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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > Dart

Updated: 2022-08-03   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 Solido/awesome-flutter An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. 41955 2022-08-02
2 flutter/samples A collection of Flutter examples and demos 13031 2022-08-02
3 AweiLoveAndroid/Flutter-learning :octocat:🔥 👍 🌟 ⭐ ⭐⭐ Flutter all you want.Flutter install,flutter samples,Flutter projects,Flutter plugin,Flutter problems,Dart codes,etc.Flutter安装和配置,Flutter开发遇到的难题,Flut ... 5084 2022-02-12
4 vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks A Collection of Flutter and Dart Tips and Tricks 4874 2022-07-26
5 FilledStacks/flutter-tutorials The repo contains the source code for all the tutorials on the FilledStacks Youtube channel. 4397 2022-06-02
6 jogboms/flutter_spinkit ✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by 2583 2022-05-12
7 flutter/packages A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team 1914 2022-08-02
8 Sky24n/flustars 🔥🔥🔥 Flutter common utils library. SpUtil, ScreenUtil,WidgetUtil. 也许是目前最好用的SharedPreferences工具类。WidgetUtil 获取图片尺寸宽高, View尺寸&在屏幕上的坐标。 1736 2022-06-01
9 syncfusion/flutter-examples This repository contains the Syncfusion Flutter UI widgets examples and the guide to use them. 1428 2022-07-04
10 leisim/dartx Superpowers for Dart. Collection of useful static extension methods. 906 2022-07-17
11 TheAlgorithms/Dart All Algorithms implemented in Dart 873 2022-07-22
12 flutter/codelabs Flutter codelab examples 816 2022-08-02
13 PoojaB26/FlutterBasicWidgets ABC of Flutter widgets. Intended for super beginners at Flutter. Play with 35+ examples in DartPad directly and get familiar with various basic widgets in Flutter 788 2022-04-13
14 smartherd/DartTutorial Learn Dart Programming, its basics and Fundamentals from scratch. 615 2022-07-25
15 nathansdev/ContraFlutterKit A Flutter UI kit with 50 plus screens for beginners to learn. 540 2022-03-11
16 bizz84/flutter-tips-and-tricks My Flutter Tips & Tricks on Twitter 👇 534 2022-08-02
17 RafaelBarbosatec/tutorial_coach_mark TutorialCoachMark 391 2022-06-20
18 dart-lang/samples A collection of Dart code samples by Dart DevRel 383 2022-08-02
19 rmanguinho/clean-flutter-app Aplicativo feito em Flutter usando TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles 380 2022-06-10
20 md-siam/package_of_the_day Introduction to flutter packages: This repo will teach you some of the popular packages that are available in, & how to use them for UI design. 363 2022-07-01
21 cph-cachet/flutter-plugins A collection of Flutter plugins developed by CACHET 358 2022-08-02
22 md-siam/widget_of_the_day Introduction to flutter widgets: This repo will teach you some of the common widgets that are available in flutter SDK, & how to use them for UI design. 340 2022-05-19
23 bosskmk/pluto_grid PlutoGrid is a dataGrid for flutter that can be controlled by the keyboard on desktop and web. Of course, it works well on Android and IOS. 339 2022-08-02
24 lrorpilla/jidoujisho A highly versatile and modular framework enabling language-agnostic immersion learning on mobile. 301 2022-05-24
25 knopp/flutter_reorderable_list ReorderableList for Flutter 294 2022-05-23
26 iampawan/30DaysOfFlutter Learn Flutter in 30 Days 290 2022-06-12
27 MarcusNg/flutter_instagram_clone Old Flutter Firebase Instagram Tutorial. Updated code: 278 2022-06-02
28 instaflutter/flutter-login-screen-firebase-auth-facebook-login Flutter Login Screen with Firebase Auth and Facebook Login 276 2022-03-21
29 scottt2/design-patterns-in-dart Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns implemented in Dart. Contributions welcome! 274 2022-04-27
30 roughike/streaming_shared_preferences A reactive key-value store for Flutter projects. Like shared_preferences, but with Streams. 239 2022-03-02
31 nightmare-space/speed_share Speed Share is a highly available file sharing terminal on LAN(local area network) developed by flutter framework. 236 2022-07-26
32 widgetbook/widgetbook Widgetbook is the custom widget library and collaboration platform for Flutter frontend teams. 222 2022-08-02
33 go-flutter-desktop/examples Examples for go-flutter 221 2022-08-02
34 marcglasberg/async_redux Flutter Package: A Redux version tailored for Flutter, which is easy to learn, to use, to test, and has no boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers. 209 2022-05-20
35 PeterHdd/Firebase-Flutter-tutorials Repository containing source code for the tutorials made using Firebase with Flutter 200 2022-05-24
36 SandroMaglione/fpdart Functional programming in Dart and Flutter. All the main functional programming types and patterns fully documented, tested, and with examples. 194 2022-07-29
37 ookami-kb/storybook_flutter A storybook for Flutter widgets. 175 2022-06-23
38 bizz84/flutter_animations_course_materials All projects from my Flutter Animations Course 171 2022-02-15
39 GeekAbdelouahed/flutter-reaction-button Flutter reaction button plugin it is fully customizable widget such as Facebook reaction button 163 2022-07-15
40 rodydavis/moor_shared Shared SQLite DB across mobile, web and desktop 144 2022-03-20
41 PacktPublishing/Flutter-Cookbook Flutter Cookbook, published by Packt 140 2022-06-14
42 tal-tech/flutter_intro A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your Flutter project. 136 2022-05-01
43 vedartm/pagination_view Flutter package to simplify pagination of list of items from the internet. 135 2022-05-16
44 proninyaroslav/blink-comparison Simplifies comparing photos of tamper-evident seals and patterns using your eyes 123 2022-04-05
45 GAM3RG33K/flutter_settings_screens Settings Screen with Custom Shared Preference Interface 122 2022-07-31
46 gyrdym/ml_algo Machine learning algorithms in Dart programming language 115 2022-06-28
47 bizz84/codewithandrea_flutter_packages A collection of packages created to increase code reuse across many of my Flutter projects. 106 2022-03-18
48 zenled/calendar_views Collection of customisable calendar related widgets for Flutter. 101 2022-03-25
49 maheshmnj/Awesome-Flutter-Layouts Collection of cool Layouts built with Flutter to Inspire Other developers to explore the possibilities of Flutter. 98 2022-03-13
50 ishaileshmishra/flutter-ecommerce-app Flutter UI development guide 92 2022-06-23
51 imujtaba8488/package_im_stepper A growing collection of beautiful, easy to use, stepper and page indicator widgets. 90 2022-06-10
52 tadaspetra/flutter_basics Learn the basics of flutter 86 2022-06-18
53 PolyglotNetwork/devtoolbox Collection of offline utilities for developers 81 2022-05-12
54 builtree/simulate A collection of simulations and visualizations for all sorts of stuff (Majorly Algorithmic or Mathematical) 81 2022-02-21
55 fireship-io/192-flutter-fcm-push-notifications Episode 192 - Flutter Firebase Cloud Messaging Guide 80 2022-04-28
56 Dammyololade/flutter_polyline_points A flutter plugin that's decodes encoded google poly line string into list of geo-coordinates suitable for showing route/polyline on maps 71 2022-07-23
57 podcoder/flutter_localization The source code of mini tutorial series on Flutter localization on YouTube 69 2022-06-01
58 frencojobs/interact A collection of interactive command-line components for Dart. 67 2022-06-10
59 LukeMoody01/mason_bricks A collection of bricks that enable developers to be more productive when writing code. 66 2022-07-23
60 dart-lang/graphs Graph algorithms 66 2022-07-25
61 Innim/flutter_login_facebook Flutter Plugin to login via Facebook. 63 2022-07-11
62 Teifun2/nextcloud-cookbook-flutter Flutter Project for the nextcloud plugin "cookbook" 62 2022-08-02
63 mono0926/flutter_mono_kit A collection of convenient widgets and utils made by mono. 62 2022-07-19
64 VB10/Dart-Language-Full-Course This repository created to learn deeply dart language with examples 57 2022-07-29
65 VGVentures/bloc_concurrency_demos 3 different demos showing how to use bloc concurrency, before and after the Bloc 7.2.0 update. 56 2022-04-01
66 Tkko/Flutter_dismissible_page Flutter page widget that is dismissed by swipe gestures, with Hero style animations, Inspired by Facebook and Instagram stories. 50 2022-07-08
67 shashiben/Flutter-anime This repo shows you how to cache rest-api using hive 50 2022-06-26
68 hoc081098/search-book-flutter-BLoC-pattern-rxdart ❄️[Functional reactive programming (FRP)] ⚡ Flutter search book using bloc pattern, rxdart 🌺 Star if it is helpful 🌺 48 2022-06-26
69 perymerdeka/mastering-dart Repo for Teach Yourself mastering dart programming language 47 2022-03-27
70 RounakTadvi/internet_connection_checker A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience. 46 2022-06-20
71 Daniel-Ioannou/flutter_country_picker A flutter package to select a country from a list of countries. 46 2022-05-14
72 dart-lang/string_scanner A class for parsing strings using a sequence of patterns. 46 2022-07-25
73 lucavenir/go_router_riverpod An example on how to use Riverpod + GoRouter 43 2022-05-15
74 Flutter-ui-dev/Flutter-ui-dev This repo contains all the code and snippets for the tutorials and shorts 43 2022-03-09
75 Jahidul007/Flutter_Roadmap This is a flutter roadmap and documentation repository. If anyone is interested you can join the party to help the community and make flutter great again. 42 2022-07-26
76 arthurgiani/flutter-animation-guide A tutorial explained guide to learn the main concepts of Animations in Flutter framework. 42 2022-03-28
77 openkraken/samples A collection of Krakens examples and demos. 41 2022-07-05
78 sanjay-rb/100-Days-Of-Flutter-Widgets This is the place where you can get all knowledge about the flutter in 100 Days. 40 2022-07-04
79 simphotonics/directed_graph Dart implementation of a directed graph. Provides algorithms for sorting vertices, retrieving a topological ordering or detecting cycles. 39 2022-03-02
80 JHBitencourt/dart-book Repository with the content for my book about dart: 37 2022-05-05
81 LinwoodCloud/dev_doctor Free, opensource, serverless learning platform 36 2022-06-19
82 slightfoot/e-ink E-Ink / E-Paper driver for Waveshare 7.5" Display connected to Raspberry Pi 4 B. 35 2022-06-03
83 rwema3/Math-Metrix-App Math Matrix is a Math Game that tries improvise your math skills in a fun way. Simple math games to learn, improve you math skills. This game is easy to play and target everyone from kids to adults. E ... 35 2022-02-22
84 raywenderlich/dsad-materials The projects and the materials that accompany the Data Structures & Algorithms in Dart book 34 2022-06-09
85 HussainTaj-W/flutter-package-selection_menu A flutter widget, highly customizable, to select an item from a list of items. 32 2022-05-24
86 zegoim/zego-express-example-screen-capture-flutter A flutter example demo of how to use the screen capture. 31 2022-02-09
87 bhoominn/nb_utils Collection of Widgets and helpful Methods that every developer needs. 30 2022-08-01
88 talsec/Free-RASP-Flutter Flutter guide + SDK. Check Community repository for common information. 29 2022-02-25
89 mikeroyal/Flutter-Guide Flutter Guide 28 2022-04-10
90 GhostWalker562/flutterbook 📓 Storyboard your components with Flutterbook. Develop, document, & test any kind of Flutter component. 24 2022-04-03
91 MuhammedKpln/spamify Your disposable email address at your macOS menubar! (Made it for learning new things) 23 2022-05-19
92 JohannesMilke/futurebuilder_example Learn how to load JSON data from the server or from your local assets with the FutureBuilder in Flutter. 23 2022-04-06
93 f3ath/jessie JsonPath for Dart 23 2022-06-14
94 radikris/booking_calendar Flutter package to manage online bookings 22 2022-07-05
95 juancastillo0/leto Dart GraphQL server libraries. Utilities, code generator, examples and reference implementation. 22 2022-08-02
96 altafc22/csc_picker A flutter package to display a country, states, and cities. In addition it gives the possibility to select a list of countries, States and Cities depends on Selected, also you can search country, stat ... 22 2022-02-24
97 xurxodev/shopping-cart-flutter Flutter Shopping Cart examples with different state managements and design patterns 22 2022-02-04
98 dart-lang/site-shared Content shared across Dart websites 22 2022-07-11
99 cyblogerz/Nallagram Nallagram is an open source social networking platform where users can share their views on various topics and interact among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas ... 21 2022-07-01
100 sbis04/flutter_stream A sample Flutter project for demonstrating how to integrate video streaming service with the help of MUX. 21 2022-04-12
101 hiashutoshsingh/flutter-animation_examples Examples of all types of widgets used for animation in Flutter. 21 2022-06-30
102 yusriltakeuchi/polymaker Polymaker is a flutter package used to get a list of locations for polygon google maps 21 2022-05-10
103 yagizdo/handbook-for-valorant Guide for Valorant 20 2022-07-22
104 arthurgiani/flutter-training Set of repositories, links and tutorial to be used in training services, from basic to advanced. 20 2022-07-13
105 mhadaily/serverless-authentication-authorization-flutter OAuth/OpenID Connect Serverless Authentication and Authorization for Flutter Auth0 and Chat integration course 20 2022-02-23
106 Aleynaesr/flutter-ui-design-examples My flutter (android, ios) UI design examples 🎈 - user profile UIs, food order ui, splashscreen, mask widget usage, settings page ui 19 2022-03-04
107 RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-dart Design Pattern Examples in Dart 18 2022-06-28
108 SAMYAK99/Wallify Download , Set and Share 10000+ wallpapers HD Wallpapers for completely free!!! 18 2022-07-20
109 trinsic-id/okapi Collection of tools that support workflows for authentic data and identity management. Libraries available in most languages. 17 2022-08-02
110 MinaFaried3/Flutter-Animation In this repo I will share about what I know from animation in the flutter framework 16 2022-07-21
111 vandadnp/youtube-course-bloc Repo for my Bloc state management course ( 16 2022-06-03
112 PeterHdd/Flutter-tutorials Repository containing source code for the tutorials made using with flutter 16 2022-02-27
113 ericodarmawanh/initial-sourcecode Repository Source Code awal untuk tutorial Flutter di channel YouTube Erico Darmawan Handoyo. 16 2022-06-29
114 ptyagicodecamp/pragmatic_flutter Sample code snippets from Pragmatic Flutter Book: 16 2022-07-18
115 gyrdym/ml_preprocessing Implementation of popular data preprocessing algorithms for Machine learning 16 2022-04-22
116 ninja-dart/ninja Encryption and Decryption cryptographic algorithms exposed as Dart's Converter and Codec interfaces. 16 2022-03-15
117 TesteurManiak/flutter-tips Some tips and tricks in Flutter & Dart 15 2022-06-27
118 iamnijat/code-quizzy Coding quizzes will make your learning very enjoyable. You won't just learn here, you'll play games and learn. Our quizzes are fun. They're mind-blowing your knowledge instantly. 15 2022-02-01
119 becek2n/flutter-tutorial-you All tutorial in youtube 15 2022-04-19
120 bdlukaa/books_finder A library to help on the search for books on google books api 15 2022-08-01
121 alexrintt/algorithms 📦 A box with some algorithms, tagged by websites, categories & languages. 15 2022-07-25
122 ilgnefz/flutter_desktop_test Flutter desktop learning 14 2022-06-13
123 Sameera-Perera/flutter-carousel-slider-example In this project, I will show everything you need to know about designing a carousel slider and how to get data from a server(REST API) and show. 14 2022-07-17
124 castdrian/ImageLink ImageLink is the (non-affiliated) mobile ShareX-like uploader client! 14 2022-02-14
125 imujtaba8488/im_animations A growing collection of cool, elegant, efficient and performance-optimized animation widgets. 14 2022-06-10
126 Bestfastfire/super_rich_text The easiest way to style custom text snippets in flutter 14 2022-02-13
127 muhammadtalhasultan/flutter-examples Flutter Examples 13 2022-02-23
128 flyerhq/flutter_chat_types Utility library for the flutter_chat_ui and flutter_firebase_chat_core libraries which contains shared type declarations. 13 2022-07-28
129 Daniel-Ioannou/flutter_currency_picker A flutter package to select a currency from a list of currencies. 13 2022-06-25
130 dscnitrourkela/project-elaichi This is the development repository for campus guide at NIT Rourkela 12 2022-07-31
131 bartektartanus/pref_dessert Package that allows you persist objects as shared preferences easily. 12 2022-02-18
132 Dropsource/monarch_samples Collection of sample projects which show Monarch working with various packages, patterns and tools. 11 2022-03-08
133 MinaFaried3/Head-First-object-oriented-analysis-and-design-book Head First object oriented analysis and design book 10 2022-07-21
134 Luckey-Elijah/bricks A collection of bricks that I find helpful. 10 2022-07-19
135 Destiny-Ed/RestApi-Todo-App A sample todo api for youtube demostrating how to use rest api with provider for flutter 10 2022-03-25
136 FlutterQueen/readable collection of helpers and extensions for dart and flutter 10 2022-05-07
137 Shehanka/studymate Study Mate is a system to help students with medical attention with their study, leisure and social schedules. This system will bring the students, parents and doctors together so that the students’ p ... 10 2022-04-09
138 dungngminh/mason_bricks My collection of bricks created by me to help you build Flutter projects faster I think. 9 2022-08-01
139 simolus3/goodies.dart A collection of small Dart packages that I'm maintaining 9 2022-07-06
140 iapicca/yak_packages a collection of packages for Flutter 9 2022-07-27
141 HussainTaj-W/flutter-package-selection_menu-example This repository holds examples for the flutter package selection_menu 9 2022-05-24
142 thecodexhub/flutter-dio-example Dio Package in Flutter - HTTP Requests and Interceptors. Learn how to make http requests, deal with interceptors and take care of unexpected server responses using Dio package. 8 2022-06-02
143 ashu98s/Flutter-Clock-App-UI If you want to learn how to use both Light and Dark theme in Flutter then it helps a lot. 8 2022-07-14
144 ibrierley/line_animator Interpolator for LatLngs (possibly pairs of doubles) that returns a list of points and an angle and current point 8 2022-07-29
145 Workiva/w_common A collection of helpful utilities for use in Dart projects. 8 2022-05-13
146 rexthecoder/guru_cli Master Command Line Interface for setting up Flutter project. 7 2022-05-06
147 luanbatistadev/willy_wallpaper Willy WallPapers - Android 7 2022-03-20
148 yh-luo/freezed_weather A rewrite of Bloc weather tutorial using freezed. 7 2022-06-05
149 aanilozsoy/demo_chat_app This is the first flutter project of mine after completing a flutter course 7 2022-02-14
150 md-weber/pdf_invoice_generator_flutter Flutter Explained Tutorial for PDF Creation 7 2022-07-28
151 pradyotprksh/development_learning A repository which will contain all my learning techs as I move forward. Will be learning and adding new projects. Anyone can clone this project and use it for reference. 7 2022-07-30
152 raywenderlich/video-fuiw-materials The projects and the materials that accompany the Flutter UI Widgets course 7 2022-06-10
153 TabooSun/overlay_tutorial A Flutter package for displaying overlay tutorial. 7 2022-05-12
154 justinmc/flutter-autocomplete-examples Examples for Flutter's upcoming Autocomplete widget 7 2022-04-22
155 m3uzz/select_form_field A Flutter select form field widget. It shows a list of options in a dropdown menu. 7 2022-04-25
156 deskangel/DaShare Android version for DaFileShare 7 2022-07-19
157 realitymolder/mason_bricks A collection of my mason bricks that hopefully will help developers to be more productive and consistant with project stracture. 6 2022-07-28
158 mqxu/flutter_learning flutter_learning 6 2022-07-29
159 saasnathan/getx_example GetX examples: Routes, Binds, State Management 6 2022-02-14
160 BASF-Mobile-Solutions/basf_flutter_components A collection of BASF Style components 6 2022-07-27
161 eliezerantonio/Flutter-TDD-Clean-Architecture-SOLID-e-Design-Patterns Udemy Course - Rodrigo Manguinho 6 2022-08-01
162 julienlebren/flutter_packages A collection of packages created to increase code reuse across my personal Flutter projects. 6 2022-07-09
163 materoy/Audiobooks Open source audiobooks player 6 2022-03-02
164 saiive/defimnsigner DefiChain Masternode Signer 6 2022-03-23
165 tusharojha/file_share_server File share server is a tool for sharing private files to people using a secure hash token developed in Dart. 6 2022-02-08
166 baobaotql/CCNU_Intelligent_Tutorial_System CCNU_Intelligent_Tutorial_System for Challenge Cup 6 2022-02-13
167 trifwnas/FlutterShare Code for Course: Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase By Reed Barger 6 2022-07-19
168 kaboc/dart_grpc_examples Simple examples of gRPC in dart 6 2022-07-15
169 luislortega/HackMTY_2019 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 The Facebook challenge of HackMTY 2019 social good projects 6 2022-02-10
170 chornthorn/dart_tutorial The Dart Tutorial 2022 5 2022-07-15
171 adi-code22/TraWell-App your Smart travel buddy, powered by AI. A tourist guide which aids in easy navigation, communication and guidance throughout the journey. 5 2022-08-02
172 omarokasha1/TheFirstProject This is a Learning Management System Solutions Developed from Scratch inside Orange Digital Center Labs By ODC-Flutter WorkForce. 5 2022-05-15
173 Rexios80/fast_ui A collection of Flutter packages aimed to make UI development faster 5 2022-03-09
174 petitparser/dart-petitparser-examples Examples of PetitParser for Dart. 5 2022-07-10
175 whiplashoo/patterns_canvas A Flutter package that lets you draw patterns like stripes or dots on canvas elements. 5 2022-05-30
176 amaljoe/songbook_flutter Christian songbook in Malayalam made with Flutter for both Andrioid and IOS platforms. 5 2022-03-30
177 SoftwareAG/cumulocity-freezer-solution-example A collection of code snippets in order to build a solution for remote monitoring of freezers in Cumulocity IoT 5 2022-07-20
178 deskangel/fileshare-command-line file share command line program for macos in dart 5 2022-07-05
179 abdulmominsakib/flutter_simple_ui A collection of flutter simple UI's. Which can be an example for beginner's how flutter layout works. 4 2022-02-19
180 shatilsarower/managment This is a simple flutter project of mine that i was trying to learn state managment in flutter with GetX. 4 2022-04-10
181 kevinomyonga/adaptive_chameleon_theme A Flutter package that will automatically retrieve your OS defined Theme (Dynamic), force your prefered one (Light / Dark), allow you to present the user with a set of color themes to choose from and ... 4 2022-06-15
182 RegisSalesRA/Django_Flutter_E-commerce-Books A study project using work tools with django and flutter integration 4 2022-02-02
183 Amanullahgit/flutter-facebook-login Facebook Auth using flutter 4 2022-04-15
184 mtwichel/mason-flutter-templates A collection of templates to make new Flutter components using the Mason build tool. 4 2022-02-08
185 synapsecode/Microblogger Microblogger is an Indian Microblogging service and a platform to share your opinions with the entire world! 4 2022-04-22
186 arielmagbanua/flutter-app-examples Collection of my flutter training projects. 4 2022-05-10
187 qqzhao/flutterDemos learn flutter. 4 2022-03-31
188 sajanpoudel/Swipebook Swipe Book is a collection of a wide variety of educational resources consisting pdfs, images, question papers, a collection of important questions, programs, useful videos that will help in the effec ... 3 2022-07-13
189 orestesgaolin/mason_bricks Collection of personal bricks used in Flutter projects 3 2022-07-14
190 umgc/summer2022 SWEN 670 Capstone Course. Summer Cohort 3 2022-08-02
191 CristovoXDGM/flutter_animations_fteam Project to show how to use implicit and explicit animation on flutter 3 2022-06-17
192 Krdnzbyza/flutter_custom_photoFile_upload This project was made to explain how to upload images and files to our page. 3 2022-03-01
193 sonerxdev/SensorAppMVVM API integration using MVVM + Dio + Provider (State Management) + Shared Preferences. 3 2022-02-06
194 amrkhaledccd/Facebook-Social-Graph Facebook-Social-Graph 3 2022-06-13
195 litlifesoftware/leitmotif-flutter A collection of widgets and screens for Flutter implementing the Leitmotif Design Language. 3 2022-08-02
196 savannahghi/user_feed A shared library for BeWell-Consumer and BeWell-Professional that is responsible for rendering and refreshing user-feed and engagement. 3 2022-06-14
197 jucaesmanhoto/horizontal_menu_to_vertical_sections A packege to implement a list of sections linked to a horizontal scrollable menu. 3 2022-05-11
198 mirkancal/flutter_animasyon_sunum İzmir Flutter Study Jam etkinliğindeki sunumun kaynak kodu 3 2022-03-07

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