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Releases: zufuliu/notepad4


16 Jan 02:25
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.21.11r3986

  • Scintilla updated to 5.1.5, see for the changes.
  • Implemented AutoSave, issue #58. 4b2e8b2
  • Improved large file support, avoid hangs on processing long line with non-ASCII text, issue #396. c954c4c, 2ab9eda, ce9ec3c, f7d8e9f, etc.
  • Improved toggle fold for default levels, especial for new lexers that has function definition style, issue #389. 6e699d7
  • Batch file and Shell script now opened with preferred encoding (ANSI and UTF-8 respectively) regardless of global default encoding settings, issue #394 and #399. 1e0d3be and ed030ac
  • CSS property and value list to 2021 snapshot, issue #191. 09a6f9b
  • Lexer for D language updated to D 2.0. 48060df
  • Other lexer improvements: Batch 0847acf, HTML 69f5087, Julia and R d1608d3, VB and VBS eec7c81.
  • Fixed system integration failure on Windows 11, issue #347 and issue #367. 872f9ec
  • Fixed single instance failure for file hosted on samba server, issue #402. 87c5ec0
  • Fixed unexpected scrolling after zoom changed, DPI changed, word wrap changed or file reloaded, issue #423. 26e2930 and d38e3fa

Breaking Changes

  • 64-bit build dropped support for XP and Windows Server 2013, issue #384. c7138d2
  • The case style property was removed, issue #422. 6c2cbfa

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ja 日本語 ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) x64 64-bit Windows Vista, Server 2008
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


14 Nov 13:00
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💡Tips 1: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.
💡Tips 2: You can enable View -> Unicode Control Character (available since v4.19.01) to prevent Trojan Source attacks.

Changes Since v4.21.09r3900

  • Scintilla updated to 5.1.4, see for the changes.
  • Unicode data updated to Unicode 14.0.0. 8431e9c
  • Support blockdiag (issue #130), attribute list for GraphViz updated to GraphViz 2.49. edcd6a4 and 9345c76
  • Support running both Notepad2 and metapath as symbolic links (see mklink command). 930874d
  • Edit -> Special -> Hex to Char now supports UTF-32 hex sequences (\U or U+ with up to eight hex digits). 24bccfb
  • Added "group by file type" sorting option, which is useful for sorting file names. cd3176a
  • Fixed wrong character classification data for Big5 encoding. 4ac3d6d
  • Fixed Korean Hanja to Hangul conversion failure on some system, issue #393. 2461216
  • Fixed single file instance failure when path name diffs, issue #378. 2c3b8d6
  • Fixed legacy ANSI file broken when "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" is enabled, issue #39 and #386. db68b13
  • Some lexer improvements. 025e2f2, 078fedd, bbb8e7e, 28b2552 and 697c696.

Behavior Changes

  • "Open ANSI (unknown encoding) file in UTF-8 mode" is enabled by default. af59a71 and 5764980

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


20 Sep 05:58
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.21.07r3826

  • Scintilla updated to 5.1.2, see for the changes.
  • Support AutoHotkey (AutoHotkey_L and AutoHotkey_H v2), issue #17. cb19a7d
  • Support CoffeeScript (2.5.1), issue #19. b941007
  • Asymptote lexer and API list updated to Asymptote 2.70. 6847731
  • C# and Vala lexer updated to C# 10, highlighting for interpolation expressions, escape sequences and format specifiers are implemented. 57426ea
  • CSS lexer supports conditional rule supports, document and -moz-document (Lexilla 5.1.2), issue #333. 37bcf23
  • Inno Setup lexer and API list updated to Inno Setup 6.2, code folding for preprocessor and Pascal code are implemented. fcd39c5, d46f093, 57eebb0, etc.
  • Function or method definitions in Java, Kotlin, Dart and Groovy are highlighted. 9948156 and 4217bc5
  • Python lexer improved highlighting for format specification. 8ec2663 and 0cd65fe
  • HTML event handler list updated to WHATWG 2021-09-08, it's now included in auto-completion list for JavaScript and TypeScript. 2e09289
  • View -> Highlight Current Line -> Highlight Subline is implemented, issue #110. 405b821 and 72c7c68
  • Improved performance for large files when using monospaced font (by default, all schemes other than "Text File"). 0259c98
  • Improved shutdown performance when "Remember Recent Files" is enabled, issue #363. d6845ac
  • Fixed broken changes (introduced by a2a1013) to "Caret Line" global style, issue #369. 4afeeb7 and 1acadf6
  • Fixed "Open As Administrator" broken for text file. 20ff4f1
  • Fixed page up and page down shortcuts broken, issue #359. 6c5902e
  • Experimental fix for registry-based notepad replacement on Windows 11 (see wiki), issue #347 and #367. 3b27a22 and f3563e0

Behavior Changes

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


18 Jul 12:35
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.21.05r3750

  • Scintilla updated to 5.1.0, see for the changes. 3d5ed2b
  • Open/Save file dialog now accepts forward slash in path string (Unix like path) when "Use XP Style Open/Save Dialog" is enabled. 2a520b6
  • Python API list updated to 3.10; Python lexer now highlights f-expression, escape sequence and format specifier inside string/bytes. e96b8b7
  • Improved Batch lexer. f88d4f8, 9a6cea8, ea4af7e, etc.
  • Keywords update for TypeScript, Kotlin, Swift and JavaScript. 7cfa190, 7859259 and baa129d.
  • LaTeX input sequences updated to Julia 1.8-dev. 7e44744
  • Improved DBCS text processing. 3e7741f and 183fb55
  • Fixed transform backslash for \\ broken, issue #336. cf7fcc7
  • Visual C++ project files are ready for Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2. 6cbb483

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


16 May 11:21
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.21.03r3646

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


14 Mar 01:31
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.21.01r3540

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


17 Jan 03:05
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.20.12r3452

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
ja 日本語 ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ko 한국어 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003
i18n all above languages

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


13 Dec 01:17
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💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.20.11r3408

  • Support R, with function list for R 4.0.3 base package, issue #26. f68ae56
  • Support AviSynth, AviSynth+ and GScript, with internal function, internal and external filter list for AviSynth 2.6 and AviSynth+ 3.6.1, issue #18. f3324f9
  • Add menu Bookmarks -> Select All (Alt + F6) to select all bookmarked line. 4ff24bd
  • Add "Select All" button on Find Text dialog to find and select all matched text (unlike Find All which finds and highlights all matches), issue #252. 84319d2
  • Add option (for Find All, Select All and Mark Occurrences) to bookmark matched line, issue #256. bb4694a
  • Backspace smart space deletion, issue #22. This improved productivity for file indented with spaces (e.g. two or four spaces in many coding styles), unlike "Backspace key reformats indentation" (Settings -> Tab Settings), smart space deletion works after initial indentation and will not convert (Tab to Space and vice versa) existing indentation. 210930d
  • HTML lexer fixes for PHP and JavaScript. 715c1e9 and 8b2467a
  • Other bug fix and improvements.

Breaking Changes

  • Enclose current selected text (Edit -> Enclose Selection) has changed to using following punctuation (just type the punctuation as usual, e.g. on US keyboard, press Shift + {[ to get open brace {) and shortcuts, issue #255. c0d59eb
key result key result key result
( (selection) { {selection} [ [selection]
' 'selection' " "selection" ` `selection`
Ctrl + 3 '''selection''' Ctrl + 6 """selection""" Ctrl + 9 ```selection```

File List

Localization Language Architecture Minimum System
en English ARM Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM)
i18n English, 日本語, 中文 (繁體, 简体) ARM64 Windows 10 on ARM
ja 日本語 AVX2 64-bit Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) Win32 Windows XP, Server 2003
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) x64 64-bit Windows XP, Server 2003

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and


15 Nov 08:55
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The builds (unsigned) works for Windows XP (or Windows Server 2003) and above. The AVX2 builds works for 64-bit Windows 7 (or Windows Server 2008 R2) and above.

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available at and

💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.20.10r3380

  • Auto detect case sensitivity for search string, use case sensitive search when search string is not case sensitive. The "Match case" option (for find & replace or mark occurrences) is ignored for case insensitive string, issue #249. 0c5d082, 5b89ad2, etc.
  • Update API list for Lua to Lua 5.4 (covers Lua 5.0 to 5.4), API list for the 20 years old Lua 4.0 is removed. c39e621
  • Highlight dot (.) as operator in Lua script. 3dd0944
  • Show Unicode code point for character outside Basic Multilingual Plane (such as emoji). 1c3e7e9
  • Fix bug in case sensitive backward search (Find Previous). d308d41
  • Fix auto-completion (and indentation) bug for end keyword (such as in Lua if ... end) when the end keyword and the block starting keyword are on same line, issue #251. 55cb685
  • Other bug fix and improvements.

File List

File SHA-256 074A19CBB9C9C70F5A3DE06DEC4FF7C92D7BEFA45AC406F9A498AC67D032CFC0 62D03C2636A121DF8B375C7B8050CC59CB8B1199055EF2D32E69727E8BFC2415 0228C442952902BF4679073EA1449C291133C7793C01BE6F7E5F416BF0330D6D C3BB316D093CF7E196B4AA0BD0B55277314EB2A4A3EB77363A3BFF18656C829B 0DB1FB3D8B560A836B9968199F18B5C41F45F1A6EDBE2F12819DCA6BD03C4EC5
Localization English, 日本語, 中文 (繁體, 简体) 593E457C0FDEDFF02AEA42168311C08264A29F49C0B63180ECD0E2ADE039D868 0F8576A4EBBDF2CF2378EE902F0A1395577BE23798D030ACD7697FDD0C1C5169 69208F6D8EFA08AC0EE8429BC3A6622FAAA5A3C7FE201FD8976296E1B4EC5B93 073CFE841EC6E6F9C2DB1BF47DD1340EBD45EE91D4640CED6189B8CE3998BE3D 1AFCA0100E8EE6EC627862277A28893043457C2A7E94FBA8750A9AA28AC2DD32
ja 日本語 ?DA4B05474135E5B4075365C1473A82FCB37523ACEBA618096C0E53E7EB35FBDE 502D1D5DB39DB329AA92036067F660963A3FE9D1DADCA00283408D0E3270212D E17DAAD226AA0FE9EA4BACFEA556D8DAA762B3A7EC9FA18CA199279CA7AFAFBD A0A5D7F7026E78C89C37A51EE29482880DFD7D08A31D7DC7D4F34928E544306E
zh-Hans 中文 (简体) 5322D63E5693202936E0590BEC437E27B7E7B703F778BD8162AAE56E3ED10221 51804386A2133FD5C0C3A2B33E359CB865986FFE2E18CA8523F9B6EF4820E9E4 3C313A991232DDA3E02E53DA6636896239602BE6BC54070870805150DB5DE553 8DAF7DC6F8AE12C93C9740801867D0E56CED1F27E24EBC6201050638CADEA704
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體) 3264B77FAB292EC32904E2ECCB91B986BE514FB269A1E3BD186A3ED9286E93EF D7ACE539121B851CB823703FFBB5FD864506B3FA076C31A652B144D20FD326D5 0196D04B2A83C676CD863E3E70D0F8AD1B8AD16459C7D58F4775ACA2DBAAFA9D 90D59977692E1D8B9972F70CCBE05FD166C89F06FB8E57970406B1B9A09A6D04


18 Oct 12:07
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The builds (unsigned) works for Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 and above. The AVX2 build works for Windows 7 SP1 (or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) and above (64-bit only), requires CPU support for AVX2, e.g. CPU sold since 2013, such as Intel Core i3, i5, i7, i9 or AMD Excavator, Zen, and more.

Latest development builds (artifacts in Release configuration for each compiler and platform) are available on and

💡Tips: To keep your current settings, do NOT replace Notepad2.ini, metapath.ini or any theme (INI) files with the bundled one, but please mind the breaking changes if any.

Changes Since v4.20.09r3288

File List

File SHA-256
ARM_v4.20.10r3380 D169671356EBA0864D28EF43A92BB90A6A5B7FD37FC0C374A1286C73B20D4CC1
ARM64_v4.20.10r3380 0D397FDE85E38701889240A0D9DEBF7BBC1512143ED88D54192FCFEDFC85E2B9
AVX2_v4.20.10r3380 EC48452189E8B987886E3321089E162E4DAFE82A61DC52CCA7DC87F87D48645E
Win32_v4.20.10r3380 38E1A508365D746E2B2CF05685167301144B9A58E9B1403B4020B6BB1DFC70AE
x64_v4.20.10r3380 9BE10439B0A69564B247D2855211E294F47929EF01F6AB3CB9B4B0355B66EBBD
Localization English, 日本語, 中文 (繁體, 简体)
ARM_v4.20.10r3380 1AA654D79DBB625E1B6174B401D20C36FDB0BD20BE00E0B3B59FFC2BD0B4261F
ARM64_v4.20.10r3380 BBCAFA4233E8A6BACB746AA419D765350483FC14875AD5DA3B6D4DEE992E44EF
AVX2_v4.20.10r3380 A07914A4024FBECCACCA71DE11F49C0FE88D73A85208740A86D8CD807B7E8E57
Win32_v4.20.10r3380 73AF31729167AEF21A1B1ED609BFBD059C6BD215E604EDE3FF9418EDD71C5293
x64_v4.20.10r3380 93F4A2E26BAE0B8E8E2CEB4E30A3018AF01FD1DFD40C36E480F5065C01F7BDDF
ja 日本語
ARM64_v4.20.10r3380 9F28BB6DB2CAF77DEDF742AFFB99548E9BE31234A8B35065BF6C876F8CE47484
AVX2_v4.20.10r3380 75D61F59608C0DA9899E7D571F5AA671EA2BD76056D59A60B0329308C040F68D
Win32_v4.20.10r3380 18B6D13039A712F149187BFE93A042C7EEEEE8438EABEE79AF397E7A798DC86E
x64_v4.20.10r3380 7391A1E98E0368FEA13114A374CBA1A34055B55E5493F80466424EB84CDF35AA
zh-Hans 中文 (简体)
ARM64_v4.20.10r3380 AB23EE847D3596C839D2069C44EC7FC64F1D456A5F3FA8B805A6C545B0AE4159
AVX2_v4.20.10r3380 46B180315CAF65E7171099F7CF2F7565DACB3F87338C63F1AC7E60C2771041A7
Win32_v4.20.10r3380 9E895CE40CABF52016E4FE3A25E46A3AC88F6AAB2886EBF755F1BE98F46102B5
x64_v4.20.10r3380 C9C91EB63A6E5D34D9EBA587D104A561F554C741D7FD3ED302EE66F2837BB77C
zh-Hant 中文 (繁體)
ARM64_v4.20.10r3380 C5ED4D906C7056D4720147388B0C27C4D11145CF365CA39E8D9AF2DE7788014A
AVX2_v4.20.10r3380 3DFD980A0AB390BE645534E0614A38FFAFCD4B2586CD3FB63B477406816FD471
Win32_v4.20.10r3380 3574CA97ABC16C1EB42643BFA4542925507D92AB9632F5CB3C4BDF41E66BADFD
x64_v4.20.10r3380 4585ABAF36F5DC66BEABE0DE7430EC2F35F249EC84F1DC79E8FA16CB7DD99848