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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > Ruby

Updated: 2022-08-03   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 bayandin/awesome-awesomeness A curated list of awesome awesomeness 29186 10 2022-03-24
2 kilimchoi/engineering-blogs A curated list of engineering blogs 21765 8 2022-08-01
3 lewagon/setup Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Web Development Bootcamp 13604 4 2022-07-25
4 rubocop/rubocop A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide. 11911 3 2022-08-02
5 freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source A guide to contributing to open source 6781 3 2022-07-27
6 noraj/OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown 📙 Markdown Templates for Offensive Security OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, OSEE, OSWP exam report 2429 2 2022-06-14
7 ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns. 5352 2 2022-04-04
8 sudara/awesome-juce A curated list of JUCE modules, templates, plugins, oh my! 170 2 2022-08-02
9 toji/webgpu-gltf-case-study A case study in effective WebGPU patterns for rendering glTF models 34 2 2022-08-02
10 thoughtbot/guides A guide for programming in style. 9130 2 2022-08-01
11 seanpdoyle/turbo_stream_button Harness the power of Turbo Streams to declare click event handlers as a series of HTML mutations. 22 1 2022-07-01
12 sharetribe/sharetribe Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available as a hosted, no-code SaaS product. For a headless, API-first marketplace solution, check out Sharetribe Flex: https://www.share ... 2230 1 2022-07-27
13 vapor-community/awesome-vapor A curated list of Vapor-related awesome projects. 948 1 2022-04-28
14 stevepolitodesign/rails-authentication-from-scratch A step-by-step guide on how to build your own authentication system in Rails from scratch. 171 1 2022-02-25
15 hashie/hashie Hashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make Ruby hashes more powerful. 2843 1 2022-06-27
16 franzejr/best-ruby Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring and Best Practices 2360 1 2022-05-13
17 tradingview/charting-library-examples Examples of Charting Library integrations with other libraries, frameworks and data transports 927 1 2022-02-18
18 phildini/stayinghomeclub A list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19 479 1 2022-07-22
19 testdouble/standard 🌟 Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer 1974 1 2022-08-01
20 pupilfirst/pupilfirst A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interactio ... 624 1 2022-08-01
21 arsduo/koala A lightweight Facebook library supporting the Graph, Marketing, and Atlas APIs, realtime updates, test users, and OAuth. 3521 1 2022-05-27
22 airbnb/ruby Ruby Style Guide 3470 1 2022-04-24
23 snibox/snibox Self-hosted snippet manager 1464 1 2022-07-26
24 elastic/ansible-elasticsearch Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch 1513 1 2022-06-24
25 pry0cc/cloud-ranges A list of cloud ranges from different providers. 447 1 2022-05-24
26 asciidoctor/asciidoctor 💎 A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats. 4123 1 2022-07-30
27 orbitalindex/awesome-space 🛰️🚀A list of awesome space-related packages and resources maintained by The Orbital Index 1443 1 2022-07-16
28 thoughtbot/hotwire-example-template A collection of branches that transmit HTML over the wire. 580 1 2022-06-27
29 damphyr/gaudi Sane build system conventions, a collection of helpers and an opinionated implementation of a build system on top of rake 13 0 2022-06-29
30 kevinwuhoo/ui-styleguides A curated list of UI styleguides -- 51 0 2022-04-11
31 gems-uff/sapos SAPOS main goal is to ease the management of information related to graduate programs such as enrollments, courses, advisement, scholarships, requirements, among others. 23 0 2022-07-28
32 librariesio/bibliothecary 📔 Package Manager Manifest Parsers 77 0 2022-07-18
33 discourse/discourse-prometheus Official Discourse Plugin for Prometheus Monitoring 13 0 2022-06-17
34 sous-chefs/tftp Development repository for the tftp cookbook 11 0 2022-02-25
35 minimum2scp/dockerfiles Collection of Dockerfiles 71 0 2022-08-02
36 softcover/softcover CLI for book generation, building, and publishing to 404 0 2022-07-22
37 PacktPublishing/Linux-Administration-Cookbook Linux Administration Cookbook published by Packt 18 0 2022-06-13
38 prawnpdf/pdf-inspector A collection of PDF::Reader based analysis classes for inspecting PDF output. Mainly used for testing Prawn, but will work with any PDF. 146 0 2022-02-09
39 sous-chefs/webpi Development repository for the webpi cookbook 17 0 2022-02-25
40 ksylvest/graphql-sources A collection of common GraphQL sources for working with Ruby on Rails. 10 0 2022-07-27
41 sous-chefs/selinux_policy Development repository for the selinux_policy cookbook 17 0 2022-06-06
42 YOURLS/awesome-yourls 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS 423 0 2022-02-20
43 awinabi/sinatra-graphql Step by step tutorial to write a graphql server in sinatra (ruby) 37 0 2022-07-12
44 paviliondev/discourse-custom-wizard A Discourse Plugin that allows you to create custom user wizards. 37 0 2022-08-02
45 trainline-eu/stations List of stations and associated metadata 17 0 2022-08-01
46 ruby/set This library provides the Set class, which deals with a collection of unordered values with no duplicates. 13 0 2022-07-14
47 openstack/cookbook-openstack-block-storage Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Block Storage. Mirror of code maintained at 46 0 2022-03-18
48 CollaborativeWritersHub/heading-for-the-yocto-project A small booklet about the reasoning of using the Yocto Project, how it can improve the product development workflow in a company and other benefits. 9 0 2022-05-19
49 jhu-ep-coursera/fullstack-course3-module1-zips Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB - Coursera Course 48 0 2022-07-21
50 mrkchoi/airbnb_clone Airbnb clone with React, Redux, and Rails backend. Allows users to sign up, find listings, book a stay and much more! 38 0 2022-07-22
51 interagent/committee A collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema. 755 0 2022-07-24
52 discourse/discourse-teambuild Team building activity for Discourse 11 0 2022-07-30
53 dejan/auto_html Collection of filters that transform plain text into HTML code. 785 0 2022-04-02
54 espoo-dev/espoo-dev A learning platform similar to duolingo and customizable by teacher 30 0 2022-06-28
55 captn3m0/cosmere-books Script to build EPUB/MOBI/PDF versions of various books by Brandon Sanderson 33 0 2022-07-26
56 turingschool/ruby-exercises A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby 215 0 2022-07-26
57 mislav/movieapp Mark movies you watched, liked, or plan to watch, and share with your friends. 76 0 2022-07-21
58 openstack/cookbook-openstack-telemetry Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Telemetry. Mirror of code maintained at 40 0 2022-03-18
59 sous-chefs/users Development repository for the users cookbook 139 0 2022-04-21
60 sous-chefs/wix Development repository for the wix cookbook 12 0 2022-02-25
61 paviliondev/discourse-legal-tools Tools to help with legal compliance when using Discourse 12 0 2022-05-02
62 radar/twist-v2 A book review tool for Leanpub's Markdown Book Format 117 0 2022-07-20
63 sous-chefs/sssd_ldap Development repository for the sssd_ldap cookbook 16 0 2022-02-04
64 djoos-cookbooks/beanstalkd Development repository for the beanstalkd cookbook 12 0 2022-03-28
65 discourse/discourse-voting Adds the ability for voting on a topic within a specified category in Discourse. 104 0 2022-06-21
66 sous-chefs/ark Development repository for the ark cookbook 103 0 2022-04-21
67 TeamTopologies/Team-Topologies-Community-Materials A list of materials relating to Team Topologies (articles, tools, canvases, etc.) generated by the community. 123 0 2022-07-12
68 Ebsy/discourse-nationalflags National Flags plugin for Discourse 15 0 2022-03-15
69 sous-chefs/varnish Development repository for the varnish cookbook 57 0 2022-04-22
70 pjbelo/gmaps-rails-example Using Google Maps API (v3) with Rails (5.2). Examples of using Static API and Javascript API, how to place a marker and how to update the marker position when we change a form input value. And finally ... 20 0 2022-03-30
71 ruslantolstov/rswag-example Demo how to use rswag-api, rswag-specs. 20 0 2022-07-22
72 sous-chefs/hashicorp-vault Development repository for the hashicorp-vault cookbook 46 0 2022-04-23
73 Kapeli/cheatset Generate cheat sheets for Dash 591 0 2022-02-16
74 elmejdki/BookClone BookClone is another social media website, but this one is for the public. People can share their pictures, write about stuff, and comment on other user's posts and also chat with other persons. this ... 19 0 2022-07-22
75 alexandrecuer/sharebox CRM - Storage - Dropbox - Cloud management - Sharing(file) system - sharebox - a limesurvey like 11 0 2022-05-07
76 sous-chefs/vim Development repository for the vim cookbook 40 0 2022-04-25
77 ronin-rb/ronin-web ronin-web is a collection of useful web helper methods and commands. 29 0 2022-06-18
78 openstack/cookbook-openstack-ops-database Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Database. Mirror of code maintained at 35 0 2022-03-18
79 sous-chefs/yum-epel Development repository for the yum-epel cookbook 22 0 2022-06-03
80 paviliondev/discourse-locations Tools for handling locations in Discourse 31 0 2022-05-21
81 LearnITGirl/WebPlatform Web platform for the "Learn IT, Girl" program 45 0 2022-07-30
82 asciidoctor/docbookrx (An early version of) a DocBook to AsciiDoc converter written in Ruby. 21 0 2022-04-11
83 openstack/cookbook-openstack-ops-messaging Chef Cookbook - Support Cookbook for Messaging. Mirror of code maintained at 35 0 2022-03-18
84 Coursemology/coursemology2 Rails 5 re-write of Coursemology 115 0 2022-08-02
85 codereport/7L7W-2022 Repository for material related to the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup coverage of the Seven Languages in Seven Weeks book. 15 0 2022-06-28
86 johncorderox/Rails-API-React-Tutorial 📱 A Rails 6 API backend React JS + Webpacker guide. Includes API setup, serializers, and react integration in the frontend. 🌲 68 0 2022-07-06
87 sous-chefs/chef-splunk Development repository for the chef-splunk cookbook 72 0 2022-04-22
88 paviliondev/discourse-multilingual A Discourse Plugin that makes it easier to administer a Multilingual Forum. 12 0 2022-07-25
89 discourse/discourse-steam-login Allows user authentication with discourse via the Steam user API 43 0 2022-05-10
90 GSI-HPC/sys-chef-cookbook The "sys" cookbook collects all common configuration tasks to integrate a (Debian) node into a site-infrastructure in a single cookbook. 22 0 2022-07-19
91 urvin-compliance/caracal-example This is a simple rails project to demonstrate numerous examples of caracal behavior. Useful for testing. 11 0 2022-04-11
92 jacknagz/osquery-cookbook A Chef Cookbook to install and configure osquery. 14 0 2022-06-07
93 corsego/corsego 📕▶️🎓 Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020. Online learning platform (aka Udemy clone) 40 0 2022-03-02
94 jeffreytse/jekyll-jeffreytse-blog 📝 One retentive zone of my personal learning and ​thought. 16 0 2022-08-02
95 davydovanton/awesome-hanami A collection of awesome Hanami Gems and projects 401 0 2022-02-03
96 umbrellio/resol Gem for creating (any) object patterns 12 0 2022-03-04
97 sous-chefs/yum Development repository for the yum cookbook 96 0 2022-05-09
98 sous-chefs/nodejs Development repository for the nodejs cookbook 227 0 2022-06-09
99 greatday4april/algorithm-templates A collection of some generic template question for algorithm interview questions 10 0 2022-05-23
100 justalever/demo_blog_rails A demo of how to build a basic blog using Ruby on Rails 34 0 2022-07-22
101 discourse/discourse-openid-connect Allows an OpenID Connect provider to be used as an authentication provider for Discourse 28 0 2022-06-21
102 sous-chefs/windows_ad Development repository for the windows_ad cookbook 60 0 2022-04-22
103 gorails-screencasts/google-places-maps-stimulus How to use Google Maps + Places Autocomplete with Turbolinks & Stimulus 11 0 2022-04-29
104 criteo-cookbooks/wsus-client Chef Cookbook to install and configure client for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 15 0 2022-02-11
105 sous-chefs/github Development repository for the github cookbook 20 0 2022-02-25
106 sous-chefs/mariadb Development repository for the mariadb cookbook 49 0 2022-04-23
107 jkeen/tracking_number_data Shared data for cross platform tracking number detection 64 0 2022-04-01
108 dev-sec/openstack-baseline Use InSpec to run through the configurations from the OpenStack Security Guide. 15 0 2022-03-18
109 cryptopunksnotdead/programming-cryptopunks Crypto Collectibles Book(let) Series. Programming (Crypto) Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art - Step-by-Step Book / Guide. Inside Unique 24×24 Pixel Art on the Blockchain... 424 0 2022-07-23
110 jaysonvirissimo/practice-thy-algorithms Practice algorithms by making the tests pass in JavaScript or Ruby. 46 0 2022-02-18
111 discourse/discourse-chat Chat inside Discourse 40 0 2022-08-02
112 uber/client-platform-engineering A collection of cookbooks, scripts and binaries used to manage our macOS, Ubuntu and Windows endpoints 62 0 2022-06-30
113 kbroman/simple_site Minimal tutorial on making a simple website with GitHub Pages 173 0 2022-06-16
114 agorf/what2read Lightweight interface to Goodreads books with weighted scoring and sorting 23 0 2022-05-27
115 sous-chefs/packagecloud Development repository for the packagecloud cookbook 16 0 2022-05-18
116 contradb/contra Find and share contra dances. 8 0 2022-07-22
117 discourse/discourse-subscriptions A Discourse plugin that allows payments and subscription management via Stripe. 24 0 2022-07-20
118 sous-chefs/modules Development repository for the modules cookbook 9 0 2022-02-08
119 target/f5-bigip-cookbook Chef cookbook for F5 Big IP 35 0 2022-06-14
120 sensu/sensu-go-chef Chef Library Cookbook for Sensu Go 11 0 2022-04-22
121 sous-chefs/elixir Development repository for the elixir cookbook 16 0 2022-02-08
122 cayblood/cucumber-webrat-mechanize-example This is some example code that shows how to do a basic cucumber test for a remote web site using mechanize. 11 0 2022-04-11
123 paviliondev/discourse-topic-previews-sidecar A Discourse plugin that complements the Topic Previews Theme Component to add features 55 0 2022-07-01
124 FestaLab/active_analysis A collection of active storage analyzers 11 0 2022-04-12
125 stripe-archive/developer-office-hours A collection of Stripe Developer Office Hours demos 🎬 228 0 2022-04-27
126 frozon/passbook Passbook gem let's you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6 232 0 2022-05-18
127 resistorsoftware/Shopify-Developer-Book An ebook containing Shopify tips 42 0 2022-06-17
128 gabriprat/hoshinplan Hoshinplan is a tool to make it easy for companies to share and track their strategy. 13 0 2022-05-06
129 hack-different/homebrew-jailbreak A collection of homebrew formula for the different thinking hacker 15 0 2022-05-17
130 sous-chefs/ruby_rbenv Development repository for the ruby_rbenv cookbook 338 0 2022-04-20
131 DataDog/chef-datadog Chef cookbook for Datadog Agent & Integrations 92 0 2022-07-22
132 madeindjs/api_on_rails Learn best practices to build an API using Ruby on Rails 5/6 339 0 2022-07-23
133 pinterest/it-cpe-cookbooks A suite of Chef cookbooks that we use to manage our fleet of client devices 112 0 2022-07-07
134 Kapeli/cheatsheets Collection of Dash cheat sheets 672 0 2022-05-11
135 RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-ruby Design Pattern Examples in Ruby 74 0 2022-04-30
136 oliverfriedmann/rails-bookmarklet A bookmarklet gem for rails 37 0 2022-07-22
137 alphagov/govuk-dns A collection of Rake tasks to manage DNS using Terraform 14 0 2022-04-27
138 thecourseforum/theCourseForum theCourseForum project 24 0 2022-07-22
139 biosistemika/scinote-web Open source electronic lab notebook (ELN) that helps you manage your laboratory work and stores all your experimental data in one place. 217 0 2022-08-02
140 italia/.github The organized list of awesome @italia projects 155 0 2022-05-09
141 lucianot/dealbook Dealbook for Brazilian Startups 28 0 2022-07-21
142 specht/schul-dashboard Schul-Dashboard zur Integration von Stundenplan, Vertretungsplan sowie E-Learning via NextCloud und Jitsi. 17 0 2022-05-12
143 dorahacksglobal/Hackathon-Playbook An open source hackathon playbook for hackathon organizers. 14 0 2022-07-25
144 mruby/mgem-list A list of all GEMs for mruby to be managed by mgem 131 0 2022-07-29
145 buildkite/rails-docker-parallel-example An example of how to run Rails CI and test steps in parallel with Docker and Buildkite 19 0 2022-03-30
146 Shopify/rubocop-sorbet A collection of Rubocop rules for Sorbet 116 0 2022-07-28
147 fnando/kitabu A framework for creating e-books from Markdown using Ruby. Using the Prince PDF generator, you'll be able to get high quality PDFs. Also supports EPUB, Mobi, Text and HTML generation. 643 0 2022-03-22
148 macmillanpublishers/bookmaker Macmillan's Bookmaker tool 26 0 2022-05-24
149 bwillis/jekyll-github-sample 📑 Get a sample of a Github public repo file 57 0 2022-07-22
150 Esri/arcgis-cookbook Chef cookbooks for ArcGIS 247 0 2022-08-02
151 cookeem/kubernetes-redis-cluster How to build redis cluster on kubernetes 18 0 2022-07-19
152 michaelklishin/cassandra-chef-cookbook Chef cookbook for Apache Cassandra, DataStax Enterprise (DSE) and DataStax agent 162 0 2022-05-19
153 schemedoc/guide In-depth tutorials on Scheme topics 8 0 2022-08-01
154 JoshCheek/ruby-kickstart An interactive guide to learning the Ruby programming language. 362 0 2022-05-03
155 ahelal/ansible-concourse A role to install concourse CI 61 0 2022-02-16
156 devsdeck/devsdeck A community that lets you connect and share your best programming tips and tricks. 11 0 2022-05-03
157 sergiomauz/RoR-Capstone-Cookbook This project is a Cookbook where you can save your recipes, ingredients, their cost, and places to buy them. Additionally is possible to create profiles with usernames. 10 0 2022-07-22
158 Digital-Forensics-Discord-Server/TheHitchhikersGuidetoDFIRExperiencesFromBeginnersandExperts The official repo for a project involving a crowdsourced DFIR book. The main purpose of this book is to give anyone interested an opportunity to write a chapter of a book to get their name out there, ... 49 0 2022-08-02
159 openstack/cookbook-openstack-bare-metal Chef Cookbook - OpenStack Bare Metal. Mirror of code maintained at 20 0 2022-03-18
160 yshimada0330/studyplus_for_school_sync Studyplus for School SYNC SDK for Ruby 11 0 2022-02-22
161 jgorset/facebook-messenger Definitely the best way to make Bots on Facebook Messenger with Ruby 957 0 2022-05-17
162 chef-cookbooks/chef_client_updater Chef Cookbook to update the chef client on nodes 51 0 2022-05-31
163 altmetric/house_style A shared house style for Ruby projects 19 0 2022-06-03
164 agileapplications/i18n_screwdriver A collection of rails3 tasks and helpers that make translating with rails-i18n fun again 10 0 2022-07-21
165 sleepepi/slice A clinical research interface geared at collecting robust and consistent data by providing a strong framework for designing data dictionaries and collection forms. 9 0 2022-04-23
166 gorails-screencasts/bootstap-with-webpack-4 How to install Bootstrap with Webpack 4 in Rails 11 0 2022-04-28
167 kbroman/hipsteR A tutorial to re-educate people with learned R before it was cool 26 0 2022-06-11
168 makandra/spreewald Our collection of useful cucumber steps. 135 0 2022-06-29
169 square/refinement A library that generates a list of Xcode targets to build & test as a result of a git diff. 23 0 2022-07-22
170 githubtraining/github-slideshow-demo Demo repository for the Introduction to GitHub course 80 0 2022-02-20
171 deanwilson/unixdaemon-fpm-cookery-recipes A collection of fpm-cookery recipes 9 0 2022-07-28
172 LedgerSync/ledger_sync Sync to QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite, and more. 57 0 2022-07-28
173 sous-chefs/ruby_build Development repository for the ruby_build cookbook 124 0 2022-07-14
174 AndresFMoya/RoR-Facebook_Clone This project consists of building and Test a Social Network (Facebook clone), with a large portion of the core Facebook user functionality. 12 0 2022-07-22
175 tomas-stefano/api_matchers Collection of RSpec matchers for APIs 178 0 2022-07-21
176 yoshoku/rumale-torch Rumale::Torch provides the learning and inference by the neural network defined in torch.rb with the same interface as Rumale. 12 0 2022-05-13
177 facebook/chef-cookbooks Open source chef cookbooks. 532 0 2022-07-26
178 webmarkyn/facebook-clone This is a Facebook clone built with Ruby on Rails 11 0 2022-04-29
179 mitre/canonical-ubuntu-16.04-lts-stig-baseline InSpec profile to validate the secure configuration of Canonical Ubuntu 16.04 LTS against DISA's Canonical Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) Version 1 Release 1. 10 0 2022-06-03
180 learn-co-curriculum/github-to-canvas A gem for converting and aligning GitHub content to Canvas LMS lessons 15 0 2022-07-20
181 lazaronixon/corona-prophet Profeta do corona - Using facebook prophet to predict corona vírus 11 0 2022-04-29
182 sous-chefs/gpg Development repository for the gpg cookbook 11 0 2022-02-08
183 ReaTeam/JSFX Community-maintained collection of JS effects for REAPER 80 0 2022-07-31
184 dev-sec/chef-os-hardening This chef cookbook provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection. 415 0 2022-02-04
185 SumoLogic/sumologic-collector-chef-cookbook Chef Cookbook for installing and configuring the SumoLogic collector for the Sumo Logic service 29 0 2022-06-22
186 stripe-samples/saving-card-without-payment How to build a form to save a credit card without taking a payment. 95 0 2022-07-28
187 chef-boneyard/stove DEPRECATED: A utility for packaging and releasing Chef cookbooks 170 0 2022-05-26
188 pigoz/lat A set of tools to automate language acquisition through immersion. Includes sentence analysis (from books, subtitles) and Anki cards creation. 11 0 2022-04-12
189 dpaluy/awesome-rails A curated list of amazingly awesome open source rails related resources inspired by Awesome PHP. 103 0 2022-05-23
190 oreillymedia/asciidoctor-htmlbook Templates for the htmlbook backend for Asciidoctor 43 0 2022-04-11
191 wordpress-mobile/release-toolkit Shared tools used in release automation 27 0 2022-08-02
192 driggl/rails-api-complete-guide This is a repository related to the material covered in the course: Ruby on Rails API: Complete Guide 35 0 2022-07-22
193 palkan/view_component-contrib A collection of extension and developer tools for ViewComponent 178 0 2022-03-21
194 conradwt/cassandra-example-using-ruby The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is to provide a very simple example of configuring and using the Cassandra database engine with the Ruby Language. 21 0 2022-07-21
195 dependabot/dependabot-script A simple script that demonstrates how to use Dependabot Core 395 0 2022-07-26
196 sous-chefs/dpkg_autostart Development repository for the dpkg_autostart cookbook 18 0 2022-02-08
197 Envek/lefthook-crystalball-example Learn how to make git hooks to do most routine tasks for you: install gems, migrate the database, run tests, and linters. 11 0 2022-04-28
198 Plaristote/sharepoint-ruby A ruby client for Sharepoint's REST API. 60 0 2022-07-08
199 sous-chefs/sc-mongodb Development repository for the sc-mongodb cookbook 77 0 2022-04-22
200 ruby/gem_rbs_collection A collection of RBS for gems. 136 0 2022-08-01

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