A simple discord bot to check if there are any differences in between your ships cargohold and their intended state (drugs missing, no capboosters etc.).
If you want to set up this bot quickly, you can use the following invite link.
Type !help
to see all commands and !auth
to authorize a character.
For any things regarding maintenance I will try to notify people on my community discord sever.
Since we need to connect to both ESI and discord, the setup is sadly somewhat complicated. This furtherr assumes that you run a traefik container already for reverse-proxy for docker containers.
TLDR: Create an env file and fill it in with the CCP and Discord info, then run with docker compose.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/14rynx/hangar-bot.git
Copy the .env file from the example
cp .env.example .env
Head over to the Discord Developers Website and create yourself an application.
- Go to the "Bot" section and reset the token, then copy the new one. Put it in the .env file (
). - Enable the "Message Content Intent" in the Bot section.
- Invite your bot to your server in the "OAuth2" section. In the URL Generator, click on "Bot" and then further down "Send Messages" and "Read Mesasges/View Channels". Follow the generated URL and add the bot to your server.
- Go to the "Bot" section and reset the token, then copy the new one. Put it in the .env file (
Head over to the Eve onlone Developers Page and create yourself an application.
- Under "Application Type" select "Authentication & API Access"
- Under "Permissions" add `esi-corporations.read_structures.v1
- Under "Callback URL" set
(obviously replace your domain)
Now view the application and copy the values
to your .env file. -
Start the container
docker-compose up -d --build
This bot can automatically fetch your current requirements from an url. In order for that to work the url must return the raw yaml content. For example you can put your requirements into a github gist and then update it remotely. For this to work you can use the following url: