Guidlines on how not to be a dick to your team.
Did the team member submit materials to the team by the deadlines agreed upon within the team, or did the team member miss some/all deadlines and hold up progress for the rest of the team?
Score | Description |
25 | All material delivered on time.1 |
20 | Met most deadlines, missed a few. Delays did not majorly hurt the group. |
15 | Missed important deadline that hurt the group, missing deadlines was not unusual. |
0 | More than 30% of deadlines missed. Important deadlines missed. |
1. If the group agrees the task was much more difficult than previously known, or if the group collectively agrees the task was too much for one person in the given time, exceptions may be made. If this is the case, the group member assigned this task must bring it up before the deadline.
Did the team member produce good quality output, given the circumstances of the work, or did the team member produce lower quality work items which you felt were substandard?
Score | Description |
25 | Work and comments meet expectations2 of the group. If group points out improvements are necessary, team member does not push refactoring / re-commenting off to others. |
20 | Work was average, sometimes had to be re-done. Comments required improvement. Team member sometimes disagreed with the group and refused to make suggested3 improvements. Few / bad comments. |
15 | Work sub-par, team member refused to improve their code / has other team members do so for him. |
0 | Team member refused to work more than 30% of the time. |
2. Expectations differ between languages and nature of the project. Expectations are referring to that person's task, not general un-changing expectations set once.
3. Suggestions may be ignored at the discretion of the team member in question, arguments are ok, but if the rest of the decides a suggestion should occur it becomes obligatory.
Did the team member actively participate in discussions, timely response to emails and other communications?
Score | Description |
25 | Team member generally responded to communications within a timely manner 4 |
20 | Team member has on multiple occasions not responded to messages within a timely manner. |
15 | Team member generally responded, though frequently not in a timely manner. |
0 | Team member did not communicate more than 30% of the time. |
4. Timely manner's meaning changes depending on when the message was sent. Weekends where no meetings were planned for example would be more forgiving than the day before a massive deadline. Timely manner must also take into account the team member in question's schedule. For example, if the team member works on Saturdays for eight hours then has club activities, it may be unreasonable to expect a response on Saturday. This can be decided by the group on a case by case basis...
Score | Description |
25 | Team member is concstructive during meetings. Does not waste everyone's time. Active contribution is given when appropriate.5 Constructive arguments are allowed. Respect when the team makes a decision and do not argue a settled issue if the teams asks you to drop it. Attempts to avoid distracting group meetings, minor isolated slip ups will be forgiven. |
20 | Generally is constructive during meetings, though sometimes appears as if he is at the meeting simply to have satisfied the requiremnt. Frequently distracts the group on an irrelevant tangent, enough to lengthen meetings. Does not disctract the group enough to hurt the groups. |
15 | Generally is not very constructive during meetings. Often distracts the group enough to hurt the group's productivity |
0 | Team member distracts the group or does not contribute to group meetings more than 30% of the time. |
5. Appropriate is determiend by the group based on the situation. Sometimes being passive may be beneficial, such as if the discussion is about a topic you are not knowlege-able about.