A collection of custom html elements I found on the internet to use them in my web/tauri application projects
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio buttons
- List selector
- Tabs
- Textarea
- User text input
- Range slider
- Dialog window
- Color picker
- Progress bar
- Spiner loaders
- Expandable details
- Mouse selection box
- Table
- Right Click context menu
- Implement theme manager
- Changing class names for some elements
- Making easier to use some of the ui elements
- ✅ Publishing the html page Link Here
- Adding the merged css components and js utils too
- Minimizing css code and js code (only for the full component merge)
- ✅ Hostig the scripts with CDN
- ✅ Adding all the cdn links to the web page
- Adapting the ui scale to mobile
- Video/Audio contents (not sure if these are needed)
- ✅ Table
- ✅ Expandable details
- Alert notifications with sounds
- ✅ Right Click context menu (requested by NotKatsu)
- Download or copy the links of the required components
- Open
with any browser to preview and choose the ui elements
- Button: made by idiotWu Source
- Checkbox: made by maede tehrani Source
- Toggle switch type: made by miladd3 Source
- Radio buttons: made by Temani Afif Source
- List selector: made by Sam Murphey Source
- Tabs: made by Envato Tuts+ Source
- Textarea: made by Dom Source
- User text input: made by WDS Source
- Range slider: made by Ahmed Badran Source
- Dialog window: made by ZulNs, FrankBuchholz Source
- Color picker: made by: Sefiane Chouaib Source
- Progress bar: made by WDS Source
- Expandable details: made by Elior Tabeka Source
- Spiner loaders: made by me using Loading.io
- Mouse selection box: made by: Simonwep Source
- Table: made by: Nikhli Krishnan Source
- Context Menu: made by: CodingNepal Source