This repository is not accepting new templates. See Stack documentation for instructions on providing templates to your users, for example, by publishing them on GitHub or an arbitrary URL.
Each project template is specified in an .hsfiles
file, using the syntax of
the Mustache tool.
Each file to be generated by the project template is specified with
, like this:
{-# START_FILE {{name}}.cabal #-}
name: {{name}}
Parameters to the template are written {{foo}}
. They are provided by users via
their Stack config.yaml
file, like this:
author-email: [email protected]
author-name: Chris Done
copyright: 2022 Chris Done
github-username: chrisdone
category: Development
When the user runs stack new myproject yourtemplate
and they do not have the
parameters provided in their Stack config.yaml
, Stack will warn the user that
such parameters were missing, like this:
Downloading template "yourtemplate" to create project "myproject" in myproject/ ...
The following parameters were needed by the template but not provided: author-email, author-name
You can provide them in <path to config.yaml>, like this:
author-email: value
author-name: value
Or you can pass each one as parameters like this:
stack new myproject yourtemplate -p "author-email:value" -p "author-name:value"
The output of the template will yield a blank space where your parameter was. If you want to provide default values for your template parameters, use this Mustache syntax:
author: {{author-name}}{{^author-name}}Author name here{{/author-name}}
The repository (unconnected with
this repository) provides Haskell source code to build an application that
will generate an .hsfiles
file from the contents of a folder.
When contributing a new template, please remember to add a corresponding entry
to template-info.yaml
. Additional descriptive information for the template may
be provided, but is not required.
The Yesod templates are generated from the yesod-scaffold repo. Please send pull requests for those templates to that repository instead of this one.