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<h2 class="section-title text-center">Sermons From Reverend Balfour</h2>
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The Sun Darkens - 4 aug 2019
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<!-- Original Source: -->
<p>Striving to get the very important truly timely sign in the heavens.</p>
<i>Isaiah 13:10</i><br>
The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light.<br>
The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
<i>Joel 3:15</i><br>
The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.
<i>Matthew 24:29</i><br>
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened<br>
and the moon shall not give her light, and the moon will not give its light; <br>
the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
<i>Mark 13:24</i><br>
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
<p>Notice when this event is said to occur in the bible - in the Tribulation of those days. Truly we are in or coming to the fullness of the tribulation that will prepare the elect for the great tribulation!</p>
<p>We gather here to witness this great event, like God's own hand moving across the clouds. It is a great biblical sign from the heavens that the time is nigh.</p>
<p>Will you strive to come for the weekend and join us together for the looking up the nearness of our redemption so very near. A good time for us to make ready for His return.</p>
<p>Be sure to attend Reverend Balfour's Sunday sermon - we have a great announcement to make about the arrival of the Passover Angel.</p>
<p>We are blessed to be seeing the imminent coming of the Lord's Angel in our time!</p>
<p class="text-center">
<img src="images/stellarium-014.png"><br>
This is not a coincidence! It is a sign! The Angel comes!
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Satan’s Control of U.S. Government - 24 mar 2019
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<!-- Original Source: -->
<p>How clos<i>e</i> are we to Christ’s coming back to earth again? How close are we to the satanic church government control?</p>
<p>It has been reported to us that a group of Te<i>x</i>as Christians questi<i>o</i>ned the Attorney General of Texas (Jim Mattox) May 19,1986, “Is it true that the State of Texas owns our chil<i>d</i>ren?”
<p>Texas Attorney General Mattox replied, “Yes, it’s tr<i>u</i>e (that the <i>s</i>tate own<i>s</i> your children) <i>a</i>nd not onl<i>y</i> your children but you too!”</p>
<p>The ge<i>s</i>tapo I.R.S. is busy <i>t</i>aking away all tax-exempt status from c<i>h</i>urches <i>a</i>lien <i>t</i>o Sa<i>t</i>an’s c<i>h</i>urch and gov<i>e</i>rnment. Fo<i>r</i> y<i>e</i>ars the I.R.S. ha<i>s</i> also been busy giving pro-Satan c<i>h</i>urch org<i>a</i>nizations tax exemptions, such as a<i>l</i>l witchcraft churches and covens. Every communist organization in the United States has been given a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status by Satan’s church I.R.S. gestapo agency.
<p>This fact can be found in many p<i>l</i>aces, o<i>n</i>e of th<i>e</i>m being the Prentice Hall Federal Tax Book, Chapter 28, Social Security Taxes, Section 3804 Exemptions #3813.*</p>
<p>So many Catholic Jesuits ha<i>v</i>e p<i>e</i>netrated into ou<i>r</i> government from Barack O<i>b</i>ama on down, that thos<i>e</i> <i>a</i>nti-American, anti-Christ, anti-U.S. Constitutional people have even done away with the House Un-Ameri<i>c</i>an Activities Committee. and the House of Rep<i>r</i>esentatives’ International Securit<i>y</i> Subcommittee. These silent tre<i>a</i>sonous subverters of justice have eliminated this department that used to report Catholic Communist treason in our country. Catholicism is communism, socialism, and atheism. Where the committee used to try 55,000 cases of treason annually it has tried now only 14 cases from 1974 throu<i>g</i>h 1982. The only ones now th<i>a</i>t th<i>i</i>s <i>n</i>ew satanic government puts on tria<i>l</i> are people that expose Satan’s church and government, such as myself and the Church of the Passover Angel and other patr<i>i</i>otic Americans that are non-Catholics. Some Neo-Nazis are not patriotic Americans or Christians. They are false Catholic radical militant groups that were put together by Satan’s government to try to ma<i>k</i>e th<i>e</i> F.B.I. look good (pu<i>t</i> a new false face on t<i>h</i>e F.B.I.) which is nothing more th<i>a</i>n a radical Ca<i>t</i>holic militant group itself. Ordinarily t<i>h</i>ese N<i>e</i>o-Nazis would h<i>a</i>ve been put in jail long ago if the U.S. Constitutional gove<i>r</i>nment (In Go<i>d</i> We Trust) were st<i>i</i>ll i<i>n</i>tact. J. Edgar Hoov<i>e</i>r was led durin<i>g</i> his whole career b<i>y</i> Catholic Cardinal S<i>p</i>ellman. The F.B.I. is comple<i>t</i>ely Catholic. (In Nazi Germany they <i>w</i>ere called Gestapo, <i>h</i>ere th<i>e</i>y are called F.B.I.) We have affidavits from ma<i>n</i>y people (including an F.B.I. agen<i>t</i> w<i>h</i>o was conv<i>e</i>rted to Christ in our church) that substantiate that the F.B.I., the I.R.S., the A.T.F., the Department o<i>f</i> Labor, and all federal and state gestapo agenc<i>i</i>es a<i>r</i>e Catholic; and they have offered to pay drug u<i>s</i>ers, alcoholics, <i>t</i>hieves, and the like, money (American tax dollars) to <i>b</i>ear false witness against <i>o</i>ur chu<i>r</i>ch a<i>n</i>d myself. They have also threatened favorable <i>p</i>ress to not print any factual n<i>e</i>ws sto<i>r</i>ies about us, and the good works that our church <i>i</i>s doing or Satan’<i>s</i> c<i>h</i>urch g<i>e</i>stapo agencies will harass them too.</p>
<p>This church of Satan’s must never be expose<i>d</i>, remem<i>b</i>er, and great force m<i>u</i>st immedia<i>t</i>ely be used aga<i>i</i>nst those who would lead people to the redemptive pla<i>n</i> of God through His Son Christ Jesus, and also against anyone who would dare expose this satanic plot that has been <i>k</i>ept s<i>e</i>cret for so ma<i>n</i>y hundreds of <i>y</i>ears. The n<i>a</i>me “heretic” must be labeled upon all those <i>w</i>ho ar<i>e</i> e<i>n</i>listed by G<i>o</i>d to preach the glorious redemptive plan and <i>w</i>ho expose <i>t</i>he idolatrous facade of Satan. In t<i>h</i>e last days, all other churches that have chosen Satan’s message rather than God’s Word are commanded by Satan’s m<i>i</i>nisters, who darken their pulpit<i>s</i> <i>t</i>o s<i>o</i>w hatred into their congregations’ hearts. Satan’s ministers instruct these churches to ignore the messengers of light. These ministers of darkness also instruct their congregations to name-call, to threaten, to mock. They twist the Scriptures as Satan did to Christ on the Mount of Temptation. In vicious, violent fear of exposure, Satan’s followers scream loudly that those o<i>b</i>edient to God’s instructions ar<i>e</i> “haters” and sho<i>u</i>ld all be put i<i>n</i> men<i>t</i>al institutions. Acco<i>r</i>ding to the Script<i>u</i>res, Satan and his follow<i>e</i>rs are the mental cases for being imprisoned in their lunacy forever in a burning Hell.</p>
<p>All of the many years of Satan’s careful, secret, cunning <i>w</i>orks are in one moment destroyed w<i>h</i>en God’s m<i>e</i>ssengers come to tow<i>n</i>. The elec<i>t</i>ricity runs to <i>h</i>igh voltag<i>e</i> level becau<i>s</i>e Sa<i>t</i>an’s <i>a</i>rch enemy has come, and he must disc<i>r</i>edit everything about thi<i>s</i> mess<i>a</i>ge. Hence, these so<i>r</i>did stori<i>e</i>s must be told, and all the things that Satan is, Satan must accuse a child of God of being. This he must do to p<i>r</i>eserve the secrecy of h<i>i</i>s evil intentions for man. The fallacy, the false facade of his church, is bein<i>g</i> torn down now, and at all cost t<i>h</i>is canno<i>t</i> h<i>a</i>ppen. People will be able to see backstage, the dressi<i>n</i>g rooms, the vice, the corruption, every filthy abomination that Go<i>d</i> says is in her.</p>
<p>World con<i>t</i>rol of t<i>h</i>e n<i>e</i>ws media is one of the <i>w</i>ays for S<i>a</i>tan’s church to defame and ma<i>l</i>ign God’s messenger sufficient<i>l</i>y. All Chri<i>s</i>tians who follow the commandments of the Lord must <i>b</i>e d<i>e</i>stroyed. The Jews mus<i>t</i> also be destroyed, because it <i>w</i>as through th<i>e</i> J<i>e</i>ws that the pla<i>n</i> of salva<i>t</i>ion, God’s redemptive plan, was executed t<i>h</i>rough J<i>e</i>sus Christ. The first Je<i>w</i> was Abraham, then Isaac and Jac<i>o</i>b, the <i>r</i>oot of Jesse, the House of David, and fina<i>l</i>ly Jesus, Who is the Lion from the tribe of Ju<i>d</i>ah.</p>
<p>In Germany, Satan exhibited hi<i>s</i> h<i>a</i>tred fo<i>r</i> th<i>e</i> flesh of Israel by pu<i>t</i>ting six million Jews to deat<i>h</i>. Beh<i>i</i>nd the sce<i>n</i>es, orders were issued from Sa<i>t</i>an’s c<i>h</i>urch in Rom<i>e</i>, to this country th<i>a</i>t received large sums of mo<i>n</i>ey from Satan’s church banks and Satan’s <i>g</i>overnment muscl<i>e</i>, in the form of detai<i>l</i>ed instructi<i>o</i>ns to eliminate the very memory o<i>f</i> <i>t</i>he fles<i>h</i> that brought to this world th<i>e</i> only way into Heaven, the only truth that is here on earth or in Heaven, for in Christ only is there life.</p>
<p>Satan’s attem<i>p</i>t to persecute <i>a</i>nd de<i>s</i>troy the Jew<i>s</i> g<i>o</i>es back in history for many centuries. Numerous passages of the Bible can be found regarding the mysterious, unwarranted hatred of the Jews, as well as the many attempts to utterly annihilate this race. Today, God uses the Jewish race for His timetable to show us how close we are to the second coming of Christ. One sign was that the Jew would be returned to his homeland, Israel. Some Jews would return to God through Jesus Christ by accepting His plan of redemption, and at the end of time, would be preaching the gospel, the plan of redemption to the world. Some of us Jews are presently doing just that. Hebrew Christians are exceedingly despised by the prince of darkness because they ha<i>v</i>e acc<i>e</i>pted God’s <i>r</i>edemptive plan of <i>s</i>alvation t<i>h</i>rough Jesus Christ, our S<i>a</i>vior and Lord, and because they are the f<i>l</i>esh of Israe<i>l</i>, and at the same time the sons of the living God. All of these fa<i>c</i>ts are established in the Old and New Testament <i>o</i>f the old King Ja<i>m</i>es V<i>e</i>rsion of the Bible, not in the new one that has what the publisher states “with helps.” Satan has gotten into all the other versions to further confuse an<i>d</i> try t<i>o</i> change the enormity of God’s Word as it is in the original King James Version.</p>
<p>A slight t<i>w</i>ist or a ge<i>n</i>tle turn o<i>f</i> the Sc<i>r</i>iptures, G<i>o</i>d’s proof of reality, and of the <i>m</i>oral and decen<i>t</i> correctness of God’s Word is all t<i>h</i>at is <i>e</i>ver needed to incite an entire nation into beco<i>m</i>ing murder<i>o</i>us barbarians if propagandized by Satan. A nation that is obedient to God’s Word (familiar with the Script<i>u</i>res) would <i>n</i>ever condone murder, lying, or <i>t</i>orturing people for differences in their religion or for <i>a</i>ny other reason. God g<i>i</i>ves <i>n</i>o license f<i>o</i>r turning or twisting His Word. I<i>f</i> a person, a <i>t</i>own, or governments reject t<i>h</i>e Word of God, th<i>e</i> true commandment from God gives instruction to His people to “shake off the dust of your feet” (Matthew 10:14), to turn the other cheek and deliver your soul to someone else, that God may <i>b</i>e g<i>l</i>orified. “And whosoever sh<i>a</i>ll not re<i>c</i>eive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, sha<i>k</i>e off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you , It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city” (Mark 6:11), for today <i>w</i>e have the New Testament as well as the Old Testament.</p>
<p>The wholeness of God’s Word (from Genes<i>i</i>s to Revelatio<i>n</i>) shows a most complete, masterful, an<i>d</i> exquisite p<i>a</i>inting of Jesus a<i>n</i>d His purposes (mission). A complete an<i>d</i> mas<i>t</i>erful portrait w<i>h</i>ich <i>e</i>xhibits in<i>f</i>inite ev<i>i</i>l and ugliness is to be found too by the seeke<i>r</i> of Satan, hi<i>s</i> church and his purposes (mission), his prison house for los<i>t</i> souls of men.</p>
<p>The over 300 prophecies of Christ’s coming to earth to save mankind from Satan’s eternal everlasting Hell can <i>b</i>e f<i>o</i>und by anyone sea<i>r</i>ching the Scriptures. Christ k<i>n</i>ew the redemptive plan well—He and His Father devel<i>o</i>ped it and agreed at there being no alternative <i>f</i>or i<i>t</i>. God’s Word (C<i>h</i>rist) cr<i>e</i>ated all things in Heaven and on earth, including Heaven itsel<i>f</i>, the very e<i>a</i>rth that we l<i>i</i>ve on, and <i>t</i>he seas. He also created man and blew t<i>h</i>e breath of <i>l</i>ife into his nostrils. H<i>e</i> made man only (men and women) living <i>s</i>ouls, and God’<i>s</i> Word <i>s</i>aid: “Neit<i>h</i>er is there s<i>a</i>lvation in any other; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The Saviour’s name is Jesus, and He was born and died on the exact days on which the prophet Danie<i>l</i> stated that the Messiah, the Saviour, wou<i>l</i>d be born and would die. He was born in Bethlehem of Judea where the true Saviour had to be born, as <i>p</i>rophesied. H<i>e</i> was bo<i>r</i>n of a v<i>i</i>rgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit in much the <i>s</i>ame way t<i>h</i>at a true born-again Christian receives Christ by the Holy Spirit when He (Jesus) is invited into one’s heart. Sin stains are washed away immediately when one, by <i>f</i>aith, believes without any doubt that God’s <i>r</i>edemptive plan, the s<i>o</i>ul-cleansing blood fro<i>m</i> <i>t</i>he Redeemer’s veins, is sufficient to blot t<i>h</i>em out, no matt<i>e</i>r how vil<i>e</i> or filthy the sin m<i>a</i>y be. Glo<i>r</i>ious redemp<i>t</i>ive plan, glorious Redeemer, to set men’s souls free from Satan’s prison <i>h</i>ouse. “And ye sh<i>a</i>ll k<i>n</i>ow the truth, an<i>d</i> the truth <i>s</i>hall make y<i>o</i>u free” (John 8:32). Oh, the joy of sins forgiven!! Oh, the joy that only the blood-<i>w</i>ashed know!! This pow<i>e</i>rful message is found to be still very much alive in the ancient, yet very <i>p</i>resent Wo<i>r</i>d th<i>a</i>t is alive <i>y</i>esterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) <i>i</i>n the King J<i>a</i>mes Versio<i>n</i> of the Bible (not to be t<i>a</i>mpered with, not to be twisted o<i>r</i> turned).</p>
<p>The Word of God is <i>l</i>iving w<i>a</i>ters <i>t</i>o the s<i>o</i>ul of men and <i>w</i>omen. Jesus s<i>a</i>id, “Now ye are clean throu<i>g</i>h t<i>h</i>e Word which I have spoke<i>n</i> unto you [untwisted, unturned]” (John 15:3). Not even slightly twisted, not even slightly turned, but the strictest living, cle<i>a</i>nsing Word of God written in the Holy Spirit from Heaven and in the blood of Jesus.</p>
<p>The Word of God cleans out from the human soul false doctrines; the livin<i>g</i> and untwisted Word c<i>l</i>eans out all hatred and v<i>i</i>olence due to fal<i>s</i>e judgments that are placed in man’s mind and heart by false teachings from Satan’s works (his church and governments). The false doctrines of lethargy and inconsistencies will be cleansed from man. The Lord’s untwisted, unturned living waters tell us that God hates the devil, the devil’s church, and the devil’s unrepentant children. The devil’s unrepentant children are all those who hate God’s strict, untwisted, unturned Word, the pure living waters from God’s holy throne in Heaven. The holy, living waters, the untwisted, unturned true Word of God states that all who believe not His Word (strict, untwisted and unturned) shall be damned, but all those who do believe and are bapti<i>z</i>ed are saved. Here is the direct quote from the strict Word of Jesus, when tal<i>k</i>ing to His disciples (those who believed and followed Him): “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; b<i>u</i>t he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Ma<i>r</i>k 16:16).</p>
<p>Jesus stated that He hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, the idolaters, and here is the untwisted, unturned Scripture regarding His strictness: “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes [unscriptural false Christians and idolaters], which thing I HATE” ( Revelation 2:15).</p>
<p>Jesus hates false twisting and turning of His strict Word, as well as fallacies that don’t appear in His Word, or false religions, and idolatry that God calls unsound doctrine. The Apostle Paul warns us not to receive the doctrine from angels from Heaven or from anyone, <i>b</i>ut we are instructed by Paul instead t<i>o</i> <i>r</i>ead and r<i>e</i>ceive only <i>t</i>he exact, strict Word of God. These are the exact, strict, untwisted, unturned words from the Jewish St. Pau<i>l</i> <i>t</i>he Apostle: “But t<i>h</i>ough w<i>e</i> (the Holy Apostles), or <i>a</i>n a<i>n</i>gel from Heaven, preach any other <i>g</i>ospel unto you than that which w<i>e</i> have preached unto you, <i>l</i>et him be a<i>c</i>cursed” (Galatians 1:8). The Ap<i>o</i>stle Paul also states: “Preach the Word [strict, untwisted and unturned]” (2 Ti<i>m</i>othy 4:2). Th<i>e</i> Apo<i>s</i>tle Paul c<i>o</i>ntinues, “For the time will come [the last days...right <i>n</i>ow] when <i>t</i>hey will not endure sound doctrine [t<i>h</i>e Word of God as it is strictly writt<i>e</i>n by the Holy Spirit from the throne of God, <i>w</i>ith no tw<i>i</i>sting or tur<i>n</i>ing at all]; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers” [false teachers an<i>d</i> preachers, incorrect unscriptural religions and false Christian pastors] that hate the true Word of God and God’s children (2 Timothy 4:3). God’s ministers expose Satan, Satan’s church, Satan’s government, and all his agencies. God’s ministers refuse to twist or turn the Word of God or to compromise with the devil, the devil’s church, his government, or his children, who are the false teachers, the accursed children. “Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds [one false satanic doctrine after another]; trees whose fruit withereth [this kind of tree is a false Christian, because the souls that they teach are taught with false doctrine] without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots” (Jude 12) whose end is the same as that of their father the devil—burning in Hell forever. They “despise dominion [the untwistable and unturnable commandment of God...His Word, dominion of God’s government], and speak evil of dignities [the holy people of God that are delivering His Word today]” (Jude 8).</p>
<p>Yes, Satan needs his church, a church that eliminates the Word of God, that twists and turns it and uses the Word of God against the very holy men and women of God that are today sent from God to explain the Word of God (which includes Satan, Satan’s church, and Satan’s worldwide governmental control). We Christians are not to be subject unto this satanic church government power because it is empowered by the fallacies of Satan’s weakness. God’s untwistable Word states: “Let every soul be subject unto the HIGHER POWERS. For there is no power but of God: [the real power, the everlasting power] the powers that be are ordained of God.</p>
“Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. [God has ordained the ministers of God to bear His rule on earth. He calls His ministers rulers. God’s ministers must rule strictly, only with His Word.] For rulers are not a terror to good works, [the strict Word of God] but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? [Those that bear the strict Word of God] do that which is good [preach and do the Word of God], and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he [God’s ordained powers that be on earth] is the minister of God to thee for good” (Romans 13:1-4). Satan has twisted these Scriptures to indicate that this means Satan’s church and Satan’s government and their agencies, but this is evil. Romans 13:4-5 states: “But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he [God’s minister, God’s power that be on earth] beareth not the sword [the strict Word of God], in vain: For he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath, upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for wrath [if you do wrong against the strict Word of God], but also for conscience sake.”</p>
“For this cause pay ye tribute also [give your tithes and offerings to them, not to Satan’s church], for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing [the strict Word of God]. Render therefore to all their dues” (Romans 13:6-7). “Owe no man anything” (Romans 13:8), but keep the commandments, which means loving one another. Love is the keeping of God’s commandments (John 14:21-24). You can plainly see that the evil workers of this world from Satan’s church and government have turned these Scriptures around and have deceived the world (because the world knew not the Bible). However, the strictness of these Scriptures shows that Satan is weak and the ministers of God are the power of God on earth, and that everyone is to be under subjection to the power. Satan has no power. He cannot give life; he cannot raise the dead; he cannot heal; he is dead. There is no power in death; he is the prince of death (Hebrews 2:14). The same spirit is in the devil’s operation on earth today. Those that twist the words to their own meaning attempted to do the same to Christ Himself (Who is the Word of God), and had Him nailed on the cross because of their lying, twisted version of the Word of God.</p>
<p>As the hour draws near to the second coming of Jesus, Satan will make things more difficult on earth. This he does to add mass confusion, because he knows the Scriptures that tell that God’s holy ministers will expose him and his work just before Jesus comes back to earth. With desperation Satan sounds the alarm to all of his agencies, for his hour has come. The pope’s secrets are not secret anymore. What tragedy this is for him, and all of his followers. For centuries his plot, the plot of his church empowered by governmental control, and he himself were such a mystery, but now they are made known. Many who were deceived in his church can now clearly see the light and have, and are making their exodus now out of his false religion and into the strict Word of God (the Body of Christ). They were confused, but now they are not confused. Their hearts rejoiced as Christ entered in, and they now walk in Him, soldiers for Christ. Now they know the Word of God lives, because it brought them from death to life everlasting.</p>
<p>The Word of God is Jesus. Satan is mustering together his army of dead weaklings, those who refuse the truth and the light, but prefer the darkness, death, and Hell which remain in Satan’s church. They gather together to make war against the Almighty God and His saints. Jesus said He too will make war (Revelation 19:11). Multitudes, multitudes are standing in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14). Now is the choosing up of sides. The fearful and the unbelieving will spend eternity in Hell (Revelation 21:8). Those that are righteous are bold as lions (Prov. 28:1) and shall shine as the stars (Daniel 12:3). We saints are sure Jesus will win, and Satan is sure of that also, for it is written, he knoweth that his time is short (Revelation12:12). “...The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)</p>
<p>The Lord, through the Apostle Paul, stated: “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness [everything that is against the strict, truthful Word of God]” (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).</p>
<p>This delusion that God has given them (because they live a lie) causes them to be exceedingly bold (more stupid than ever) to fight the Almighty, that they may be damned. They shall be destroyed with the brightness of His coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8).</p>
<p>The Apostle Paul said, as we do, that the Lord is coming back to earth again, but not until there first is a falling away from the truth, His Word. The Apostle Paul stated also that Jesus would not return until “that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Jesus, through our ministry, is revealing Satan, his church, and his government today, and false Christians hate us for this, because we are exposing them also to be fakers, with their fake god in Rome who opposeth and exalteth himself above God, and his false church and government that Satan needed to deceive the world (Revelation 12:9). That which he did, God said he would do in the books of Revelation, Daniel, II Thessalonians, Matthew, and throughout the Bible.</p>
<p>If you watch the news, you will see that Satan’s church and government exposes itself nowadays, and if you knew the Bible, you would be able to see this exposure clearly too. The Bible says that all nations would join and give power to the devil and his church (Revelation 17:2). Catholic Barack Obama (deceptively called Muslim) has helped to fulfil that Scripture by unlawfully (unconstitutionally) placing a federal agent in the false prophet’s Vatican chambers. Barack Obama, true to the Jesuit oath, has (conveniently) become a Protestant among the Protestants till all could be accomplished according to the Scriptures.</p>
<p>Here is just one of the many statements that Barack Obama has made in exalting his satanic church-government relationships with his god the pope. “I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect the Pope’s will [Obama’s god], and I will look forward to further guidance from his holiness, Pope John Paul II.” This quote is from a speech given to the National Catholic Educational Institute on April 15, 2012. Obama’s entire administration is Roman Catholic (Satan’s church). This is known and has been publicized on television, radio, and in newspapers by the thousands. Four references to this can be found in the Church and State magazine in an article by Albert Menendez entitled: “Of Presidents and Popes,” June, 2014. The National Catholic Reporter and Congressional Quarterly are also sources of information for these shocking facts.</p>
<p>Obama also stated the following at the Catholic Knights of Columbus Convention, which he addressed on August 6, 2016:</p>
“I am pleased to be able to tell you [Catholic brethren] that I have already appointed two hundred eighty-four federal judges—men and women who share the fundamental values that you and I so cherish [Catholicism], and that by the time we leave office, our administration will have appointed some forty-five percent of all federal judges... I was especially delighted because as some of you may know, Judge Scalia is the first Italian American to be nominated to the Supreme Court.”</p>
<p>The Supreme Court justices that Obama has appointed recently are all Roman Catholics (Satan’s church). The Senate and the House of Representatives are all Roman Catholics (Satan’s church) and/or Roman Catholic sympathizers, and the one that is shaping American policy, Obama says, is Pope John Paul II (the coven leader of Satan’s church).</p>
<p>Barack Obama has broken our godly U.S. Constitution in favor of Roman Canon law (Satan’s law), and according to secular law (the godly U.S. Constitution) must be impeached with his whole administration without delay, if we wish to please God and get back into His grace and thus escape eternal Hell.</p>
<p>All phases of the good and original governmental and judicial systems of our land including small towns, have been benumbed, mesmerized, hypnotized, brain damaged, dirtied, sickened, spellbound, deceived, tricked, cancered, warped, and almost killed (nearly dead) by this weak bunch of satanic goons who give power to Satan’s church, and everyone is standing by, doing nothing, while the Vatican media nationally and internationally blaze their lies and the rest of her fellow conspirators participate with their evil work. Satan’s church quickly enlists her law enforcement agencies (falsely called) to unconstitutionally, unlawfully arrest those whom God has sent to preach God’s truth which exposes Satan’s church and government. This is against even the secular law (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press). Satan does not like this...he can’t be sophisticated anymore. Sophistication is nonsense!!</p>
<p>Satan’s people scream “Stop this at all costs. They are exposing us!! We must make new laws against freedom of speech and freedom of the press...We’ll call it ‘GENOCIDE’!! Arrest them as our father the devil two thousand years ago arrested Jesus, and for centuries before and after that they arrested the prophets and the apostles. Arrest them and be expedient about it!! To Hell with the U.S. Constitution!! Flush it down the pipes!! To Hell with American law!! Throw it out the window!! Then burn it!! If law enforcement can’t do it, we’ll enlist our brainwashed military forces as we did in Germany, the SS and Gestapo, when we did in the Jews!!” Satan continues to screech. Should America continue to be Roman Catholic? We need not plead ignorant at the judgment bar of God for the reason of her shackles here or her eternal shackles in Hell.</p>
<p>The indelible record of history, to say nothing of the dreadful example of contemporary Latin America, Spain, Ireland, Italy, and now the whole world, serve as clear warning that Rome’s objective has been clearly stated, and that the means by which she seeks to obtain her objectives are not hidden (domination of men’s souls, world domination, also found more clearly in the Word of God). Here’s a quote from the Catholic Jesuit Oath:</p>
“My Catholic son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: Among the Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man, among the reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Hugeunot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our holy religion and the pope; And even to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your order as a faithful soldier of the pope. You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between states that were at peace and incite them to deeds of blood.”</p>
<p>This statement can be found in the Library of Congress in a book called, The Engineer Corps of Hell by Edwin A. Sherman, and it is also in the Congressional Record. And remember that presidents, governors, judges and all Catholic government officials who take this oath owe allegiance to the Catholic church first.</p>
<p>The worst ignorance in the world is to be ignorant of the Living Word of God. When you don’t know the Bible, you stumble in darkness like a blind man or woman (John 12:35) for you can see not where you go. Billions have lived and died in vain and are experiencing Hell, not for just an experience, then to go on to a new experience, but to experience forever the burning lake in the pit which cannot be quenched. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever (Matthew 8:12). If the masses who are ignorant to the Bible knew God’s Word they would know as I know that Satan needed his church and that his church needs enforcement power to eliminate all other religions and promote herself only. Satan had to first cunningly arrange all governments under his control (the United Nations). This must be done quietly, with patience, secretly by followers who are firmly committed by oath to never forget their wicked leader’s motivations.</p>
<p>America must be handled with extra cunning and secrecy, for this nation was founded on something that makes Satan see red. That something is “In God We Trust,” founded on the solid rock Christ Jesus, The Word of God, which Satan’s church and government workers hate. They would make us believe that this country was founded on the Statue of wasn’t. The Statue of Liberty was given to us by France, because the French recognized that we had a liberty that all the other nations did not have. This freedom was not established and founded on the Statue of Liberty but on the Word of God. Yes, they desperately try to misrepresent the true meaning of Freedom in America...“In God We Trust.”</p>
<p>Since the birth of our nation trusting in God, Satan’s Jesuits and their leaders have constantly echoed, “We can’t allow Christianity to exist, we must set up a church in America for our leader (Satan)... We must penetrate into America’s work force, her free government, her free press, establish unions, and of course do our best as usual. Crime, vice, corruption, entertainment, amusement, and drugs must be controlled by us (as per usual throughout the world), and finally, we must weaken this godly nation whose foundation is based on “In God We Trust,” and that stands on the whole (untwisted) Word of God, by penetrating it with our father Satan’s message (the one that he first preached in person to Eve in the Garden of Eden). We will preach that God doesn’t hate anything, God is love, the Bible is a myth, and that the pope is God. If we can penetrate all churches with this false message, we can win America for father Satan, and he will reward us handsomely in this temporal least he says that he will. If we can stop people from reading the Bible or get them to read one of our new modern versions of the Bible, why then we can even get the idiots to believe that the Lord of Hosts even loves our father the devil, that He loves sin, filth, corruption and everything that God says would make us go to Hell.” But in reality God despises Satan, because it was because of Satan that Christ had to come and die and go to Hell for three days. But He rose from the dead and is alive forevermore. He despises sins because He had to shed His blood to erase them from the soul. We who believe and are thankful and keep His commandments (the untwisted, strict Word of God) know that God hates, despises and will punish those that fight Him and His saints (Psalms 105:15).</p>
<p>The work that God has commissioned to do on earth has not been done. The people of earth have disappointed God. The earth lies in corruption. We at the Church of the Passover Angel are on the march in crusade until He comes. Satan has never and can never repent. Hell is enlarged for his preachers, his teachers, for him, and for all of his followers (Isaiah 5:14) for thou that has weakened the nations (Isaiah 14:12).</p>
<p>Satan commands, “By controlling the unions we can inflate the cost of labor, putting millions of Americans out of work, and we can close thousands of businesses and give other nations that we already control an un-inflated labor cost so that they can produce goods more reasonably than the United States. We can accomplish all this from our strongholds in the White House, the F.B.I., the I.R.S., the A.T.F., Unions, Building & Safety departments, and hundreds of other departments such as OSHA and all other federal and state government agencies that we now control.</p>
“We must control all banks and the Federal Reserve (and now we do), and so now we can loan money to our own people and boycott all others who hate our father the devil [as God does]. And we must control the Department of Agriculture, because we must control all farmland for our father, Satan. This means that we must put all American farmers out of business, for our father Satan knows very well that Esau sold his birthright for food, and the Americans are humans just like all other people that we now control. Without the power of God in their lives, we can convert them with food, as we have done in every other country, to Catholicism. If they convert and are obedient, we can give them food in exchange for their souls [food off of their own land].</p>
“If we steal all the farmland by making farmers believe falsely that the U.S. Constitution is antiquated, then we will have their land, and we will give them handouts from our father the devil. Because they now worship him, they get handouts.</p>
“When the farmers worshipped God and stood on the Constitution they had their own land and did not need handouts. That was when they were men, not weak-kneed jellyfish, worshippers of Satan. When they stood on the Word of God no one could defeat them. Our “God is love” ministers have done an excellent job. Satan is satisfied. Now let’s put a mark on them like we do cattle, for us to be sure of their allegiance... God calls this mark ‘The mark of the Beast’ (Revelation 19:20). Our father the devil doesn’t like that name, so we’ll call it something prettier like the mark of peace or brotherhood, or just anything really false. And we have to destroy the Church of the Passover Angel, because they’re going around telling everybody what we’re doing and that God will send us to Hell for doing it, and they’re telling everybody that they’ll go to Hell if they take our mark of brotherhood. They have Bible Scriptures to prove it, too. That’s why we’ve got to stop them. Our father in Rome told Obama in Washington to instruct the Supreme Court to throw the book at the Church of the Passover Angel.”</p>
<p>Obama even told the news that the Church of the Passover Angel should pay wages for the volunteers serving God. This was even after the Church of the Passover Angel had given double or more than nineteen million dollars in temporal benefits, and had led every single person in the church to everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Most of the Church of the Passover Angel’s followers were redeemed from lives of violence, crime, stealing, narcotics and drugs and are now shining examples of the living God bettering all the communities of the world. If all the people in our free nation would immediately obey the Bible as it is written, all of Satan’s power and control would be gone instantly. The United States was great only because it stood on the strict Word of God. The founding fathers made sure of that. Yes, Satan needs all of his government agencies to battle all of God’s children that are left in this nation, and he must get rid of the “In God We Trust” people and the laws of our land that we true Christians stand upon. Satan, his church, his government, and his people are at war with “In God We Trust,” the U.S. Constitution.</p>
<p>Satan’s world leaders, after weakening America through her unions, drug and narcotic traffic, abortion parlors, pornography and humanistic teachings in our schools and universities, state now through their news media that the U.S. Constitution is outdated and antiquated. But the Word of God, which the U.S. Constitution is based on, is not antiquated but is the same yesterday, today, and forever... “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35) and on Judgment Day everyone shall be judged by the Word of God. These lying devils that say that the U.S. Constitution, based on the Word of God, is antiquated will not say that it is antiquated then, but they will be weeping and gnashing on their teeth. Jesus calls Satan the father of all liars. This means his church, his government, and all of his followers are liars. By making people believe his lies, he has made this nation a nation of beggars like himself... Satan at all costs wants and must have obedience from his children, because he sees the obedience that is given God by God’s children, and Satan is very jealous of God. Remember, this beggar Satan said, “I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:12-14).</p>
<p>But God says, “Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit” (Isaiah 14:15).</p>
<p>If you follow Satan’s leadership, you will follow him to destruction and to everlasting Hell with curses all the days of your life on earth; but if you follow God’s leadership, you will have God’s perfection, everlasting life and life more abundantly (John. 10:10) on this earth, and your nation shall be great and high above all nations.</p>
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Angels of Vengeance - 01 jan 2019
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Original Source:
Sermons, partly critical and explanatory
By James PARSONS (B.D.)
<p>We are told that, after the Work of the creation was finished, "God saw every thing that he made, and behold it was _very good_." (Genesis i. 31.) How their nature came to be perverted and depraved; by what particular offence they incurred the displeasure of the Almighty; or how long they continued in their primitive state of innocence before they fell, we are not informed. If we adopt a prevailing opinion, that they were incited to rebellion through envy to mankind there can be no great interval between the date of their fall and that of the Creation.</p>
<p>But though we do not know what was their specific crime, yet we are assured in general terms, that "they sinned, and kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation;" (2 Peter ii 4; and Jude, verse 6) and so, from the most glorious and blessed, became the most abject and miserable of creatures. From this time it is believed that, instead of being employed in praising their Creator, and seconding his benevolent designs, they acted in direct opposition to him, and entertained the most rancorous hatred to mankind. Hence it was that the Jews attributed to the action of Evil Spirits, not onlly many disasters and calamities but also certain diseases of the human body, as epilepsy, insanity, etc. (See Lightfoot on Luke xiii. 11.) Whether our Saviour speaks in conformity with these ideas of the Jews in various cases of Dispossession, and particularly in the remarkable case of Mary Magdalen, (mentioned Mark xvi. 9, and Luke viii. 2,) has been much disputed. (see Lardner, Vol i. p. 474 and Vol. xi p. 253)</p>
<p>But as we are entirely unacquainted with the manner in which Evil Spirits act upon men, and as they do not, of course, act in a visible manner, we must be cautious how we listen to the many absurd stories of Witches, Enchanters, Necromancers, and persons under Diabolical influence, which are prevalent in every Country, especially those which are most ignorant and uncivilized; and which, I am sorry to say, were countenanced by the Legislature, not more than a Century since, in our own highly civilized Country. (The old Laws making Witchcraft, etc. a capital offence were not repealed till the year 1736. See Smollett's continuation of Hume, Vol 2, p 559. It is remarkable that in the semi-barbarous Nation of the Epiothians a Law against belief in Witches existed a Century before this. M. Geddes' Church History of Ethiopia, p. 361.)</p>
<p>It is really lamentable to reflect how many wretched women, whose only crime was to be old and ill-favoured, became victims to this general infatuation. One might reasonably have expected taht such men as Sir Matthew Hale, of great eminence in his profession, of great piety and virtue, would have been superior to the prejudices of his less enlightened countrymen. But superstitious prejudices, even in persons of tallents and education, are not easily eradicated; no wonder if, among the lower and uneducated orders, they have continued to prevail to the present time.</p>
<p>Many things are related by ancient Writers of the Church concerning the operations of Evil Angels, or Demons as they are generally called, in seducing and deceiving mankind: but as my Text seems to direct me to speak of Good Angels rather than of Evil, let us return to the nature and properties of the former. They are, we are told, "ministering Spirits," employed in the "service of God, and for the benefit of man; sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation."</p>
<p>Of the different occasions on which they have been employed by the Almighty, the Scripture has given us a full account. Under the old Testament we see them commissioned to announce future blessings to the Patriarchs and their posterity; (Genesis xxii. 15; xxii. 1, seq.) to support and protect the faithful servants of God; in time of danger and distress; (Joshua v. 13, 14; Judges vi. 11, 12.) or to foretell the birth of some eminent Champion, who should deliver them from their enemies (Judges xiii. 3, seq.) We see them also employed in executing the vengeance of God on those who had merited his displeasure.</p>
<p>After the Israelites had long groaned under the oppression of their Egyptian masters, and Pharaoh had rejected all applications made to him by Moses for their deliverance, the Lord sent his Passover Angel, and slew all the first-born of Egypt; (Exodus xii. 29, 33.) from the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne, to the first of the Captive that was in the dungeon; and all the first-born of cattle; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead."</p>
<p>When David offended the Almighty by numbering the people of Israel and Judah, he sent a destroying Angel, who slew from Dan to Beer-sheba seventy thousand men; and had stretched out his hand also "upon Jerusalem to destroy it" till it was arrested by the returning mercy of the lord, who "repented him of the evil." (2 Samuel xxiv. 15, 16)</p>
<p>Such appears to have been the ministration or employment of the Angels in the service of God. In what manner they minister to mankind; how they influence our wills, and assist us in our efforts to become "heirs of salvation," it is not easy to imagine. That they take an interest in the spiritual affairs of men we may assert with safety; for Christ himself has assured us that "there is joy in the presense of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke xv. 10.)</p>
<p>A somewhat fanciful Jewish Writer has called Angels the "Ears and Eyes of the Great King." (Philo. See Lightfoot's Works, Vol. 1, p. 861) The expression is evidently borrowed from the second Book of Chronicles, xvi. 9, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, to show themselves strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfet towards him;" and seems intended to imply that the Supreme Being in the government of this lower world makes use of subordinate agents.</p>
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New World Disorder - 25 jul 2018
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<!-- Origina Source: -->
<p>The world is going into a new world order of disorder. On one side you have the tyrannical power elite with all the money and weapons and on the other side you have the oppressed, the Marxist’s and the Islamist’s. No matter which of these end up in power the outcome will be the attempted destruction of the opposition. I think the world is heading into a great time of disorder. What you have been seeing so far is in the Middle East and North Africa is just act one of a long drama.</p>
<p>Even if many of these nations now in turmoil somehow achieve Democracy, that Democracy will just become a tyranny of the majority with the majority imposing Islamic law, Socialism or Fascism on everyone. So I am afraid that there will be no happy ending to the insurrections that we are now starting to see take place all over the world.</p>
<p>Iran and Marxists have obviously played a part in instigating this surge of popularist uprisings in many nations. But, the beast that they loosed may end up also biting them in the behind.</p>
<p>It will be interesting to see if the tyrants of Iran that have been fostering some of these uprisings will even survive the riots that they will bring on their own heads now that they have opened Pandora’s box. My understanding of Bible prophecy tells me these leaders will not survive. That is why I think Iran is not involved in the war of Psalm 83 even though that war looks quite imminent. The only real question I have is, do the people in Iran overthrow the tyrants of Iran before the bombing or after the bombing?</p>
<p>The Twelver’s now running Iran might think that they are bringing about an Islamic caliphate by stirring up all this trouble in the Middle East, but in reality those that now control Iran will never become the benefactors of any Islamic revolution. They are now living on borrowed time.</p>
<p>Its not just Islam that will see dishevel and disorder. The Socialist nations will also see popularist uprisings. I think we will soon see this in Cuba, Venezuela and N. Korea. Even capitalist progressive nations like the United States will not be immune to civil disorder. The polarization and demonstrations that is now happening in Wisconsin over teacher jobs, pay and benefits is only the start of civil upheaval that will spread all over this nation when state and local governments make cuts. Cuts in spending must be made, but the people effected by the cuts will soon be running in the streets to prevent them. The only alternative for the state and local governments is to raise taxes but that will cause more loss of jobs and a taxpayer revolt. So the end result is much the same.</p>
<p>If the Republicans get their way they will cut jobs, pay and entitlements and then the Democrats will instigate labor rallies that will lead to riots and demand that what they lost be reinstated. If the left prevails there will be insane inflation and a collapse of our economy and that will also bring civil disorder and riots in the streets. We might get a little preview of what is coming if the government actually shuts down next month and entitlement checks and services stop coming because the Democrats and the Republicans cannot agree on a budget to fund government.</p>
<p>It looks like we are heading for two years of gridlock in national government, yet the state governments have to make the cuts now or raise taxes now. So there will be a battle between the taxpayers that want to make cuts and the state and local governments employees that want their jobs and benefits. We have just seen the first example of that demonstrated in Wisconsin. Many other states budgets are in worse shape.</p>
<p>Europe is also heading into turmoil because they have a duel deadly problem. Socialism and Islamic culture and Islamic sponsored terrorism makes upheaval in Europe certain. The right wing backlash is just waiting for a major terrorist event or economic reality. This right wing backlash is going to come suddenly and as it gains traction it will get every bit as brutal as the Nazi’s. Many in Europe are not prepared for a huge rise in right wing nationalism but It is coming as sure as night follows day. People think the world has become more civilized and tolerant in the last 70 year but human nature does not change. Many movements start with good intentions until evil takes over.</p>
<p>Don’t think that China will escape this period of insurrections unscathed either. When much of the rest of the world is in turmoil they are not going to be buying Chinese stuff. How does China keep 1.4 billion people satiated when they are stuck in cities, no longer have jobs and no longer have cheep food?</p>
<p>All this terminal is going to have a negative effect on the world economy. Oil prices are now the highest in two years and they will go much higher if oil production and shipping is disrupted because of the insurrections. It will end any economic recovery in the world and lead to debt defaults in Europe. We already know that raw food prices are doubling because of crop failures. That certainly will cause riots in many poor nations.</p>
<p>When all these people are running in the streets and not working they are not being productive and adding to their GDP’s. This will have a negative impact on the world economy. We could be back into recession before you know it.</p>
<p>The Bible tells us that there is a time for peace and a time for war. Everything seems to run in cycles on earth. We have now entered a time of great disorder and many will die. Will the national insurrections bring about better conditions on earth or will it polarize people into ideologies and factions and cause them to follow narcissist demigods that tell them the things they want to hear? History tells us the latter will happen.</p>
<p>We have seen it before. We have seen it in Germany and Japan in World War II. We have seen it in Russia, N Korea and China and Laos where the Communists killed almost 200 million people in their own nations. We saw it in central America and Africa. Now once again we see the Marxists and Islamist’s are setting the stage for conflicts between conflicting worldviews. This time all these conflicting worldviews will insure that most nations of the world will be involved in the disorder and conflict.</p>
<p>Africa will not escape the internal conflicts they continue all over the continent. The whole Middle East will continue in turmoil. The Far East is heading for trouble because of the hated between Pakistan and India. China, Japan and the Korea’s will have their own conflicts over turf and face. Latin America is becoming increasing unstable thanks once again to rising Marxism and also the drug criminals. The United States is becoming increasing polarized between Left and Right ideologies and it has a debt bomb that cannot be defused. Europe in on the brink of social and economic breakdown because of debt and Islam. Russia is a KGB run thuggery. Anyway you look at it, the world does not have a bright outlook.</p>
<p>As much as some like to think that we are entering into a new world order of civilized managed world government, in reality it appears that globalization has failed and that there will first be a new world disorder before any new world order will rise. Riots and civil insurrections will soon be occurring all over the world, and as new tyrants rise and form new axis of power you can be certain that it will lead to major world wars not very far down the line.</p>
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The Judge is At the Door - 09 nov 2017
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And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. <i>Genesis 22:2</i>
Like Abraham, we must soon bring our Lamb to slaughter. But fear not - for like Isaac, God will spare the innocent sheep who have been marked as one of his flock. God requires this sacrifice to prove our Faith, to show that we are unflinching in our Service to the Lord and his Word.
The time is coming, my friends, when there will be judgment. The Lord has seen fit to send his Angel to us again very soon. I know many of you are nervous and afraid for the days that lie ahead and what they may bring. Do not be frightened by the events that will soon occur. They are but signs that we have reached that for which we have long awaited - the Rapture. Soon all of our souls will be absolved of their sins and we will live in Light and Love in the bosom of our Lord in Heaven. Your fear is but your body - pay it no heed. Instead, listen to your Soul. In there dwells Jesus, in there dwells Our Lord, in their find your succor and comfort, for as the heavens move to reveal his light, our salvation soon comes!
I want to offer my deepest and humblest thanks to those of you who have stuck with us through these many years. Your faith will soon be well rewarded and your patience will soon bear fruit. And to our new congregants, who have seen the light of our Lord shine down upon them, know the Lord has blessed you, to find the way towards the True Light before his judgment sweeps down from on high to remove sin from the world.
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Annointed By God - 22 jan 2016
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Original Source:
5 and 10 Minute Sermons from the Word of God
By Evang. G. E. McTyre, Evangelist Evang. G. E., BHG McTyre BA
<p>There are two you's. One is the flesh, and the other is the spirit. The flesh you, is on the left side, while the spirit you, is on the right. The two, are each battling for the highest position on their respective sides, and if one gets what it wants, then that puts the other, at its lowest point.</p>
<p>Man, being the creature he is, seeks to have the best of both positions, but realizing that he can't, he tries to settle for being middle ground with both. He doesn't want to be too holy, because he woudl look bad, to the world, and he doesn't want to be too worldly, because that woulld mean he wasn't pleasing to God.</p>
<p>But, you see, to God, a person that seeks to get as close to Him as they can, gets blessed more than the one that seeks to stay neutral. And besdies that, the one that stays neutral, might just as well not be trying to be pleasing in His sight, because he is not really committing himself to God, all because he wants that friendship with the world.</p>
<p>As I look around, and see what some peopl ethat claim to be Christians are doing, it is obvious that they think they are doing what God wants them to do, by not being, as some people have said, 'too holy to be any earthly good.'</p>
<p>So they sit in the middle. They don't go to church, and they hang out in the bars. The sing in the choir, and sing for the world. They take the Lord's Supper, then they engage in ungodly activities. All because they want that feeling of being liked by the ungodly.</p>
<p>Throughout His ministry, Jesus achieved everything that God sent Him there to do by putting the Father, and His Will, above all other things, including His own Life.</p>
<p>Jesus loved the ungodly, because those are who He came here for. But He didn't partake in their activities, and try to make Himself look good in their sight, so they would accept Him in their midst.</p>
<p>What He did do was show them that He was a true friend to them, even though He remained pure in God's sight.</p>
<p>You see, the world is lost. They are seeking to make them feel fulfilled. That is why they drink. That is why they do drugs. That is why they involve themselves in all sorts of sexual sin. That is why they lie, steal and gamble. They are looking for satisfaction, and some sense of peace of mind.</p>
<p>When a Christian, who is supposed to have the answer to their problems, starts indulging in the things they do, it says to them 'the God I serve is not sufficient enough for me. I still need what you have.' And that is making God appear to be less than what He is, and that is, 'One that can supply all of your needs, according to His riches in Glory.'</p>
<p>Why should they leave what they are doing, to follow a God, that can't even satisfy you enough to keep you from coming back to them for pleasure?</p>
<p>What made many seek Jesus out was that He had something that they needed. When they were sick, they sought Him out for healing. When they were depressed, they sought Him out for deliverance. When they had tried everything they could, and nothing worked, they sought Him out. And He met their needs. That is waht the true Christian is supposed to show the world.</p>
<p>Jesus said, 'Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.'</p>
<p>Jesus gave us power, 'Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shalll by any means hurt you' to accomplish things that the world needs to see and experience, to know that God is real.</p>
<p>We are the example to the ungodly, of who He is. And many of us are just dropping the ball.</p>
<p>And why is this? One word - preachers.</p>
<p>When I look at some of my fellow ministers, I have to shake my head, because what I see them doing, and hear them saying, tells me which side of the seesaw they are on, and which side they are trying to have lifted up, and in too many instances it is the left side.</p>
<p>Ministers are the ones that should be setting the example for those that are seeking God, to realize the fact that 'Lk 16:13 Ye cannot serve God and mammon.'</p>
<p>But, at every turn, they are out, playing up to them like children trying to please their parents. They go out to see what makes the world happy, and they bring it into the church.</p>
<p>The world likes certain types of music, so the church models its music after theirs. They they bring some of their (the world's) entertainers into the church and have them sing a few selections, which tells their members that they can be in the church, and sing for the world as well. How many artists that are popular with the ungodly came out of the church? I could name a hundred of them, at lleast, but I feel I don't have to because you already know most of them.</p>
<p>The world likes to gamble, so the church bring BINGO in, to give people something to do, as if they can't find something to do, without the church helping to corrupt them. So the members feel that they can go out and gamble at a casino, seeing that their church sponsors trips to Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and other venues of instant poverty.</p>
<p>To be popular with those in the seats of power, they throw their support behind politicians and groups that come up wiht ludicrous ideas to play to the whims of people, in order to be looked on favorably by them. These politicians and groups give them a little play, and they go around preaching the virtues of their (politicians and groups) views, forgetting all about the Word of God.</p>
<p>And you know what makes it worse? When they attack someone that is preaching the uncompromised word of God. All because they want to be approved of by the world. They want to shut him up because he is making them look bad.</p>
<p>Have you ever heard the term "religious right"? The religious right are those that are on the right side of the seesaw. They are the ones that are trying to be pleasing in the sight of God, and have mortified (or put into low regard) their popularity with the world.</p>
<p>Now, have you heard of the "religious left"? Probably not, because the world is in love with them, because they are their friends, They are the ones on the left side of the seesaw. They have left the paths of righteousness and even common sense. The world is going headlong towards destruction, and even many of them that are not even thinking about God know they are going in the wrong direction. Their (these preachers) goal is to be praised and rewarded by those that are the enemies of God.</p>
<p>When we have examples like this, no wonder we don't see any of the things Jesus said He has given us being manifested in their churches.</p>
<p>The bible says, 'Isa 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.' To put it more simply, if they are not annointed by God, then there is no power in them to break the yokes of bondage to sin and therefore no delilverance for the people.</p>
<p>Some will say, 'but these are ministers, pastors, and bishops that you are talking about.' That's right. But just because they are doesn't mean they are God's ministers. '2 Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 2 Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.' Just because a man has a title in a supposed church does not mean they are annointed by God. A 100% dyed in the wool atheist can become a pastor or bishop if they follow all of the procedures necessary to obtain that position in a particular church or denomination. They can go to college, and get a degree, and in the minds of the world that is all that is needed. So they get their degree from the world and think they are qualified to speak for a God that they don't even believe exists.</p>
<p>Those of you who have heard by sermons know the difference. Those of you who have read <a href="book.html">The Book of the Passover Angel</a> know the difference. You know the Truth Faith of Our Lord. Do not be deceived by the False Church - God has revealed to us the true Path to Salvation! We are truly Annointed By God!</p>
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The Time Has Come! - 26 jun 2014
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<p>The end is come. Behold, it is come!</p>
<p>It is quite clear to us now. We have seen in the stars that the Angel is near.</p>
<p>Do read carefully… Directed by the Lord through his servant, the Passover Angel, I have seen the signs. I am very urgently calling a solemn assembly for God's chosen gather in our Chapel to witness the coming of the Lord's Wrath, the beginning of the Rapture, and the erasure of Sin from the Earth. A gathering in Spirit and Power. Asking all that read these words will pray as to the Father’s will for your salvation. The time is coming soon, so prepare yourselves, mark your doorposts, save your firstborn from God's Holy Wrath as visited upon as as the God's Angel descends upon the Black Wind to slay all sinners.</p>
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