busybox Android busybox for standalone bionic toolchain - ALWAYS REBASED (so pull --rebase --ff-only), look at for info 72 0 2022-03-28
94 tyler569/nightingale A small operating system where I experiment and learn osdev. 107 0 2022-04-13
95 ib/xarchiver (continuation of the Xfce master branch) 114 0 2022-05-12
96 ToshioCP/Gtk4-tutorial A gtk4 tutorial for beginners 246 0 2022-06-22
97 Dragorn421/z64-romhack-tutorials Romhacking-related tutorials for Zelda64 games 11 0 2022-07-13
98 ZerBea/hcxkeys Small set of tools to generate plainmasterkeys (rainbowtables) and hashes for the use with latest hashcat and John the Ripper. 81 0 2022-04-22
99 vli02/leetcode My leetcode solutions in C 22 0 2022-03-26
100 mnhrdt/imscript a collection of small and standalone utilities for image processing, written in C 98 0 2022-07-27
101 dekuNukem/STM32_tutorials STM32 tutorial with STM32Cube and Keil MDK-ARM 169 0 2022-02-15
102 halimocakli/Programming-Languages-II-Lab C programming examples that were created in Programming Languages II lecture which I took charge of as an assistant student. 4 0 2022-06-13
103 GraphBLAS/LAGraph This is a library plus a test harness for collecting algorithms that use the GraphBLAS. For test coverage reports, see . 132 0 2022-05-13
104 mkowsiak/jnicookbook JNI Cookbook Redux - learn JNI by example. 61 0 2022-05-13
105 Crypto-toolbox/HFT-Orderbook Limit Order Book for high-frequency trading (HFT), as described by WK Selph, implemented in Python3 and C 596 0 2022-02-18
106 Xilinx/HLS Vitis HLS LLVM source code and examples 310 0 2022-02-28
107 Mair/esp32-course Course on the ESP32 IDF 118 0 2022-04-24
108 microsoft/PQCrypto-LWEKE FrodoKEM: Learning with Errors Key Encapsulation. FrodoKEM is a family of key-encapsulation mechanisms that are designed to be conservative yet practical post-quantum constructions whose security deri ... 86 0 2022-02-28
109 dmage/co2mon CLI for MasterKit CO2 Monitor 142 0 2022-02-11
110 PlushBeaver/xdp-syn-cookie XDP tutorial project 15 0 2022-02-14
111 STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7 X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 (Azure RTOS Software Expansion for STM32Cube) provides a full integration of Microsoft Azure RTOS in the STM32Cube environment for the STM32H7 series of microcontrollers. 93 0 2022-05-06
112 J4NN0/wordlist-generator Generate customised wordlist for penetration testing practice (e.g. brute force attack, dictionary attack, etc.). 16 0 2022-02-06
113 wrongbaud/hackaday-u Course materials for Ghidra training 242 0 2022-05-09
114 mpitutorial/mpitutorial MPI programming lessons in C and executable code examples 1680 0 2022-07-28
115 JHGuitarFreak/UQM-MegaMod A fork of The Ur-Quan Masters that remasters the HD mod with a veritable smorgasbord of extra features and options 44 0 2022-05-12
116 hholzgra/connector-c-examples MySQL/MariaDB C API examples 69 0 2022-06-07
117 PacktPublishing/Learning-Linux-Binary-Analysis Learning Linux Binary Analysis, published by Packt 46 0 2022-06-13
118 cs3157/recitations Recitation notes for cs3157, the C systems programming course with a narrative 268 0 2022-02-16
119 audio-communication-group/real-time-audio-programming-in-C_SoSe2021 Seminar of the music informatics module in the audio communication course at the TU Berlin. 5 0 2022-02-10
120 Neverball/neverball Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. 246 0 2022-05-12
121 hishamhm/dit A console text editor for Unix systems that you already know how to use 128 0 2022-05-13
122 capnramses/apg mini libraries / experimental tools and reusable snippets 67 0 2022-05-02
123 define-private-public/PSRayTracing A (modern) C++ implementation of the first two books of the Peter Shirley Ray Tracing mini-books ( Features a clean project structure, perf. improvements (compared to the ... 167 0 2022-02-24
124 jnuyens/linux-c-programming The git repository to go together with the book 'Linux C Programming' by Jasper Nuyens 11 0 2022-02-11
125 OpenEtherCATsociety/SOEM Simple Open Source EtherCAT Master 775 0 2022-05-13
126 ProfessionallyEvil/LD_PRELOAD-run-at-load-time Code samples to go along with the blog post on how to run code at load/unload time when using LD_PRELOAD to inject libraries. 7 0 2022-05-18
127 iliasam/STM32F4_UVC_Camera STM32F4-Discovery USB Device UVC Camera examples 191 0 2022-02-19
128 facebook/openbmc-qemu Fork of QEMU for Facebook OpenBMC machines, closely tracking upstream. 10 0 2022-08-02
129 xieyu/blog notes on papers/books/codes 171 0 2022-03-09
130 nbfc-linux/nbfc-linux NoteBook FanControl ported to Linux 82 0 2022-04-15
131 rambodrahmani/ffmpeg-video-player An FFmpeg and SDL Tutorial. 237 0 2022-05-01
132 craigpeacock/RN2903-Demo This example shows how to run your own code on the RN2903 LoRaWAN Module, eliminating the requirement for a 2nd microcontroller 5 0 2022-04-13
133 jraleman/42.Piscine-C Every day for four weeks and even on weekends, we have to do exercises and projects in C. This piscine starts from zero and does not ask for any prior knowledge... apart from knowing how to use a mous ... 109 0 2022-06-04
134 TouchDesigner/CustomOperatorSamples A collection of custom operators to start exploring development in c++ for TouchDesigner. 23 0 2022-02-05
135 codeplaysoftware/computecpp-sdk Collection of samples and utilities for using ComputeCpp, Codeplay's SYCL implementation 278 0 2022-05-05
136 codeplea/Hands-On-Network-Programming-with-C Book Example Code for Hands-On Network Programming with C 252 0 2022-03-02
137 maksimdrachov/zephyr-rtos-tutorial Zephyr tutorial for beginners 93 0 2022-06-12
138 Pocco81/TheSupercalifragilisticexpialidociousDots 🐳 A collection of my personal dotfiles 65 0 2022-02-16
139 ufidon/its450 course materials and references for its450 17 0 2022-04-24
140 libretro/common-shaders Collection of commonly used Cg shaders. These shaders are usable by either HLSL and/or Cg runtime compilers. The cg2glsl script will translate most of these into GLSL shaders. 887 0 2022-04-16
141 ColdGrub1384/Pyto Python IDE for iOS with NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, SciPy and SciKit-Learn 696 0 2022-07-28
142 ptpd/ptpd PTPd official source - master branch a.k.a. trunk 359 0 2022-03-01
143 arnab7070/Computer_Lab_Exam_AOT Here you can find out all the solution of the coding problems given in the Lab Assignment. Don't forget to share it with your friends because sharing is caring..... 7 0 2022-06-18
144 midilab/aciduino Cheap and DIY make in 1 hour, 2 tracks, 14 patterns, Roland TB-303 step sequencer clone +plus features aimed for musicians and djs to use it on live performance or for the studio create process 81 0 2022-04-03
145 schreibfaul1/ESP32-TFT-Library-ILI9486 A library for 3.5 inch RPi LCD (A) 320x480 display from Waveshare 66 0 2022-02-12
146 kristiantm/eink-family-calendar-esp32 E-ink calendar integrating google calendar og OWM onto a 7.5 inch Waveshare screen based on an ESP32 LOLIN32 board 43 0 2022-02-20
147 vinsworldcom/nppQuickText Notepad++ plugin for text snippet substitution. 14 0 2022-05-06
148 rricharz/pidp11-2.11bsd Using the historical unix 2.11 BSD operating system on the PiDP-11. With examples such as cool-retro-weatherstation. 51 0 2022-04-22
149 LeonWandruschka/C_Algorithms This is an open source project to collect various C algorithms and data structures and make them available to everyone. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the project to make it easier for other dev ... 6 0 2022-07-03
150 micchie/uoe_sysprog Self-learning system/kernel programming tutorial originally designed for Programming Club. 15 0 2022-04-23
151 open-dynamic-robot-initiative/master-board Hardware and Firmware of the Solo Quadruped Master Board 81 0 2022-05-10
152 azure-rtos/getting-started This Getting Started guide is a series of tutorials that shows device developers how to connect to Azure IoT using Azure RTOS. 229 0 2022-05-14
153 pyocd/FlashAlgo Framework for building Arm Cortex-M "FLM" style flash programming algorithms. 107 0 2022-05-05
154 FreyrSCADA/IEC-60870-5-104 IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol - RTU Server Simulator, Master Client Simulator, Windows and Linux (ARM) Software development Kit, Source Code in C, C++, C# .NET Programming - Complete Implemetation includin ... 60 0 2022-07-01
155 DrTimothyAldenDavis/GraphBLAS SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. For production: (default) STABLE branch. Code development: (non-default) MASTER branch. video intro: ... 175 0 2022-05-12
156 weltevrede/psrsalsa PSRSALSA: A Suite of ALgorithms for Statistical Analysis of pulsar data. Please refer to the following website for dowload instructions and a tutorial: 5 0 2022-02-22
157 OpenFIGI/api-examples Examples of programs that interact with the OpenFIGI services via their APIs. 97 0 2022-06-22
158 CroweCybersecurity/shareenum Tool to enumerate shares from Windows hosts. 55 0 2022-04-20
159 lesgourg/class_public Public repository of the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (master for the most recent version of the standard code; classnet branch for acceleration with neutral networks; ExoCLASS branch for e ... 161 0 2022-07-18
160 FOSS-UCSC/FOSSALGO Collection of Algorithms and Data Structures 56 0 2022-07-22
161 willdurand/ArvernOS 💾 A minimal, experimental and "toy" monolithic kernel to learn about OS development // Work In Progress 284 0 2022-04-06
162 t-crest/patmos-benchmarks A collection of benchmarks and tests for the Patmos processor and compiler 15 0 2022-02-04
163 libyal/libvsmbr Library and tools to access the Master Boot Record (MBR) volume system format 10 0 2022-07-19
164 david-macmahon/hashpipe High Availability Shared Pipeline Engine 10 0 2022-06-04
165 acontis/atemsys Kernel module that grants direct access to hardware, improving the performance of the LinkLayers, used in the EtherCAT Master Stack Software EC-Master and EtherCAT Network Simulation Software EC-Simul ... 11 0 2022-04-22
166 hilmi-yilmaz/blogs Cool things I learned, written for you! 15 0 2022-02-07
167 canokeys/canokey-crypto Crypto algorithms for use in Canokeys 7 0 2022-02-17
168 haywardgb/DayZSA_VIP_Loadouts My custom init.c examples for Custom VIP and Admin Loadouts 7 0 2022-04-27
169 schatto1/LFS201 Repo containing downloaded PDFs, some code, and my Markdown notes taken during self-paced online LFS201 course hosted by the Linux Foundation 49 0 2022-05-13
170 dialog-semiconductor/BLE_SDK10_DA1470x_examples Examples for the Dialog Smartbond Bluetooth low energy families based on the SDK10 for DA1470x SoC 4 0 2022-08-02
171 lxasqjc/Deformation-Segmentation PyTorch implementation of Learning to Downsample for Segmentation of Ultra-High Resolution Images 22 0 2022-06-09
172 EdVince/SID-NCNN Learning to See in the Dark running in Android by ncnn with Raw Camera 12 0 2022-02-20
173 Johannes4Linux/Linux_Driver_Tutorial A Tutorial how to get started with Linux Kernel Modules and Linux Drivers. 126 0 2022-08-01
174 sous-chefs/mingw Development repository for the mingw cookbook 5 0 2022-02-10
175 linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools A collection of command line tools for ARM devices with Allwinner SoCs. 426 0 2022-03-29
176 GrzHeller/STM32H750B-DK_TouchGFX_FreeRTOS_MQTT_Example A simple example of how to setup an MQTT project on STM32H750B-DK with TouchGFX and FreeRTOS. 7 0 2022-04-13
177 maksir98/cs61c Hi, I'm a student self-learning CS61C(Summer 2020). This repository contains my work on CS61C labs and projects, if you find something mistake, please tell me or put it on Issues. Welcome communicatio ... 44 0 2022-05-14
178 pandax381/microps An implementation of a small TCP/IP protocol stack for learning. 502 0 2022-03-09
179 cnoviello/mastering-stm32 Repository of all examples presented in the "Mastering STM32" book 315 0 2022-02-14
180 kcleal/dysgu dysgu-SV is a collection of tools for calling structural variants using short or long reads 47 0 2022-08-02
181 theanhle/c-programming This repository provides all necessary materials, including reference books, lecture slides, examples, and assignments, for the PRF192 course. 11 0 2022-04-10
182 Tarsnap/libcperciva BSD-licensed C99/POSIX library code shared between tarsnap, scrypt, kivaloo, spiped, and bsdiff. 106 0 2022-07-16
183 openpowerquality/opq Master repository for all OPQ services 15 0 2022-07-06
184 pabuhr/concurrent-locking Software and Hardware C-language Locking Algorithms and Implementations 29 0 2022-07-11
185 james34602/JamesDSPManager Audio DSP effects build on Android system framework layer. This is a repository contains a pack of high quality DSP algorithms specialized for audio processing. 203 0 2022-07-30
186 XutaxKamay/soinject ELF shared libraries injection to a remote process. 11 0 2022-04-04
187 mocleiri/tensorflow-micropython-examples A custom micropython firmware integrating tensorflow lite for microcontrollers and ulab to implement the tensorflow micro examples. 67 0 2022-05-01
188 cppchriscpp/nes-starter-kit A Beginner's Guide and toolkit for NES game creation. 102 0 2022-04-08
189 Chloekkk/so_long (੭。╹▿╹。)੭ SIMPLE KIRBY GAME (੭。╹▿╹。)੭ This project is a small 2D game with minilibx. You'll learn about textures, sprites and tiles. 11 0 2022-07-18
190 DiegoPaezA/ESP32-freeRTOS Basic Examples of FreeRTOS with ESP32 and ESP-IDF 61 0 2022-04-05
191 radareorg/radare2-book Radare2 official book 624 0 2022-04-25
192 sergeylesnik/acousticCavitationOpenFOAM A collection of solvers and cases within the scope of OpenFOAM technology (foam-extend) to model acoustic cavitation. 7 0 2022-05-29
193 bmoscon/orderbook A fast L2/L3 orderbook data structure, in C, for Python 98 0 2022-04-17
194 ROCm-Developer-Tools/aomp AOMP is an open source Clang/LLVM based compiler with added support for the OpenMP® API on Radeon™ GPUs. Use this repository for releases, issues, documentation, packaging, and examples,. 101 0 2022-04-11
195 Kimplul/hid-tmff2 Linux kernel module for Thrustmaster T300RS and T248 81 0 2022-04-10
196 microsoft/jericho A learning environment for man-made Interactive Fiction games. 205 0 2022-06-20
197 termux/libandroid-shmem System V shared memory emulation on Android using ashmem. 82 0 2022-03-27
198 ohkimur/the-c-programming-language-2nd-edition-solutions Solutions to the exercises in the book "The C Programming Language" (2nd edition) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. This book is also referred to as K&R. 164 0 2022-04-07
199 LordNoteworthy/windows-internals My notes while studying Windows internals 227 0 2022-02-02
200 WohlSoft/AudioCodecs A portable collection of audio codecs as set of dependencies for SDL Mixer X audio library 11 0 2022-07-21

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