This package is intended as what the students are aiming for when performing the reorganization of their code to use the ATLAS CMake macros.
Note that in this case, you should clone the repository recursively
git clone --recursive
(NOTE : The precise repository may not be the same if the user is using their own space.)
In either case, the user should start by pulling the ATLAS AnalysisBase:21.2.75
docker image
and entering into the docker image as below
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/home/atlas/Bootcamp atlas/analysisbase:21.2.75 bash
which will place the entire file structure within the /home/atlas/Bootcamp
of the image. Go one level above the directory of the repository and create a build directory.
In this directory, perform the CMake configuration and compilation
cd ../v5-cmakemodule
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../source
which will produce a locally executable AnalysisPayload
The output file contains histograms with the number of jets and the dijet invariant mass of the two leading jets. Both historams are created for the following selections
- All jets in the event
- Jets passing the selection pT>50 GeV and |eta|<2.5
- All calibrated jets in the event
- Calibrated jets passing the selection pT>50 GeV and |eta|<2.5